Stop Using Chemicals to Treat Head Lice

Stop Using Chemicals to Treat Head Lice

There are a variety of ways that people have tried to cure head lice in the past. Mayonnaise and peanut butter are what come to mind for most, but recently parents have been trying a few more extreme options to rid their family of these stubborn critters. It is a common misbelief that things like swimming in a chlorinated pool or bleaching your hair will be able to kill the lice, but unfortunately, this is not the case. Many of the chemical products on the market, prescription or not, are harmful to the body and should not be used for lice treatment. Here are a few of the chemicals that are being used to treat head lice and the effects that they can have on the body.

Does alcohol kill lice?

While it is true that some types of alcohol can kill lice, it’s a little more complicated than it sounds. Benzyl alcohol used to be prescribed to kill head lice in patients from the age of 6 months to 60 years. Most people would suspect that the alcohol would poison the lice or make them let go of the hair shaft, but it was actually used to suffocate them. The main drawback is that this treatment is not ovicidal, meaning it does not kill the lice eggs, which makes it an ineffective head lice treatment. 

Does bleach kill lice?

Though bleach does contain very powerful chemicals, including hydrogen peroxide, ammonium persulfate, and stearyl alcohol, it cannot effectively kill head lice or their eggs. Attempting to use it as a treatment is very dangerous and could damage the skin as well as the lungs due to the toxic fumes.

Lindane lice shampoo

One of the most popular at-home remedies for head lice is what would appear as a harmless bottle of shampoo. Despite seeming harmless, most doctors and head lice professionals agree that this treatment is dangerous and is banned in over fifty countries. Lindane shampoo contains a neurotoxin that can be absorbed through the skin of the head lice, killing them quickly. What they don’t tell you on the bottle is that the same neurotoxin can be absorbed through your skin too, which can damage the kidneys, liver, and nervous system. 

Does Stromectol treat head lice?

This treatment comes in the form of a pill and is reserved for patients with head lice infestations. The substance that is used in this medication is the same one used to kill heartworms and other parasites found in pets. Though this option doesn’t have as many serious health implications, side effects can include headaches, dizziness, and diarrhea.

Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Orlando, FL

Finding a safe and efficient cure to head lice is what we specialize in here at Fresh Heads Lice Removal. If you or someone you know is dealing with head lice, then please visit our clinics in Jacksonville and Jax Beach, FL, Savannah GA, and Orlando FL. We are dedicated to a chemical-free treatment for head lice that takes just 90 minutes, with no follow-up appointment needed. Book your appointment today. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Does race and hair type matter?

Does race and hair type matter?

While this may seem like a silly question to some, it is one of the most lice-related searches on the internet. When it comes to trying to find a new host, lice aren’t picky, and will at least attempt to spread to any race, gender, or hair type they can, but as turns out there is a reason behind this rumor. The question everyone is asking is, ‘can black people get lice in their hair?’

Can black people get head lice?

The short answer is yes. But it is highly unlikely. According to a study done in the ’80s, about ten percent of white children got lice, while a mere 0.3% of African Americans got lice. The misconception makes more sense when looking at those numbers, but what is causing this massive difference? It all comes down to hair type. According to Dr. Dale Clayton, the inventor of the AirAlle Head lice treatment device, “African-American hair is shaped differently than Caucasian, Hispanic, or Asian hair, and lice have a hard time getting their grasping hooks around the shaft.” Because lice have adapted to specifically being able to crawl along the shaft of the hair, where they lay their eggs, having these uniquely shaped hairs often prevents black people from getting lice, or at least for keeping them for very long. 

Even though it is unlikely, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to worry when you or your child is exposed to head lice. It is always important to check, especially if someone in your child’s class or friend group has been diagnosed. It may be unlikely, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Does hair type change anything?

But what about all of the other hair types? Because Caucasian people get head lice the most, many people think that perhaps lice prefer lighter hair. The truth of the matter is that lice don’t care if your hair is thick or thin, straight or curly, blonde or black, they just like hair. There are just as many lice in blonde hair as there are in any other type of hair. If the head lice are capable of attaching to your hair, they will. Their only objective is to find a hair strand that will allow them to crawl down to the scalp so they can get their food and lay their eggs. Parasites don’t tend to be picky eaters. 

Fresh Heads Lice Removal

No matter your race or hair type, if you or someone you know has been exposed to head lice, don’t hesitate to make time for a thorough check. Fresh Heads Lice Removal clinic in Savannah is a company dedicated to removing head lice quickly so that you can return to normal life as soon as possible. Here at Fresh Heads, we specialize in non-chemical lice treatment and guarantee a lice-free scalp in a single visit to one of our locations in Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA. If you have any more questions concerning head lice, visit our website at

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Do the Seasons Changing Affect Lice Activity?

Do the Seasons Changing Affect Lice Activity?

The short answer is no, lice are not a seasonal bug. This pesky problem can, unfortunately, make an appearance at any time. You should know everything about treatment options and signs of lice no matter what season. 

Head-To-Head Contact 

Lice are spread when heads are touching, and lice can crawl from one head onto another and latch onto strands of hair. They need a scalp to survive so they only transfer from one head to another. Unlike what most people think, lice cannot jump or fly. Many people believe that lice are more active in the winter. This is usually related to the use of beanies and scarves more. Lice cannot survive without a human scalp so they will not travel from beanies on to another head. 

How Do Lice Survive?

Lice rely on human blood to survive. Body temperature is one of the main things lice thrive off of. Our body temperatures do not change over the year or in different seasons. With our body temperatures staying the same, lice infestations also stay the same throughout the year. 

Common Lice Outbreak Times 

Although it is possible to get lice at any point throughout the year there are a few peak times. August and September are major lice outbreak times due to the fact that all young kids are back in school playing with other kids. This same thing happens in January when students return from winter break and back to school. 

What Do I Do When I Get Lice?

When you feel like you or a loved one may have been exposed to lice it is important to check yourself for lice. Lice usually are easiest to spot on the nape of the neck. Use a pencil in a well-lit area to move the hair away from the scalp to examine for bugs. If you do not know how to check your head, you can stop by Fresh Heads in Savannah, GA. They also have a quick and efficient treatment with the patent AirAlle device. One treatment with this device and will dehydrate all eggs and bugs on your head.

Book An Appointment With Fresh Heads in Savannah, GA

Here at Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our lice removal service will handle head lice infestations in any season. Our professionals have seen it all so there’s absolutely no need to panic. We understand how important it is to treat head lice effectively and efficiently. That’s why there is no point in waiting, stop by one of our three locations in Savannah, GA, Orlando, FL, and Jacksonville, FL. Contact us at your local Savannah office for more information at:

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Bugs That Can Be Mistaken for Lice

Bugs That Can Be Mistaken for Lice

Every parent’s wish when they examine their child’s head is that it’s not head lice but maybe another creepy crawler. There is a chance it could be something else other than head lice because there are other bugs that most definitely can be mistaken for lice. However, even though other pests might look like lice there are some distinctive differences in characteristics between lice and other insects. By knowing what lice look like and the symptoms you will be able to spot the difference between other insects and head lice much faster.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs look very similar to head lice since they are both small oval-shaped insects. However, head lice are transparent in color, and bed bugs are brownish to reddish color. Both head lice and bed bugs bite their hosts causing itchy and uncomfortable sores. But the key difference between the two is head lice bites are limited to primarily the scalp. Whereas bed bug bites can be found anywhere on the body. Bed bugs can reside anywhere in one’s house, including the mattress, furniture, and even clothing, which is why bed bugs will bite humans anywhere they have access to.


Scabies has similar symptoms as lice, but they are microscopic mites that burrow into the skin where it then lays eggs. One differentiation between the two is head lice can be seen with the naked eye and normally in the form of lice eggs. While scabies cannot be seen, only their symptoms are evident. Symptoms include intense, frequent itching causing a pimple-like rash to occur, which head lice also cause. Another key similarity between scabies and head lice is they’re both transmitted via direct contact. If you are ever questioning whether your child has head lice or scabies the way to confirm is by examining your child’s head and seeing if nits are present. If nits are there it’s time to take your child to our lice removal service..


Fleas mainly affect and live on animals such as dogs and cats but since they’re a parasite they don’t discriminate against humans. Normally, flea bites will be found on the feet and legs which crosses out the potential of it being head lice. Another striking difference is fleas jump and you can normally see them jumping on your pet or on your carpet.

If It’s Head Lice

If you’ve done your research and canceled out the possibility of it being other insects and head lice is the only one that checks all the boxes it’s time to let the professionals look. Our head lice removal service located in Savannah, Ga, is meant to be a quick one-time process that rids your child of head lice so you can get back to your day. Book an appointment with us today at either of our locations in Jacksonville, Fl, Orlando, Fl, and Savannah, GA.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

How Long Can You Go Without Noticing You Have Lice

How Long Can You Go Without Noticing You Have Lice?

Head lice are a large problem that can be hard to detect early on. Most cases for first-time infestations can take several weeks to spot if you are unaware of what to look for. The sooner you can detect lice the sooner you can treat it. Treating lice early on will help stop the spread on your head and people around you as well.

What is Lice?

Lice are defined as small insects that feed off of a human host. Most live close to the scalp and then travel through the hair on different strands. Head-to-Head contact is the only way to contract lice. They need human blood so they die if they somehow find their way onto inanimate objects (which is uncommon). The only way to treat lice is to kill them, whether you dehydrate them or poison them.

How Soon Do Symptoms Appear After Lice Exposure?

Head lice infestations are spread through head-to-head contact. If you catch it for the first time it could take several weeks to notice that you have lice. When they are light infestations, it may take up to a month to discover. As the lice continue to reproduce after a month it would be very clear. Lice can live for around 30 days as long as they have a human scalp.

Why is it important to get checked by a professional? 

There are several different symptoms that are associated with a lice infestation. It can be confusing in the first stages on whether it is actually lice or not. Some people suffer from an itchy scalp. When your head has lice there is an untreatable itch, no matter how hard you scratch there is no relief. Another symptom is just a tickling sensation. As the lice move around on your scalp you can feel them and it is like crawling on your scalp. Getting your head checked by a professional can help you catch lice before worse symptoms occur. 

Although uncommon, some people experience bumps or rashes when they contract lice. When there is too much scratching you can cause open sores that are prone to infections. This shows the infestation may be getting worse. It also can cause nits to fall out of the head when you scratch, this looks like dandruff to some people.

Get Your Head Checked for Lice in Orlando, FL

There is no harm in getting your head checked by a professional if you start experiencing symptoms. The safest and most effective way to get checked is to visit Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Orlando, FL, Jacksonville, FL, and Savannah, GA. At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we have several different options for preventative measures and treatments if you do have lice.

We have traditional comb out methods and our patented AirAlle Treatment for head lice removal. This AirAlle device uses a safe level of heated air to kill lice in a quick and efficient manner. It focuses on dehydrating lice without using any harsh chemicals. All of these professional treatments can be found at your local Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Orlando, Jacksonville and Savannah. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

What Can Happen If You Do Not Treat Lice?

What Can Happen If You Do Not Treat Lice?

Much like a cold or flu, it is important to treat head lice. Leaving them untreated can cause problems for the carrier and other people they come into contact with. It is important to know what lice are, how you can treat them, and the consequences of not treating them.

What can happen to your scalp?

Head lice are very small insects that feed off of blood from the human scalp. Lice need human blood to survive and use their feet to grip onto the strands of hair. This means that lice will congregate on your scalp and bite over and over. Not only will this make your head itchy but also leave scabs all over your head. 

What are the consequences of not treating lice?

Untreated head lice can affect your hair and your health in so many ways. When hair follicles become blocked it may cause your hair to fall out. As the infestation of lice grows your hair can be harder to brush out. Brushing your hair releases natural oils that help protect your hair and scalp. When follicles are blocked and you are not brushing it can cause hair to break and fall out.

Also, you can have other symptoms from not treating a lice infestation. It can disrupt your sleep cycle due to excess movement on your scalp at night. Another common problem with untreated head lice is bacteria build-up. As the lice live on your head, they are also releasing excretions on your scalp. This can cause lots of flu-like symptoms if the bacteria enter your bloodstream. On a more extreme level, you can also contract toxic shock syndrome which is a very serious problem.

Do head lice die eventually?

Head lice die but infestations of lice do not. Each parasite only lives up to thirty days but the number of eggs that each louse lays each day is around 8-10 nits. The head lice cycle happens around once a month but each month the number of eggs and nits go up in significant amounts.  

Get Rid of Head Lice Today with Fresh Heads in Orlando, Florida.

When you decide to remove the untreated head lice it is important to pick treatments that are effective. The most effective way to treat a lice infestation is to visit Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Orlando, FL, Jacksonville, FL and Savannah, GA. Book your appointment online at  or by phone today. Here you can try the non-toxic AirAlle device and leave the clinic lice-free in less than an hour.  Stop putting yourself and others at risk and prevent head lice. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

The OTC Lotion Permethrin is Potentially Harmful

The OTC Lotion Permethrin is Potentially Harmful

Research and evidence have suggested lice have been around for approximately 5.5 million years. Scientists have even found head lice in the tombs/coffins of well-preserved mummies dating back to 3000 B.C. Throughout the millions of years head lice have managed to evolve, adapt, and survive it all. Which is why it comes as no surprise when a new strain of lice was produced, they were known as super lice.

What Is Permethrin?

Both permethrin and pyrethrins are made from synthetic pesticides and sold as an over-the-counter lotion treatment used to treat common head lice. This lotion only can kill live lice and is unable to eradicate the lice eggs (nits). Due to the fact permethrin can only kill live lice that can cause a potential problem to arise because if the nits hatch the head lice infestation begins all over again.

Super Lice

When “super lice” is brought up many people have a million questions zooming through their head. What does super lice look like? How are they different from common lice? Are they more harmful or dangerous? The only difference between common lice and super lice is super lice are a divergent strain that have become resistant to permethrin and pyrethrin. They look identical to common lice, and they do not carry or transmit any diseases. The key difference is if your child has a head lice infestation of super lice and uses the OTC topical permethrin it will be ultimately useless. Instead, bring your child into Fresh Heads Lice Removal. Whether your child has super lice or common lice, one single treatment using our AirAlle system will remove all lice the first go around.

The Dangers of Permethrin

Permethrin has been around for some time and because of this many physicians and researchers have identified permethrin as potentially harmful due to its toxic components. For example, permethrin has been linked to endocrine disorders and disruption in children. Specifically, commercial grade permethrin was found to interfere with androgen receptors which can interfere and delay puberty in children.

As a parent your number one priority is your children’s safety and by using permethrin as a way to treat head lice, you’re putting their safety at possible risk. Throw away the permethrin lotion because there are too many dangers and risks attached. Instead bring your child into our lice removal service in Orlando, FL, where your child’s safety is never a question but a guarantee.

Our Fresh Heads Clinics are the #1 Choice in Orlando, FL

Here at Fresh Heads Lice Removal our AirAlle treatment is FDA approved and in one single treatment can dehydrate lice and lice eggs safely. There are no toxins or pesticides used because we understand keeping your children healthy and safe will always be at the core. Stop by one of our many locations: Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

How Contagious is Lice?

How Contagious is Lice?

Head lice are pesky little insects found on the human head that live on the scalp and the hair shaft. We are all pretty familiar with head lice but how contagious are they? These creatures come in three separate forms known as adult lice, the egg (nit), or the nymph. Lice eggs and nymphs are typically darker in color but difficult to see because they often blend into hair. As they grow, they turn into a sesame seed-sized bug of a tan or gray color. Adult head lice are easier to spot on the scalp because of their color.

How can I catch lice?

Head lice are very easy to catch and spread quickly. Anyone can catch lice although it is most common in younger children and their parents or teachers. The most common way to contract lice is through head-to-head contact. When your head directly touches another head that is infested with lice that are considered head-to-head contact. Head lice do not jump or fly, and they also cannot swim. There are many times lice can spread whether in a classroom, at summer camp, on the playground, or even just at home.

What are the symptoms of lice?

There are many common symptoms that point to a head lice infestation. When you have head lice you often feel something moving throughout the hair, similar to a tickling sensation. Another common symptom of lice is itching on the scalp. When lice bite your head it often causes a reaction that creates an itch.

How do I treat lice if I catch them?

If you or a loved one contracts lice it is important to deal with it as quickly as possible and alert anyone who could have come in contact with you. There are many different head lice treatments online and in stores, but be aware that most of them are completely ineffective and are made of pesticides. The safest and most effective way to treat a lice infestation is to visit Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL and Savannah, GA. At Fresh Heads we are committed to safely and quickly removing head lice. With treatment options for every budget and situation, there is no doubt you will be lice-free and back to normal in no time. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Home Remedies Versus Lice Clinics

Home Remedies Versus Lice Clinics

Before professional lice removal clinics were a thing, it was the norm to seek out a variety of home remedies to rid your child of head lice. You may even have unpleasant memories of getting treated for head lice as a child yourself!  But let’s face it, home remedies are messy, smelly, and most of the time ineffective. 

For instance, many parents would take a jar full of mayonnaise and fully cover every inch of their children’s head in it and let it sit for hours on end. The aftermath of this home remedy most of the time was the lice were still there and thriving, along with the disaster of trying to remove the mayonnaise and horrid smell from your child’s head. Luckily, you can ditch the mayonnaise and instead just bring your child to Fresh Heads Lice Removal and let our experts deal with it.

Disadvantages of Home Remedies for Head Lice

Seeking out home remedies to remove head lice are not only ineffective but they can be dangerous. When you start mixing up different concoctions to try and remove head lice you might be putting your child at more risk by doing so. There have been quite a few horror stories where parents have sought out home remedies and ended up causing severe irritation and rawness to their children’s scalp. 

Instead of removing head lice, the parents then had to seek out medical help to reverse the damage done. Another disadvantage of home remedies includes only killing the bug itself but not the eggs (nits). If nits remain in your children’s hair, they will eventually hatch, and you will be dealing with the same problem all over again.

What Home Remedies Actually Work?

The only home remedy shown to be effective at removing head lice is the traditional comb out. Wet combing involves wetting your child’s hair and then dowsing it with a nit combing solution. From there you must use a nit comb to sift through sections of hair, making sure to take the comb all the way from the shaft of the hair to the very end. Having someone to hold a magnifying glass can make it easier and ensure you’re getting all the nits out. However, even though this home remedy does work it is extremely time-consuming, and if you miss any lice or nits the process must be repeated.

Skip the Home Lice Removal Remedies

With home remedies there are a lot of unknowns you might be facing. Did I get all the nits out? Am I doing more harm than good? Dump the home remedies and instead take your child to Fresh Heads Lice Removal, the best lice treatment center in Jacksonville, Fl, Orlando, FL, and Savannah GA. There are so many benefits of our lice clinics, such as saving you time, stress, and even educating you on lice prevention for the future!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

How to Properly Comb for Lice and Nits

How to Properly Comb for Lice and Nits

At the first sign or threat of a head lice infestation, it is key to treat the head lice as soon as possible to help minimize infecting and spreading to others in and outside of your immediate household. Because head lice are such a common affliction, there are many options available that you can take to rid your household of the lice quickly. But no matter what course of action you choose, like special shampoo, over-the-counter methods, or seeing a professional, you will need to comb your hair yourself or someone else will have to in order to remove all living and dead lice as well as their nits. 

But before you run to the store and pick up the first lice comb you see on the shelf, it is essential to know that not all lice combs are made equally. You want to pick out a high-quality metal comb rather than a plastic lice comb as they tend to leave behind nits and struggle with different types or textures of hair. After you have obtained a good lice comb, the next step is going to be the long and extensive process of combing out the hair. 

  • Thoroughly wet the persons hair and cover with just regular conditioner or detangler. 
  • Part their hair into even sections. 
  • It is important to start at the scalp and go all the way down the length of the hair and collect any nits or lice along the way on the comb.
  • Dip the lice comb into the soapy water and wipe it off after each stretch in order to entrap and kill any lice or nits on the comb. 
  • Then repeat until the entire head has been deloused.

While a thorough comb through for lice has the chance to rid you or your household of lice, there sadly is no guarantee that the lice were fully eradicated, and they wont return unless you get treated for head lice by a professional. Therefore, it is often far easier and more timely to place an appointment that doesnt normally last for longer than an hour or so. 

Fresh Heads is a head lice treatment clinic in Jacksonville, Fl, Orlando, Fl and Savannah, GA, specializing in lice removal and prevention. If you are to visit our location, we can guarantee that after just one appointment, no additional combing or follow-up will be required, and you can walk out of the office the same day completely lice-free! We use a modern and gaming-changing technique and tools to remove all head lice, and nits called the Air Alle. The Air Alle uses no pesticides or toxins, so you can be confident about what is going on your or our childrens heads. So make your appointment with us today and join the over 700,000 head lice free successfully treated customers today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!