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What Are Lice Eggs?

What Are Lice Eggs?

If you or someone in your family has head lice, it’s only a matter of time before they have lice eggs in their hair too. These tiny lice eggs are called nits. If you have a fresh case of head lice, there may not be any nits attached to the roots of your hair yet, so it is important that you seek treatment as soon as possible. The life span of head lice is only about 60 days long, so the production of nits can be very rapid. Here are a few facts about nits, how to spot them, and how to get rid of them.

What do lice eggs look like?

Lice eggs take on an off-white, almost brownish color and can be found near the roots of the hair. If you see a tiny oval-shaped blob attached to the base of your hair, chances are, it’s a nit. If it appears white or clear, then it is merely a shell. If the blob is brown or tan it means that the louse has yet to hatch. These eggs can be less than half a millimeter long, and they are difficult to remove by hand.

What to do if you have nits.

Seeing lice eggs in hair can be pretty unsettling, so what do you do to get the tiny eggs out? One of the most popular and effective ways of removing head lice is called wet combing. All you need is a fine-tooth comb, some detangler or conditioner, and some water. You want to start off by getting the hair wet and dividing it up into sections to make the combing process easier and more thorough. Start at the tips of the hair and slowly comb through until you can be sure there are no more lice or nits in that section. After that, just keep combing section by section until the job is done. It is also important that you have something to use to wipe off the comb. You wouldn’t want the lice you just removed to get transferred into a different section of hair.

How long till lice eggs hatch?

If you have head lice, then waiting around for a solution isn’t an option. Nits only take 7 to 10 days to hatch, so the longer you wait to take care of the problem, the worse it gets and the more time you have to spread it to others. Lice can live in the hair for multiple days before they are discovered, giving them plenty of time to lay eggs. 

Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Orlando, FL

Finding a safe and efficient cure to head lice is what we specialize in here at Fresh Heads Lice Removal. If you or someone you know is dealing with head lice then please visit our clinics in Jacksonville and Jacksonville Beach, FL, Savannah GA, and Orlando FL. We are dedicated to a chemical-free treatment for head lice that takes just 90 minutes. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Do the Seasons Changing Affect Lice Activity?

Do the Seasons Changing Affect Lice Activity?

The short answer is no, lice are not a seasonal bug. This pesky problem can, unfortunately, make an appearance at any time. You should know everything about treatment options and signs of lice no matter what season. 

Head-To-Head Contact 

Lice are spread when heads are touching, and lice can crawl from one head onto another and latch onto strands of hair. They need a scalp to survive so they only transfer from one head to another. Unlike what most people think, lice cannot jump or fly. Many people believe that lice are more active in the winter. This is usually related to the use of beanies and scarves more. Lice cannot survive without a human scalp so they will not travel from beanies on to another head. 

How Do Lice Survive?

Lice rely on human blood to survive. Body temperature is one of the main things lice thrive off of. Our body temperatures do not change over the year or in different seasons. With our body temperatures staying the same, lice infestations also stay the same throughout the year. 

Common Lice Outbreak Times 

Although it is possible to get lice at any point throughout the year there are a few peak times. August and September are major lice outbreak times due to the fact that all young kids are back in school playing with other kids. This same thing happens in January when students return from winter break and back to school. 

What Do I Do When I Get Lice?

When you feel like you or a loved one may have been exposed to lice it is important to check yourself for lice. Lice usually are easiest to spot on the nape of the neck. Use a pencil in a well-lit area to move the hair away from the scalp to examine for bugs. If you do not know how to check your head, you can stop by Fresh Heads in Savannah, GA. They also have a quick and efficient treatment with the patent AirAlle device. One treatment with this device and will dehydrate all eggs and bugs on your head.

Book An Appointment With Fresh Heads in Savannah, GA

Here at Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our lice removal service will handle head lice infestations in any season. Our professionals have seen it all so there’s absolutely no need to panic. We understand how important it is to treat head lice effectively and efficiently. That’s why there is no point in waiting, stop by one of our three locations in Savannah, GA, Orlando, FL, and Jacksonville, FL. Contact us at your local Savannah office for more information at: https://freshheadsliceremoval.com/lice-removal-in-savannah-georgia/

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

What Do Lice Eggs Look Like?

What Do Lice Eggs Look Like?

Lice eggs (nits) are often more difficult to identify than live adult lice, and many parents have a hard time finding them in their child’s scalp. Parent’s are often unsure how to identify what they see in their child’s hair, and nits are often confused with dandruff, or even hair casts—leading to unnecessary false lice scares. Because we frequently encounter parents who are unsure what lice eggs look like, we thought it would be helpful to put together a short guide on how to identify lice eggs and distinguish them from other common scalp and hair debris.

What Do Nits Look Like?

Many parents look solely for live adult lice in their child’s hair, but we like to stress the importance of also looking for and identifying nits. Nits are just as important to identify as live lice are because even if you identify and kill adult lice, if nits remain, they will hatch and “re-infest” your child. Nits have translucent outer casings that house baby lice (called nymphs) inside. Many parents think that they are looking for “white lice eggs” in their child’s hair, but nits will appear brown in appearance, not white. This is because the nymphs inside the translucent casing are brown, and so when placed against a white background, the nit will also appear brown. Nits are round on one side and pointy on the other with a tail-like antenna coming out of the pointy end. If you see something that fits this description and is about the size of a sesame seed (maybe smaller), you are likely looking at a nit.

Lice Eggs on Hair Clippings

Lice eggs on hair clippings.


Lice egg under magnification.

Lice egg under magnification.

Hair Casts and Dandruff

Hair casts and dandruff are common scalp debris that is often mistaken for nits. The easiest way to distinguish between dandruff and nits is that dandruff easily combs out of the hair, whereas nits don’t comb out. Nits are very difficult to remove from the hair because they secrete a cement-like bonding agent that adheres them to the hair shaft. Also, nits typically remain close to the scalp, whereas dandruff flakes can migrate farther down the length of the hair.

Hair casts (often called “pseudo nits”) are thin, elongated, and white tubes that are found along the hair. Because most people assume that they are supposed to be looking for white lice eggs, hair casts are often mistaken for nits. If you see these narrow and cylinder-shaped white tubes along your child’s hair shaft, rest assured that they are not lice, but rather a normal hair concretion.

Let Our Trained Professionals Look for Lice Eggs

It is possible to identify nits in your child’s hair but recognizing what lice eggs look like can be difficult, and you shouldn’t be upset if you have trouble finding them. Nits are often difficult to recognize to the untrained eye and often require professional technicians or medical personnel to spot them. At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we pride ourselves on being a lice service that your family can rely on for the safe diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of lice. Our trained technicians can identify eggs or lice at any stage of infestation, and help you get the lice treatment you need. To learn more about our list of services and featured products, contact us at one of our Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, or Savannah, GA locations today!



Schools Without Lice.

Putting an End to Lice in Schools

Fresh Heads Lice Removal clinics want to keep our children safe in schools across the country, which is why we have partnered with Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Our goal is to completely eradicate lice in schools from California to Florida, and everywhere in between. By supporting our educators, we can take another step toward creating schools without lice. Learn more about Schools Without Lice!