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Spring Break Plans? Beware of Lice While Traveling

Spring Break Plans? Beware of Lice While Traveling

Spring break is a time where traveling is high. Highschoolers and college students across the nation get a week off from school, parents take off of work to enjoy time with their children to enjoy a break and the fresh spring weather. Most people travel to go on vacations with friends, or visit family. When traveling and being around so many people and even meeting new people, getting lice while traveling is not unlikely. There’s nothing worse than having to deal with lice while on vacation when you would rather be out and having fun. 

Getting Lice While Traveling

If you do get lice while traveling, it’s best to immediately isolate yourself and avoid head-to-head contact with others. You may think spending the day in the lake or ocean could be an easy and simple way to get rid of lice, but this is not the case. Lice can hold their breath for up to four hours and hold on tightly to strands of hair. Therefore, lice will simply not wash away or die if getting wet. Additionally, check the scalps of others who you’ve been traveling with or have come into contact with to prevent further spreading. Although lice can only be spread from head to head contact, it may give you peace of mind to wash your clothes and bedding. If possible, you should locate a lice treatment center near you, such as Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Savannah, GA.

Tips to Avoid Lice While Traveling

While traveling, especially during a high traffic time, it’s important to be cautious of lice. While lice can only be spread through head-to-head contact, it’s still always good to make sure of your surroundings.

To make sure you have a lice free trip avoid head-to-head contact during:

  • Hugs 
  • Family photo opportunities 
  • Sharing a bed
  • Playing in and out of the water 

Lice Removal in Savannah, GA

Lice tend to be more active in the warmer months and with an increase in traveling, you should take extra precautions. Fresh Heads offers our expert treatment at conveniently located lice clinics in Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL and Savannah, GA. If you’re on vacation and in one of these cities or close to it, we offer a one time treatment guarantee of lice removal so you can get back to your vacation quicker.

Fresh Heads Lice Removal 

We offer our patented AirAlle treatment which kills the lice and lice nits using warm air with no harsh chemicals. We have been FDA cleared with our medical device, we offer the quickest single treatment under 90 minutes with no follow-ups needed, no hourly charging, and a 60-day warranty re-treatment policy. Call us today to make an appointment with the #1 choice for local families. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!