Entries by FreshHeads

The Lifespan of Lice

Pediculus humanus capitis, the head louse, is an insect of the order Psocodea and is an ectoparasite whose only host are humans. The louse feeds on blood several times daily and resides close to the scalp to maintain its body temperature. These terms may seem intimidating but for the team of lice specialists at Fresh […]

Lice Happens; How You Can Get Rid of It and Move On

If you have a young child, then unfortunately you’re probably more than familiar with head lice. Head lice for school-age children is as common as the common cold. While there are no life threatening diseases that come from head lice, there are significant emotional and mental stresses that impact both the child and parent. Also, […]

When Should You Go to A Lice Removal Clinic?

When your child has head lice a wave of stress rushes over you, causing your mind to spin in every direction. Especially as parents, we try to do everything in our power to make sure our children are safe and comfortable, so when head lice are the next big problem we feel the need to […]

What Are Lice Eggs?

If you or someone in your family has head lice, it’s only a matter of time before they have lice eggs in their hair too. These tiny lice eggs are called nits. If you have a fresh case of head lice, there may not be any nits attached to the roots of your hair yet, […]

Stop Using Chemicals to Treat Head Lice

There are a variety of ways that people have tried to cure head lice in the past. Mayonnaise and peanut butter are what come to mind for most, but recently parents have been trying a few more extreme options to rid their family of these stubborn critters. It is a common misbelief that things like […]

Does race and hair type matter?

While this may seem like a silly question to some, it is one of the most lice-related searches on the internet. When it comes to trying to find a new host, lice aren’t picky, and will at least attempt to spread to any race, gender, or hair type they can, but as turns out there […]

The Truth Behind Why You Get Lice?

Lice are transferred by head-to-head contact. This means lice only transfer from one head to another if the two heads touch. When you or a loved one realize you might have lice, you can learn how to check yourself for lice or reach out to an expert to treat it immediately. Here are a few […]

Do the Seasons Changing Affect Lice Activity?

The short answer is no, lice are not a seasonal bug. This pesky problem can, unfortunately, make an appearance at any time. You should know everything about treatment options and signs of lice no matter what season.  Head-To-Head Contact  Lice are spread when heads are touching, and lice can crawl from one head onto another […]