
How Long Can You Go Without Noticing You Have Lice

How Long Can You Go Without Noticing You Have Lice?

Head lice are a large problem that can be hard to detect early on. Most cases for first-time infestations can take several weeks to spot if you are unaware of what to look for. The sooner you can detect lice the sooner you can treat it. Treating lice early on will help stop the spread on your head and people around you as well.

What is Lice?

Lice are defined as small insects that feed off of a human host. Most live close to the scalp and then travel through the hair on different strands. Head-to-Head contact is the only way to contract lice. They need human blood so they die if they somehow find their way onto inanimate objects (which is uncommon). The only way to treat lice is to kill them, whether you dehydrate them or poison them.

How Soon Do Symptoms Appear After Lice Exposure?

Head lice infestations are spread through head-to-head contact. If you catch it for the first time it could take several weeks to notice that you have lice. When they are light infestations, it may take up to a month to discover. As the lice continue to reproduce after a month it would be very clear. Lice can live for around 60 days as long as they have a human scalp.

Why is it important to get checked by a professional? 

There are several different symptoms that are associated with a lice infestation. It can be confusing in the first stages on whether it is actually lice or not. Some people suffer from an itchy scalp. When your head has lice there is an untreatable itch, no matter how hard you scratch there is no relief. Another symptom is just a tickling sensation. As the lice move around on your scalp you can feel them and it is like crawling on your scalp. Getting your head checked by a professional can help you catch lice before worse symptoms occur. 

Although uncommon, some people experience bumps or rashes when they contract lice. When there is too much scratching you can cause open sores that are prone to infections. This shows the infestation may be getting worse. It also can cause nits to fall out of the head when you scratch, this looks like dandruff to some people.

Get Your Head Checked for Lice in Orlando, FL

There is no harm in getting your head checked by a professional if you start experiencing symptoms. The safest and most effective way to get checked is to visit Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Orlando, FL, Jacksonville, FL, and Savannah, GA. At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we have several different options for preventative measures and treatments if you do have lice.

We have traditional comb out methods and our patented AirAlle Treatment for head lice removal. This AirAlle device uses a safe level of heated air to kill lice in a quick and efficient manner. It focuses on dehydrating lice without using any harsh chemicals. All of these professional treatments can be found at your local Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Orlando, Jacksonville and Savannah. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Can head lice really spread to this little boy in a swimming pool?

Can Head Lice Really Spread in Swimming Pools?

Given the concerns that many people have about how and where lice can be transmitted, during the summer season it’s natural to wonder if head lice can be passed on in a swimming pool environment. As head lice can be incredibly transmissible, it’s important to be aware of the circumstances that facilitate its spread. Although the only way to contract head lice is through head-to-head contact, you still want to know the facts about if lice can spread in swimming pools. Here’s what you need to know:

Chlorine Does Not Kill Lice

These parasites are sturdy creatures, and they have been observed to survive pool water that has been treated with chlorine. In fact, studies have shown that although lice can be somewhat immobilized in chlorinated water, they quickly recuperate once taken out of the water.

With that said, chlorine does not kill head lice. Chlorine should never be used to try to kill head lice, as this can lead to serious side effects like eye damage, breathing problems, and burns on the skin without even killing the parasite.

Lice Remain Attached to Their Hosts

Although head lice have been shown to survive in swimming pools, they do not spread from person to person in that environment. This was demonstrated in an extensive study where individuals with head lice were placed in a pool with others who were not infested.

During the study, the lice remained firmly clutched onto the strands of hair of their hosts as their host swam or submerged themselves. The head lice maintained their tight grip and did not move freely through the water, allowing those individuals without head lice to remain parasite-free.

Since head lice are not spread in swimming pools, people can safely swim in them without fear of contracting an infestation. Although they can withstand the chemicals in the water, they do not release their hold on human hair, preventing the possibility of them latching onto another host.

Swimming After Receiving Treatment for Head Lice

If you have recently been treated for head lice, you might be wondering if it’s safe for you to go for a swim. The answer depends on the type of lice treatment you chose:

  • If you used an OTC shampoo to try to treat your head lice: You should avoid the pool so as to avoid an unwanted chemical or allergic reaction.
  • If you came to Fresh Heads for professional lice treatment and removal: Our Air Allé device only uses warm air, so swimming after lice treatment is perfectly fine. 

Preventing the Spread of Head Lice

Head lice can be very difficult to deal with, as they can interfere with essential activities like sleep. Given their active reproductive cycle, with lice laying six eggs a day, it’s important to receive professional treatment to completely eradicate lice on you or your child’s head. 

Head Lice Treatment in Orlando, Jacksonville, and Savannah

Looking for a way to effectively get rid of lice? Get in touch with us at Fresh Heads Lice Removal! We have lice prevention and removal clinics in Orlando and Jacksonville, FL, and Savannah, GA. Our effective AirAllé® treatment can easily solve your head lice problem in just over an hour. Contact us today to learn more!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our goal is to get rid of head lice in schools across the United States, which is why we’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create a program called Schools Without Lice. Through this program, we can give school nurses and teachers free head lice screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!