
3 Things to Keep in Mind When You Have a Head Lice Problem

3 Things to Keep in Mind When You Have a Head Lice Problem

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated six to twelve million head lice infestations occur in the United States every year; most of them are children between the age of three and eleven. Lice infestation comes from direct head-to-head contact. 

If you know someone who has lice, it means they got it from someone else. If you’d like to prevent the spread this summer, here are some things to keep in mind: 

1. Avoid Further Spread

Head lice can spread easily within a home. If you or your children have lice, seek treatment immediately. Treat affected family members, and get head lice checks for the whole family to ensure there’s no continued spread.

2. Get Rid of Them ASAP

Head lice don’t deserve a spot on your head, so when you find out you have them, get rid of them quickly. Find a lice clinic, like Fresh Heads Lice Removal, that will completely treat the problem in one treatment.

3. Treat People With Head Lice Nicely

When someone admits to having head lice, don’t make a face or run for the hills, especially if you or your children have had it. This is also true if you’re a hairdresser, and you discover that your new client has head lice. Head lice can happen to anyone and don’t discriminate when it comes to hygiene or socioeconomic status—it could have just as easily been you!

Keep Your Head Lice-Free

Head lice can be embarrassing for both adults and children. However, lice happens! Many people who have head lice don’t know it, hence they spread lice to people they come in contact with. If you find yourself or someone you know with a head lice problem, don’t fret—it’s not the end of the world! Keep in mind our tips listed above. 

Head Lice Treatment in Jacksonville, FL

For a reputable and professional lice removal service in Jacksonville, Orlando or Savannah, Fresh Heads Lice Removal is here for you! We are committed to removing head lice without the use of toxic chemicals. Contact us today to book an appointment. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

What To Do When Lice Come Back

What to Do When Lice Come Back

Head lice are notorious for afflicting preschool and elementary-school children and causing all kinds of discomfort. They primarily cause a tickling sensation of something moving in the hair. However, in worse cases, they cause serious itching and even sores on the scalp.

It is for this reason that parents seek various lice removal treatments or visit lice removal clinics regularly. Not only will this relieve their children of the symptoms of head lice infestation but also prevent further spread of the lice to other members in the family.

How to Know if Your Child Has a Head Lice Infestation

As a parent, you naturally want to protect your child from those pesky parasites. To help you out, here are some common signs and symptoms of head lice you must always be on the lookout for:

  • A tickling sensation of something moving in the hair
  • Itching on the scalp, neck, and ears (an allergic reaction to louse bites)
  • Sores on the scalp caused by scratching
  • Irritability

You can also look closely through your child’s hair and scalp for nits or lice eggs, as well as adult lice or nymphs. Finding nymphs may be difficult as they can move quickly away from searching fingers. However, it is easier to find nits as they are small, oval blobs attached to a strand of hair close to the scalp.

Why Do Lice Come Back?

There are two common reasons for the recurrence of lice infestation:

• Ineffective Treatment

If you tried to treat the lice with OTC lice shampoo, it’s important to know that those shampoos are no longer effective against the super lice of today. Using inadequate over-the-counter lice treatments will just prolong the problem, and since adult females can lay up to eight eggs a day, your problem will also worsen.

• Recurring Contact with Someone Who’s Infested

Another possible cause of recurrent lice is that your child came back into contact with an infested individual. Whether your child at home or the daycare or school, they may have head-to-head contact with different people throughout the day.

To address this recurring problem, it helps to identify who the source is. If you think that it is someone else in the family, it’s a smart move to have everyone checked for signs of infestation.

What to Do When Lice Come Back

If you think lice are coming back because of ineffective treatment, it’s high time that you seek professional lice treatment for your child. Book a trip to our head lice clinics for professional lice removal. If you think your problem is recurring due to contact with an infested family member or friend, you’re also in luck, because our clinic also provides head checks—so you can be sure to be sure to find the source! 

Professional Lice Treatment in Jacksonville, FL

If you are looking for a professional lice removal clinic in Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL or Savannah, GA for your little one, look no further than Fresh Heads Lice Removal! With our FDA-cleared medical device, we offer you a powerful treatment so you won’t need follow-ups or rechecks. Get the help you and your child deserve and book an appointment today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we’re determined to get rid of lice in schools across the US. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program which gives school nurses and teachers free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!