What Do Parents Need to Know About Super Lice?

What Do Parents Need to Know About Super Lice?

When the word “super” is in front of the name of a bug, it automatically makes you know it’s not your average insect. Superbugs, or types of bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. that can’t be resolved with medication, are a major public health hazard because they are hard to treat. As superbugs have evolved, they have grown more and more resistant — causing the medical community to constantly search for new ways to deal with widespread common illnesses. 

Lice are no exception to superbugs. Known as super lice, these pests are notorious for being difficult to get rid of. In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about detecting and treating super lice. 

What Are Super Lice? 

If you’re a parent, you’ve undoubtedly heard of head lice. They are blood-sucking, small insects that can either be a gray color or red and live in hair almost anywhere on the body. Their eggs, called nits, are tiny and easily confused for a dry scalp or dandruff. Super lice have the same body structure, color, and characteristics as typical lice but are resistant to most common lice treatments. 

Because of this, doing regular lice checks for school-age children or people that are around large crowds is vital. Kids can get head lice from head-to-head contact, usually at school, after-school clubs, or other large gatherings.  

Why Are Super Lice More Common Now Than In The Past? 

The term “super lice” was coined after a study published in 2015 discovered that head lice were beginning to become resistant to the chemicals used in lice treatment. At this point, treatment-resistant lice were only identified in 25 states in the U.S. Researcher Kyong Yoon, PhD, who was a part of the American Chemical Society and on staff at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville at the time of the research, was the first to report this phenomenon in the 21st century. Previous research was much smaller than the 109 lice populations surveyed by Yoon and his team. 

Super lice are the most resistant to pyrethroids, which are chemicals found frequently in bug sprays and insecticides. While they effectively treat some types of lice, long-term exposure can be potentially hazardous to your health. 

But what causes this level of resistance? Like many antibiotics used to treat viruses, lice develop a sort of “immunity” against medications after being exposed to them for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, this is becoming more common as time goes on.  

Now, almost 10 years after Yoon’s study in 2015, they are present in all 48 contiguous states. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Super Lice? 

While the most common symptom associated with the presence of lice is an itchy head, itching can sometimes take weeks to be present. In the meantime, the lice infestation can grow exponentially. 

Other symptoms of super lice are 

    • White or gray “flakes” on the scalp: Lice are often confused with dandruff. If you notice that your scalp is extra itchy and dry, or see white or gray flakes that aren’t usually there, check for lice immediately. 
    • A rash: It’s normal for a rash to develop when you have lice. Red, itchy bumps will appear, especially if you’re scratching your head frequently or the lice are left untreated for a long time. These rashes can lead to swollen lymph nodes or sores near the edges of the hair. In some cases, it even leads to infection. 
    • Trouble sleeping: Because lice are the most active at night and in low light, you might have difficulty falling or staying asleep. Going without sleep can lead to increased anxiety, depression, fatigue, and other mental or physical health struggles.

If your child begins to experience any of these symptoms, get checked for lice as soon as possible. Using a fine-tooth comb or a magnifying glass, look closely at the scalp to see if you can see small, moving insects or nits crawling around. 

How Are They Treated? 

Here’s what you need to know about treating super lice: 

  • Trying to eliminate lice with a fine-tooth comb is not only time-consuming, but it is also ineffective. While you may remove many of the adult bugs and most nits, if you miss just one nit, the infestation continues.
  • Lice cannot survive off of their host, so while you may feel inclined to wash sheets and clothes, driving yourself crazy isn’t totally necessary. Lice need blood to survive, so they will die within 3-4 days without it. 
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) products will not work. In fact, the toxins and chemicals in these treatments can be harmful to your child. These treatments are ineffective against super lice — leaving many parents at a loss of what to do. 

Since the discovery of super lice, professionals have had to develop more intense head lice treatment methods. Despite their name, they aren’t indestructible. One of the best treatment methods for super lice is AirAllé. This treatment lasts about 30 minutes and uses a hairdryer-like device to blow the lice outside the insulating layer of the hair, which is the closest layer to the scalp. You can get this treatment at one of our conveniently located lice removal clinics. 

How Do I Find A Lice Removal Clinic? 

If your child has super lice, finding head lice treatment can be a challenge. 

Fresh Heads Head Lice Treatment Center is a lice removal clinic in Orlando, FL. Since we opened, we’ve been winning awards for our top-of-the-line care. With offers like a 45-day re-treatment policy and the quickest single lice removal treatment available, you can’t go wrong. In just under 90 minutes, your family can be lice-free. Plus, there’s no additional follow-up needed. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

How Long Do Lice Live?

How Long Do Lice Live?

If you’ve ever had the misfortune of experiencing a head lice infestation, you know full well how difficult it can be to get rid of. You may have tried a number of the creative tricks and home remedies, to varying degrees of success, in your early attempts at evicting these unwanted tenants, and were left frustrated by how quickly they seemed to return. Head lice are quick, durable, and elusive little parasites that have evolved to resist the old pesticides that we grew up with, and can lay eggs up to eight times a day. So just how long do lice live on their own? In this article, we will discuss the lifespan of head lice and address some of the common myths associated with them.

The Lifespan of Head Lice

Head lice are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of their host. Since they are a form of parasite, they will absolutely require a host in order to survive, and lucky for us, the specific breed of louse that we know as head lice will only choose a human head to make itself at home. While living on the hair and scalp of a human host, a single louse will see an average lifespan of up to 30 days. But how long do lice live off the head? Head lice like to travel, and the transition from host to host can’t be smooth all of the time. If they manage to end up on other surfaces such as hats, pillows, clothing, or furniture, which usually happens by accident while searching for a new host, they will only survive for 1 or 2 days at the most. This is why it is in their nature to actively seek out a host and do their best to avoid inhospitable environments.

Common Head Lice Myths

Before you begin burning furniture or throwing away clothes, let’s address some of the common myths you may be familiar with regarding head lice and how they spread. Firstly, the most common way for head lice to spread to a new host is by head-to-head contact. Head lice do not jump, fly, or swim from person to person, and as mentioned, they can only survive for a day or two away from a human host. You may have also heard that simple at-home remedies can take care of the problem for little-to-no expense, such as applying mayonnaise to the infested hair, or excessive combing and blow drying the hair will burn them alive and yank them out. While this can be true for any of the adult lice you managed to target with these methods of extreme prejudice, it will not have any effect on their eggs (or nits). As mentioned previously, adult lice will lay eggs up to eight times a day. These nits appear as tiny little sacs, and they are attached to the hair follicles close to the base of the scalp. Due to their size and color, they are very difficult to detect with the naked eye, but most importantly, they will be able to endure any attempts at smothering, burning, freezing, and gratuitous combing. The only method that is proven to eliminate a lice infestation with 100% efficiency is physical removal by a professional.

Fresh Heads Lice Professionals in Savannah, GA

Head lice are a serious nuisance and can be a major disruption to your everyday life, and can potentially impact your entire community. If you or someone you know is in need of lice removal in Savannah, GA, please do not hesitate to contact a professional.  Fresh Heads Head Lice Treatment Center is a lice removal clinic that eliminates head lice without the use of harsh chemicals by using its patented AirAllé lice removal technology. This method is scientifically proven to completely remove the presence of head lice with a 100% guarantee, and we also provide valuable advice for care and prevention to help keep your hair lice-free in the future. To learn more, please visit our website and schedule your appointment with us today.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Can You Get Lice In Your Beard?

Can You Get Lice In Your Beard?

Having facial hair is something that many men take pride in, but it also comes with a lot of upkeep. When it comes to maintaining a beard, going above and beyond to ensure it’s clean is essential.  This includes watching out for lice. You don’t think about head lice living in areas other than the hair on your head. But have you ever wondered – can you get lice in your beard? 

Can Lice Live in Beards? 

You’ve probably heard the myth that lice can’t live anywhere other than near the scalp. While that’s where you’ll usually find nits (lice eggs), they can also spread to other places where hair grows or to other parts of your body. Beards are a place lice may choose as their home because it’s not a far journey from your scalp. However, it’s not necessarily their most common place to gravitate to. 

So why might you find lice in your beard? To survive and reproduce, lice only need a small amount of hair. Specifically, less than half an inch is all they require. They don’t need much besides hair and human blood; if they can’t get to the hair on your head, they’ll settle for anything close to it where they can get the nutrients they need. You’ll know they’re there if you feel an itching sensation and all the same symptoms as traditional head lice. 

How Do You Treat Lice in Beards? 

If you’ve discovered nits in your beard, chances are they’re in your hair, too. The first step in treating lice in this area is to thoroughly check all over your body to determine exactly where their eggs are. It’s also essential to figure out what type of lice you’re dealing with. 

After that, treating beard lice is essentially the same as treating head lice. It is best to seek professional help. Here at Fresh Heads we have several treatments offered at all of our locations. Whatever you do, do not shave your beard. If lice end up in your beard, the length of your beard doesn’t matter, so shaving off your beard won’t do you any good – which can be a relief if that’s not an option for you. 

Lice Treatment in Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA 

Are you dealing with lice in your beard? If so, the Fresh Heads Lice Removal team can help. We offer the longest warranty in the lice removal industry, with a 45-day re-treatment policy, because we understand what it’s like to deal with a recurring lice problem. To make treatment more feasible for you, all our procedures are under 90 minutes.  

Schools Without Lice 

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to eliminate lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Which Lice Treatment Option is For You?

Which Lice Treatment Option is For You?

Do you have lice? Or have you had lice before and want to stay prepared if it happens again? If so, you should start exploring different lice treatments. Nits, the tiny lice eggs that end up in your hair or on your body, can grow extremely fast. However, they are easy to get rid of if treated correctly. Here are some of the treatment options you can choose from. 

Home Remedies Just Don’t Work

Home remedies for lice typically include over-the-counter sprays and shampoos. These treatments are not only ineffective, but they also are toxic and full of chemicals. To ensure getting rid of lice entirely, your best, toxin-free option is a lice treatment with the experts at Fresh Heads. The Fresh Heads kit comes with a non-toxic topical rinse application, a professional-grade nit comb, 10-day at-home combing instructions, and professional consultation. 

Professional Treatments at Fresh Heads 

A traditional comb-out is a common lice treatment method. After spraying a topical solution on wet hair, our professionals use a nit comb to sift out head lice easily without having to search endlessly in the hair. Instead of trying this at home, our professional team can do a much more thorough job and reduce your risk of missing nits. 

Higher-grade lice removal procedures, like our AirAlle treatment, is the most popular option for those who don’t want to deal with multiple treatments. AirAlle uses extended exposure to warm, dry air to exterminate all the lice and nits in the hair. Our treatments come with a 45-day guarantee and do not require a follow-up. 

Taking Preventative Measures 

In addition to treating lice as it appears, taking preventative measures is equally as important. Getting regular head checks, learning about how to clean your home properly, and hair care are all things you can do to reduce your risk of having a severe lice outbreak in the future. While you can always have lice, it doesn’t have to be a disaster to get rid of. Our protection plan is the perfect way to have peace of mind about your access to lice treatment. 

Visit A Lice Professional Today in Jacksonville For A Lice Treatment! 

Are you ready to figure out which lice treatment is best for you? Finding quality lice treatment isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Plus, when you, your child, or another loved one has a head lice infestation, you don’t exactly have time to search through dozens of providers. At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we offer safe and effective treatments at our locations in Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA. Each of our clinics provides you access to quality lice care to relieve your symptoms quickly, helping you stay lice-free! 

To address the problem of lice in schools, we partner with the Lice Clinics of America to run our Schools Without Lice program. This program helps to ensure that nurses and teachers have the resources and treatments they need to deal with lice outbreaks in their schools. 

If you’re looking for lice treatment, contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about what we offer.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Don't Be Embarrassed! Having Lice Is Common & Does Not Correlate With Hygiene

Don’t Be Embarrassed! Having Lice Is Common & Does Not Correlate With Hygiene

It can be uncomfortable to talk about having lice, but it is nothing to be embarrassed about. This misconception is that only dirty people get head lice but this is not the truth at all. 6 to 12 million American school children become infested with lice, so why does the stigma surrounding these critters still exist?

Head Lice Does Not Mean Poor Hygiene

Most head lice infestations occur in school-aged children who are around many other children all day. Because these children are often in close quarters and have trouble staying in their own “bubbles”, head lice can be easily transferred from head to head through direct contact. This does not mean your child is not bathing properly.

Washing or Cutting Your Hair Does Not Prevent Lice

Lice do not care how often you wash your hair. Even cutting your hair does not prevent lice as they live on the scalp. There are some shampoos and conditioners that can help soothe the scalp as the infestation grows, but these should be purchased at a lice clinic to ensure they are safe and effective.

Longer hair does attract head lice more often because the critters have more to hold onto, but this is not to say that those with short hair cannot be infested just as easily. If you do have long hair, it may be helpful to pull your hair back and keep it out of your face to reduce your risk of infestation.

How Did I Get Lice?

Lice is only transferred from head-to-head contact. Since small children are in such close contact, it is more common that they are the group to become infested first. From there, parents and family members may also become infested with head lice through direct contact.

Adults who live with these small children are at a higher risk of infestation than adults who are not frequently around children. However, adults can also pass head lice to other adults through head-to-head contact. 

How To Get Rid of Lice Fast? Contact A Professional! 

Those who have a higher risk of a lice infestation should check their scalp if they begin to experience symptoms such as intense scalp itching. If you or a family member find that you are dealing with a lice infestation, it is important to get a head lice treatment from a professional clinic. Our clinics at Fresh Heads Lice Removal are proud to offer safe and effective treatments in 3 convenient locations. Our clinics in Jacksonville, FL, Savannah, GA and Orlando, FL are here to help you and your family return to a lice free life.

Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

What Do Nits Look Like?

What Do Nits Look Like?

Lice are not always easy to find on the scalp and may go unnoticed for a while before other symptoms of infestation start to arise. But if you notice a nit on your scalp or in your hair, what are the next steps?

What Are Nits?

Nits are lice eggs and are a sign that there is a head lice infestation occurring. Because female lice can lay up to 10 eggs again, you may notice the nits before you see any lice crawling through your scalp. However, if there is a presence of nits, there is also a presence of adult lice. Once the nits hatch, the infestation can worsen, so it is important to treat both the lice and the eggs to prevent the spreading and worsening of your infestation.

How Do I Identify Nits?

Nits will look like small ovals found close to the scalp. They appear very light or white in color and attach onto the hair. Because they are “glued” to the hair, they can be difficult to remove and are not easily brushed out. Nit combs can be helpful in removing these eggs but it may require other treatments to rid them from your scalp completely. 

What Should I Do If I See Nits in My Hair?

It is important to treat nits and lice at the first sign of infestation. If you see what looks like lice nits in your hair, you should contact your local lice clinic. They will be able to determine if it is a nit or if it is something unrelated. These eggs can sometimes be confused with dandruff when they are especially tiny so to test if it is a nit, you can attempt to remove it from the hair. If it sticks, it is likely a nit. 

How Do I Treat Nits? Book an Appointment With Fresh Heads!

Once you have identified nits in your hair, it is time for a lice treatment. At Fresh Heads, we have locations in Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL and Savannah, GA ready to help you return to a lice free life. Our innovative lice removal and prevention methods allow you to leave our office the same day, life-free without follow ups. We do not use pesticides, chemicals or toxins in our AirAlle lice treatment, so you can be sure your childrens’ heads are safe. Contact us today to make an appointment or to learn about ways we can help you and your family!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

What are the Main Differences Between Head Lice and Body Lice?

What are the Main Differences Between Head Lice and Body Lice?

When most people think of lice, they automatically assume head lice. However, there is another type of lice, known as body lice. While they may have some similarities, body lice is not quite the same, nor does it require the same type of treatment. So what are the differences between these two?

How To Identify Body Lice

In general, body lice are slightly smaller than head lice and are mainly found on clothing and attached to the body only when actively feeding. They can be spread by direct contact with items that carry the lice, such as bedding, clothing, and towels. Since they do not live on the body, you may not see them on your body but may see the bites they leave behind.

Body lice can cause you intense itching from their bites and you may also notice small areas of blood where you have been bitten. Body lice are also much less common than head lice and tend to infect those who are living in crowded, unclean conditions. These lice can also spread disease. This includes areas such as homeless shelters, crowded dwellings or refugee camps. To rid yourself of body lice, medication and treatment are not typically necessary, as improvement of hygiene is known to get rid of these critters.

Head Lice Are More Common

Head lice are larger than body lice, but are very similar in appearance.  Head lice cannot jump or fly but crawls from one host to another through head to head contact. These lice are primarily found on school aged children but can affect adults as well and while they may look scary, head lice are not known to transmit diseases. 

Head lice is much more common than body lice. In fact, over 6 to 12 million infestations occur in the US to children alone. Medication and professional treatment is recommended for head lice removal. Thankfully, treatments have come a long way over the past few decades and it is much easier today to get back to your normal lifestyle by seeking help from a professional.

Head Lice Removal in Jacksonville, Fl!

Before you head to your local head lice removal center, be sure to check out the differences between body and head lice. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact us for further assistance. Our Jacksonville, FL team is proud to provide science-based head lice treatment to kill both head lice and their eggs using heated air. Without chemicals or pesticides, you can be sure that your family is in the best of hands and can return to a lice free life!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

It May Not Be Lice; Other Reasons Your Scalp Could Be Itching

It May Not Be Lice; Other Reasons Your Scalp Could Be Itching

For anyone who has suffered from an itchy scalp, you know how disruptive, distracting, and debilitating it can be to your everyday life. The cause could be a variety of different problems, and while head lice do rank as one of the more common causes of an itchy scalp, they are not always the culprit. So, how do you know if it is lice, or something more severe? In this article, we will go over some of the telltale signs of head lice along with evidence of other reasons your scalp may be itching.

Allergies Or Head Lice

Allergies find numerous ways of manifesting and disrupting the lives of patients. Many people are forced to find methods of coping with the typical watery eyes and aggravated sinuses that come with seasonal allergies while others struggle with more severe reactions, many of which require medical treatment. Common alergy reactions include itchy scalp. These outbreaks often occur as the result of certain hair dyes or hair care products containing chemicals the users are allergic to, and the resulting itch can be unbearable. While head lice cause itch with their hooklike legs and the bites they leave on the scalp, they do not typically result in a rash or allergic reaction. If you experience such symptoms, it is always recommended to stop using your hair care products and seek the help of a licensed physician.

Eggs Or Dandruff

With allergies and underlying medical conditions aside, some of us are simply cursed with a dry scalp and experience the effects of an itchy scalp on a regular basis. The most common signs of a dry scalp are the small white flakes known as dandruff appearing in your hair and on your clothes, and the symptoms can typically be alleviated with a simple store-bought shampoo. Head lice, on the other hand, like to lay eggs in hair in small tight-woven bundles referred to as nits. Nits are found around the roots of the hair just a few millimeters above the scalp, and they are so tightly woven that removal requires a fine-toothed comb. Click this article to read more about these differences.

What Do I Do If It Is Head Lice?

Lice can reproduce and spread very quickly. If you suspect that head lice are causing your symptoms, visit the Fresh Heads website to schedule an appointment for lice removal treatment as soon as possible. Our treatment is different from others you may have seen before, we do not use any toxins or chemicals to get rid of lice. At Fresh Heads, we use our patented, FDA-approved AirAlle treatment that uses heated air to kill head lice and the nits they leave behind. If you are looking for lice treatment in Orlando, FL, then look no further than Fresh Heads. We also have locations available in Jacksonville, FL, and Savannah, GA with certified professionals standing by ready to help.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Fall Sports And Head Lice

Fall Sports And Head Lice

Now that school is back in session, it is time for both fall sports and head lice season to begin again. The high contact involvement necessary for fall sports can be fun during the match, but it can also create an environment that lends itself to spreading issues such as staph infection and head lice. The only way for head lice to travel to new hosts is via direct head-to-head contact. Due to the high levels of direct contact in sports, the players are at a higher risk of catching and spreading head lice. Whether you are competing in soccer, cross country, football, cheerleading, or lacrosse this fall, it is important to understand head lice, how they spread, and what you can do to prevent them this season.

What Are Head Lice

Head lice are small parasites that live in the hair of human hosts. These blood-eating insects lay eggs, called nits, on the hairs of their victims and cause intense itching. About 1-3 millimeters in size, these bugs range from off-white to dark grey. Their eggs are yellow or white and take only 8-9 days to hatch, so if you know you have lice, it is important to take care of them before you have an infestation on your hands. Not only will the itching be hard to bear, but head lice can lead to serious bacterial infections if they are not taken care of quickly.

How Do Lice Spread?

It can feel risky to share hats, helmets, and other gear for fear of catching a case of head lice, but thankfully for us, this is not how lice spread. Head lice have evolved to live in human hair, and outside of it, they do not fare well. Once a louse has left the scalp, they are mostly immobile and die after just a few hours. The only way the lice can spread is through direct head-to-head contact.

How To Prevent Head Lice This Season

The best way to prevent the spread of lice is to be mindful of head-to-head contact. Team huddles are a good way to discuss strategy but they can also provide head lice with the opportunity they need to hop over a head or two. During huddles, be mindful of head-to-head contact and avoid it if you can. Another way to reduce your likelihood of catching head lice is by putting your hair up. Wearing braids, buns, or headbands are all good ways to keep your hair out of harm’s way.

Find Lice Removal Near You in Orlando FL

Fresh Heads is dedicated to giving your child the safest, fastest, and most effective treatments. Our chemical-free AirAlle head lice machine guarantees a head lice-free scalp in under 90 minutes. If you or one of your family members catches lice this season, book an appointment to get rid of lice and get back in the game. Our award-winning science-based head lice treatment is what makes us the number-one choice for local families. To find out more, you can book an appointment online, or visit us at one of our locations in Jacksonville, Fl, Orlando, FL, or Savannah, GA.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Head Lice Advice: Back to School Edition

Head Lice Advice: Back to School Edition

After a long summer filled with physical activities, cases of head lice can spike. Head lice spread from head-to-head contact, so if your child ever was in close contact and touched heads with someone then lice have a chance to be on their heads. Most people never think much of that interaction and just send their kids off to school without knowing that they have lice, and then the lice start spreading around at school. This is why checking for lice in your child’s hair fairly often is important.

How Lice Becomes A Problem

Usually during the summer kids have a little more free time to participate in some fun activities. This can be many things like summer camp, sports, swimming, and many other physical activities. During these events, lice can easily spread by any kind of head-to-head contact. Then the thought of lice usually slips parents’ minds and they don’t check for lice. After that, your child returns back to school not thinking anything is wrong because they cannot see anything wrong. Ultimately a lice infestation might break out. Lice spreading at school can definitely be prevented by checking the kids for lice as often as possible.

What To Do When The School Calls

Now that we’ve talked about how lice can become a problem, let’s talk about what to do when your child actually gets lice during the school year. So, your childs school has just called and you got the bad news, your child has lice. You have to leave work and are in a panic, you’re not sure what to do next and it has completely thrown off the whole day. First thing is first, remain calm and pick your child up from school. Keep in mind that lice can only be spread by head-to-head contact and try to remember who your child has been in close contact with recently. Next, it’s best to skip the ineffective and toxic over-the-counter products and immediately call your nearest Fresh Heads. All you need is one treatment and your child is good to go back to school the next day. 

Professional Head Lice Removal in Savannah, Georgia

Here at Fresh Heads, we provide a professional head lice removal service. We are actually home to the best lice treatment method in the business. It is our patented AirAlle treatment that uses heated air to kill head lice and nits. If you are interested in our location in Savannah, GA, or our others in Jacksonville and Orlando, Fl, then contact us today. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!