How Long Do Lice Live?
If you’ve ever had the misfortune of experiencing a head lice infestation, you know full well how difficult it can be to get rid of. You may have tried a number of the creative tricks and home remedies, to varying degrees of success, in your early attempts at evicting these unwanted tenants, and were left frustrated by how quickly they seemed to return. Head lice are quick, durable, and elusive little parasites that have evolved to resist the old pesticides that we grew up with, and can lay eggs up to eight times a day. So just how long do lice live on their own? In this article, we will discuss the lifespan of head lice and address some of the common myths associated with them.
The Lifespan of Head Lice
Head lice are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of their host. Since they are a form of parasite, they will absolutely require a host in order to survive, and lucky for us, the specific breed of louse that we know as head lice will only choose a human head to make itself at home. While living on the hair and scalp of a human host, a single louse will see an average lifespan of up to 60 days. But how long do lice live off the head? Head lice like to travel, and the transition from host to host can’t be smooth all of the time. If they manage to end up on other surfaces such as hats, pillows, clothing, or furniture, which usually happens by accident while searching for a new host, they will only survive for 1 or 2 days at the most. This is why it is in their nature to actively seek out a host and do their best to avoid inhospitable environments.
Common Head Lice Myths
Before you begin burning furniture or throwing away clothes, let’s address some of the common myths you may be familiar with regarding head lice and how they spread. Firstly, the most common way for head lice to spread to a new host is by head-to-head contact. Head lice do not jump, fly, or swim from person to person, and as mentioned, they can only survive for a day or two away from a human host. You may have also heard that simple at-home remedies can take care of the problem for little-to-no expense, such as applying mayonnaise to the infested hair, or excessive combing and blow drying the hair will burn them alive and yank them out. While this can be true for any of the adult lice you managed to target with these methods of extreme prejudice, it will not have any effect on their eggs (or nits). As mentioned previously, adult lice will lay eggs up to eight times a day. These nits appear as tiny little sacs, and they are attached to the hair follicles close to the base of the scalp. Due to their size and color, they are very difficult to detect with the naked eye, but most importantly, they will be able to endure any attempts at smothering, burning, freezing, and gratuitous combing. The only method that is proven to eliminate a lice infestation with 100% efficiency is physical removal by a professional.
Fresh Heads Lice Professionals in Savannah, GA
Head lice are a serious nuisance and can be a major disruption to your everyday life, and can potentially impact your entire community. If you or someone you know is in need of lice removal in Savannah, GA, please do not hesitate to contact a professional. Fresh Heads Head Lice Treatment Center is a lice removal clinic that eliminates head lice without the use of harsh chemicals by using its patented AirAllé lice removal technology. This method is scientifically proven to completely remove the presence of head lice with a 100% guarantee, and we also provide valuable advice for care and prevention to help keep your hair lice-free in the future. To learn more, please visit our website and schedule your appointment with us today.
Schools Without Lice
At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!