Head Lice Advice: Back to School Edition
After a long summer filled with physical activities, cases of head lice can spike. Head lice spread from head-to-head contact, so if your child ever was in close contact and touched heads with someone then lice have a chance to be on their heads. Most people never think much of that interaction and just send their kids off to school without knowing that they have lice, and then the lice start spreading around at school. This is why checking for lice in your child’s hair fairly often is important.
How Lice Becomes A Problem
Usually during the summer kids have a little more free time to participate in some fun activities. This can be many things like summer camp, sports, swimming, and many other physical activities. During these events, lice can easily spread by any kind of head-to-head contact. Then the thought of lice usually slips parents’ minds and they don’t check for lice. After that, your child returns back to school not thinking anything is wrong because they cannot see anything wrong. Ultimately a lice infestation might break out. Lice spreading at school can definitely be prevented by checking the kids for lice as often as possible.
What To Do When The School Calls
Now that we’ve talked about how lice can become a problem, let’s talk about what to do when your child actually gets lice during the school year. So, your childs school has just called and you got the bad news, your child has lice. You have to leave work and are in a panic, you’re not sure what to do next and it has completely thrown off the whole day. First thing is first, remain calm and pick your child up from school. Keep in mind that lice can only be spread by head-to-head contact and try to remember who your child has been in close contact with recently. Next, it’s best to skip the ineffective and toxic over-the-counter products and immediately call your nearest Fresh Heads. All you need is one treatment and your child is good to go back to school the next day.
Professional Head Lice Removal in Savannah, Georgia
Here at Fresh Heads, we provide a professional head lice removal service. We are actually home to the best lice treatment method in the business. It is our patented AirAlle treatment that uses heated air to kill head lice and nits. If you are interested in our location in Savannah, GA, or our others in Jacksonville and Orlando, Fl, then contact us today.
Schools Without Lice
At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!