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How Long Do Lice Live on Stuffed Animals?

How Long Do Lice Live on Stuffed Animals?

Lice infestations can be extremely stressful, and the idea of having to bag away every single one of your child’s stuffed animals only serves to further add to your stress and exhaustion. Currently, the CDC recommends that all non-washable clothing and toys that have had contact with an infected person be sealed in a plastic bag and stored for two weeks. Parents often follow this guideline and clean their house from top to bottom only to find that they can’t seem to rid their child of lice.

Fresh Heads believes that the secret to ending an infestation doesn’t lie in deep housecleaning or bagging your child’s stuffed animals. Instead, we believe the secret to effective lice removal lies in treating your child’s head, not their stuffed animals, and understanding the lice life cycle.

Understanding the Lice Life Cycle

According to The Centers of Disease Control, it is technically possible to contract lice from a stuffed animal. This is true especially with one that has recently been in contact with someone infected with lice. However, they also note that the lice life span is less than one to two days once the parasites fall off a child or household member and are unable to feed.

The lice life cycle relies on blood and warmth from a human host to support survival. Without the warmth and blood of the human scalp, survival is cut short as nits cannot hatch and usually die within a week.

This means that once a louse leaves your child’s head, it’s timeline for survival decreases exponentially. So, while bagging away all your child’s teddy bears may make you feel better, it’s important to realize that it’s impossible for a louse to survive on their stuffed animal. You should put the greater focus on treating your child’s scalp, as seeking treatment for lice removal means that all bugs and eggs, nits, are eliminated from the hair- reducing the chances of re-infestation.

Lice Removal Service in Jacksonville, Orlando, and Savannah

Today, lice removal treatment is easier than ever, and parents can rest assured that they are sure to find an affordable option. Here at Fresh Heads we are committed to safely and quickly removing head lice so your child can return to normal life as soon as possible. We have convenient locations in Jacksonville and Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA. Contact us today to learn more about the lice life cycle and discover more about our services and featured products can help you!

How long can lice live on a couch lice this one?

How Long Can Lice Live on a Couch?

After receiving treatment for lice, often the top concern of parents is whether or not their child or family member will re-contract lice from furniture, clothing, or other household objects. Parents often wonder in fear, “Can my child return home after receiving treatment, only to lay down on the couch and start this nightmare all over again? How long can lice live on a couch?” The answer lies in understanding the lice life cycle.

Head Lice Life Cycle

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is technically possible to contract lice by lying on a bed, couch, or pillow that has recently been in contact with someone infested with lice. However, they also note that the lice life span is less than 1-2 days once the parasites fall off of a person and are unable to feed. The lice life cycle relies on blood and warmth from a human host in order to support survival. Without the warmth and blood of the human scalp, the lice life cycle is cut short as nits cannot hatch and usually die within a week. For this reason, the risk of your child getting re-infested from your couch is extremely low. So, parents, you can breathe a sigh of relief!

Steps You Can Take at Home

Spending lots of time or money on housecleaning in order to avoid re-infestation is generally unnecessary. But for parents who wish to further put their mind at ease and ensure that any surviving lice that may have fallen from clothing or hair won’t be able to find their way back into your child’s hair, following a few simple steps can help.

  • The CDC recommends machine washing and drying clothing, bed linens, and other items that the infested person wore or used during the 2 days before treatment. It’s important to use the hot water (130°F) laundry cycle and the high heat drying cycle, as this ensures that any surviving eggs in the lice life cycle will be killed.
  • Non-washable clothing (and toys and other items) should be dry–cleaned or sealed in a plastic bag and stored for 2 weeks.
  • Soak all combs and brushes in hot water (at least 130°F) for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Vacuum the floor and furniture, especially where your child or family member sat or lay after infestation.
  • The CDC also advises against using fumigant sprays, citing their toxicity.

Parents can put the stress of lice behind them and rest assured that direct head to head contact is the most common way that head lice are spreadmaking re-infestation from couches or other furniture highly unlikely!

Professional Head Lice Treatment

Fresh Head is a professional head lice treatment center. We are an exclusive provider of the innovative AirAllé® Head Lice Machine, an FDA-cleared medical device that dehydrates lice and eggs in one treatment. If you would like to know more about how long lice can live on a couch, or if you are looking for a safe, chemical-free way to treat head lice, contact us today.

boy holding head lice sign

How Long Do Head Lice Live?

When you’re in the throes of treating head lice, it might seem like the stubborn pests are immortal. But the life span of head lice is actually not long at all, especially once removed from a human host. So how long do head lice actually live?

What Is the Life Cycle of Head Lice

Head lice are a common problem, especially in school aged children. Understanding their life cycle can help when it comes to treating head lice. The head lice life cycle has three stages: nit (egg), nymph and louse (adult).

Nits are head lice eggs that resemble tiny whitish or yellowish specks. They can be difficult to find and are sometimes mistaken for dandruff or dry scalp. The female louse lays these eggs closest to the scalp at the base of the hair shaft. Nits can take about a week to hatch.

Nymphs hatch from the nits and are usually a dull yellow in color. A nymph resembles an adult louse but is much smaller in size. A nymph is considered an adult about seven days after hatching from its egg.

Louses, or adult head lice, are about the size of a sesame seed and are tan to grayish in color. The females are usually larger than the males and can lay up to eight nits a day. A louse can live for up to 60 days.

How Long Do Lice Live?

Head lice are parasitic insects that require a human host to live off of. Lice can live for up to 60 days on the human scalp with blood as their nourishment.

Once adult head lice are removed from the human host, they won’t survive for more than 24-48 hours. The nits can’t survive off of the human host either, as they require the warmth from the scalp during incubation. They also need blood as soon as they hatch for nourishment.

This means that after treating head lice in your family, lice can’t survive on items in your home for more than a day or two. You’ll only need to treat items that have come in contact with the person treated for head lice in the last 48 hours. And since head lice can only live off of human blood, there’s no need to worry about your beloved pets.

What Is the Best Method for Treating Head Lice?

Treating head lice as soon as possible will stop the vicious cycle and make your life easier. Unfortunately, there are plenty of treatments on the market that are simply not effective. You also face the risk of exposing your family to harsh, toxic chemicals with typical over-the-counter remedies.

Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Centers are proud to treat head lice with non-toxic, safe and effective methods. Our FDA-cleared AirAllé treatment happens to be one of the most effective treatments available today. The treatment system utilizes heated air to essentially kill lice and nits through dehydration, and it’s revolutionized the way lice is treated. Schedule an appointment with one of our trained technicians today.
