
Truth or Myth: Lice Are More Active in the Summer

Truth or Myth: Lice Are More Active in the Summer

Lice always seems to be an annoying problem, especially in the summertime. With summer happening right now, there are a couple of important questions that need answering. “Does heat kill lice?” and “Where do lice come from?” Keep reading to discover the answers to these questions and stay head lice free this Summer. 

Does Heat Kill Lice?

The simple answer to this question is yes, but it requires a certain temperature. At Fresh Heads in Orlando, Fl, we have a patented AirAlle treatment. This treatment uses a machine that applies warm heated air to the scalp in order to get rid of head lice or any eggs that are left. All the activities that happen during summer can promote head-to-head contact which lice love and can transfer to another person. Activities like sleepovers, summer camp, and just playing rough can get all the contact that is needed to transfer lice. 

Where Do Lice Come From?

After a long day of your children playing with each other, they might come home with an itchy head. The only way head lice can transfer from host-to host is by head-to-head contact. Now this doesn’t mean that with every head-to-head contact that your children will get infested with head lice, but the chance is there. Head lice do not jump, swim, or fly. The only way head lice can transfer is by touching hair strands. Head lice are very quick moving on hair strands. It does not take much time for head lice to transfer hosts after head-to-head contact is made. Whatever games or activities your child is playing is increasing the chance they get head lice if one of them has it already. 

Fresh Heads in Orlando, Fl.

It is important to not only check for lice on your child but also yourself. If you have done a thorough check and you notice an out of the ordinary feeling, come on down to Fresh Heads Lice Removal. Lice are active all seasons, but it is always a good idea to keep an eye out if your child is involved in summer camps, traveling, or other activities.  Book an appointment or give us a call today to get started right away. We have two other locations in Jacksonville, FL, and Savannah, GA.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Does Heat From Hair Straighteners Remove Lice? The Myths Behind The Heat

Does Heat From Hair Straighteners Remove Lice? The Myths Behind The Heat

The Myth About Lice

There are many misconceptions about how lice is spread. These lice myths continue to cause widespread fear among people. One of the most common lice myths is lice prefer dirty hair, which is false. In actuality, lice does not signify poor hygiene. They can settle in freshly cleaned hair as well as dirty. 

What about the myth that heat from a hair straighter kills lice? What about other heat sources? We answer the myths below, however you can always visit one of our locations for more answers, especially if you suspect you have lice.

Does Heat Kill Lice?

The answer is yes, heat kills lice and is one way to get rid of lice without using harmful chemicals. However, using a household hair dryer may not be the answer. The heat from a hair dryer will be too hot and you run the risk of causing damage to your scalp with the constant flow of hot air. Fresh Heads Lice Removal uses heat to treat lice, but in a safe and controlled environment. The revolutionary AirAllé™ is designed to blow warm air through its applicator along with scalp and hair at a higher flow but with a much cooler temperature than a hairdryer. This creates a dry environment that kills all the lice and nits, so only one treatment is needed.

Will a Hair Straightener Kill Lice?

A hair straightener is a heated device, but can it kill lice? There is a possibility that the straightener could kill the lice, but since lice are quick and mobile it will not succeed in reaching each one. A hair straightener could also possibly kill the lice eggs, but the heat may not be able to penetrate all the eggs, allowing the hatching of lice in about a week. Using a hair straightener is not a recommended method of lice removal and you could severely damage your hair if your heat is too high. 

Book An Appointment With Fresh Heads in Jacksonville, FL

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we can help you get rid of lice in one treatment. If you or someone in your family has been exposed to lice or shown symptoms, it’s essential to get checked. Contact us today at our Jacksonville, FL, or in Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA.  

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!