Tag Archive for: school head lice policies

Head Lice and School District Policies at Clay County Public Schools, St. John’s Public Schools and Duval County Public Schools

If you live in Jacksonville, FL, and surrounding areas, school is back in session. Time to review the North Florida School Lice Policies for the local school districts of Clay County Public Schools, St. Johns County for Public Schools, and Duval County Public Schools.

To see the full official head lice policies for schools in Central Florida, visit their official websites at Polk County Schools, Orange County Public Schools, Lake County Public Schools, Sumter County Public Schools, Indian River County Schools, and Seminole County Public Schools

For South Georgia and South Carolina, visit: Camden County Public Schools, Macintosh County Schools, Wayne County Schools, Long County Schools, Liberty County Schools, Chatham County Schools, Effingham County Schools, Jaseper County Schools, Beaufort County Schools, and Charleston County Schools

1. Clay County Public Schools Head Lice Policy

According to the Clay County Health Department and The Clay County School Board, students need to be free of nits (eggs) prior to re-entry into their school after treatment. Parents of Elementary school-aged children are required to accompany their children to school on the first day of entry after treatment. All children should be back to school within two days if treated properly. Habitual absentee cases may be referred to the community health nurse or the school attendance assistant or social worker. If the parent(s)/guardian(s) fail to comply with proper head lice treatment, they may be referred to the state attorney’s office for violation of compulsory school attendance law

2. St. John’s County Public Schools Head Lice Policy

In St. John’s County Public Schools, all students infected with head lice shall not be allowed back into school until all signs of lice and nits are gone. The school nurse or personnel in the Student Services Department shall contact the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian when a student misses three (3) or more school days for (1) incidence of head lice.

Readmission to school shall require an examination by a properly trained personnel, designated by the school principal, to determine if the student may return to school.

3. Duval County Public Schools Head Lice Policy

Students with nits (eggs) will be excluded from school until they are nit-free. All children excluded from school due to head lice and/or nits must be accompanied by a parent or an adult before they will be allowed to return to school or ride the school bus.

The above information is meant to guide parents regarding standard school policies regarding head lice and head lice treatment prior to their children returning to their school after experiencing head lice. Please refer to your child’s specific school policies for further details.

Because of the highly contagious manner of head lice and the need to ensure that all stages of lice are killed, it’s a safer course to seek professional help right away. Doing so will help your children return to school sooner.

The treatment team at Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Centers are trained and qualified to treat lice in one treatment session with our Revolutionary AirAlle Head Lice Machine. Fresh Heads Head Lice Removal Treatment Centers are located in Jacksonville, FL, and Orlando, FL. We also offer the lowest cost traditional comb out option.

So, if sometime during this school year your child brings more than homework home – like a case of head lice, we are here to help. Call the Fresh Heads Head Lice Treatment Center closest to you.


Students Raising Hands in classroom

School Head Lice Policies: Too Lenient or Too Strict?

There appears to be a trend for some school districts to change their policies about head lice in the classroom. In an effort to keep kids in class, maintain confidentiality, and prevent misdiagnosis, school officials are leaning toward removing “no nit” policies and replacing them with more lenient policies.

There are three basic policies regarding schools and head lice. If your school district has
• a “No Nit” policy, students are not allowed to be in school if any nits are found in the hair.
• a “No Live Lice” policy, students are allowed to be in school with nits, but not with live bugs.
• a “Live Lice and Nits Allowed” policy, students are allowed to remain in school even though nits and/or live lice are found on the scalp and in the hair.

There are variations of the policies that allow school nurses or other personnel to make judgment calls based on several factors including a number of nits or live lice or the distance of nits or live lice from the scalp. There are also varying opinions regarding the need to notify parents when outbreaks occur.

Fresh Heads has a complete rundown of public school district head lice policies for North Florida, South Georgia, and South Carolina at www.freshheadsliceremoval.com/school-lice-policies/. Head lice policies for private schools vary from one school to another and are not necessarily the same as the public schools’ policy. Parental awareness of these policies, both public and private, is a critical factor in keeping your child and his or her classmate’s lice free. It is also incumbent for parents to do head lice checks on their own, no matter how strict or lenient their school’s policy is.

While not dangerous in the worst sense of the word, head lice infestations are aggravating nuisances. The more you know, the easier it is to deal with them. The professionals at Fresh Heads stay up-to-date and knowledgeable about school head lice policies. We are your go-to resource when you have questions or concerns about how your school handles head lice outbreaks.