5 Tips To Keep Your Child Lice Free at Summer Camp
Summer camp is one of the most fun and exciting parts of summer vacation as a kid. Meeting new friends, going on adventures, and eating smores around campfires is all good fun, but summer camp does not come risk-free. Camp activities create a great environment for head lice to thrive and spread to others. Here are a few ways that you can keep your child safe from head lice at camp this summer. If these tips do not work for you, we have you covered for lice removal in Savannah, GA, and our other locations.
Pre-Camp Lice Head Check
Before you send your child to summer camp, it is a good idea to check them for lice before they leave. It can save you the frustration of receiving the diagnosis halfway through the week and having to check your kid out early. Lice checks are becoming a more routine part of a registration for most camps, but it is always good to ask about the camp policy before your child is exposed to lice.
Encourage Braids and Ponytails
One of the simplest ways to reduce the likelihood of head lice is by reducing the amount of hair that can make contact with others. Lice can only spread from direct contact, so putting your hair up can reduce the chance of making that contact with someone else. Braids, buns, and ponytails are three quick and easy ways that you can get your hair up and out of harm’s way. Not only will this reduce the chances of lice, but it also can help keep you cool in the summer sun.
Educate your kids on Lice
Before your kids head off to enjoy their week at camp, it is important to teach them the basics when it comes to avoiding head lice. Keeping their hair up and avoiding head-to-head contact are good things to remind your children before their week away. Teaching them how to perform a thorough head check can help by keeping them in the know to help prevent the spread of lice to others.
Be Proactive About Lice
The best way to prevent lice is by being proactive. Doing a regular check for lice for you and your kids and bringing up lice screening policies at summer camps are great ways to increase awareness of head lice and reduce the likelihood of an infestation.
Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Savannah, GA
Here at Fresh Heads, we are dedicated to safely removing head lice so that your kids can return to normal life as soon as possible. Our treatment works without the use of toxic chemicals and guarantees a same-day treatment. Click here to learn more about how our lice removal clinic is offering the best lice treatment for kids in Savannah, GA, Jacksonville, FL, and Orlando, FL.
Schools Without Lice
At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!