
The OTC Lotion Permethrin is Potentially Harmful

The OTC Lotion Permethrin is Potentially Harmful

Research and evidence have suggested lice have been around for approximately 5.5 million years. Scientists have even found head lice in the tombs/coffins of well-preserved mummies dating back to 3000 B.C. Throughout the millions of years head lice have managed to evolve, adapt, and survive it all. Which is why it comes as no surprise when a new strain of lice was produced, they were known as super lice.

What Is Permethrin?

Both permethrin and pyrethrins are made from synthetic pesticides and sold as an over-the-counter lotion treatment used to treat common head lice. This lotion only can kill live lice and is unable to eradicate the lice eggs (nits). Due to the fact permethrin can only kill live lice that can cause a potential problem to arise because if the nits hatch the head lice infestation begins all over again.

Super Lice

When “super lice” is brought up many people have a million questions zooming through their head. What does super lice look like? How are they different from common lice? Are they more harmful or dangerous? The only difference between common lice and super lice is super lice are a divergent strain that have become resistant to permethrin and pyrethrin. They look identical to common lice, and they do not carry or transmit any diseases. The key difference is if your child has a head lice infestation of super lice and uses the OTC topical permethrin it will be ultimately useless. Instead, bring your child into Fresh Heads Lice Removal. Whether your child has super lice or common lice, one single treatment using our AirAlle system will remove all lice the first go around.

The Dangers of Permethrin

Permethrin has been around for some time and because of this many physicians and researchers have identified permethrin as potentially harmful due to its toxic components. For example, permethrin has been linked to endocrine disorders and disruption in children. Specifically, commercial grade permethrin was found to interfere with androgen receptors which can interfere and delay puberty in children.

As a parent your number one priority is your children’s safety and by using permethrin as a way to treat head lice, you’re putting their safety at possible risk. Throw away the permethrin lotion because there are too many dangers and risks attached. Instead bring your child into our lice removal service in Orlando, FL, where your child’s safety is never a question but a guarantee.

Our Fresh Heads Clinics are the #1 Choice in Orlando, FL

Here at Fresh Heads Lice Removal our AirAlle treatment is FDA approved and in one single treatment can dehydrate lice and lice eggs safely. There are no toxins or pesticides used because we understand keeping your children healthy and safe will always be at the core. Stop by one of our many locations: Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Will Lice Go Away On Its Own?

Will Lice Go Away On Its Own?

Sometimes there are things in life that if you ignore them they eventually go away. With head lice, this is not the case. You cannot ignore head lice and wishfully hope they will just disappear from your child’s head or maybe they will eventually die off. They won’t. As long as head lice have a host to survive on, the problem will get worse as time goes on. This is why it’s best to nip head lice in the butt right away by taking your child to Fresh Heads Lice Removal for our professional lice treatment.

Head Lice Left Untreated

Several consequences will occur if you decide the problem will be fixed on its own. First, as the infestation continues the symptoms will worsen. Your child will most likely be scratching at their head nonstop, causing more sores and overall pain, to the point where it will be difficult for your child to go to sleep. Remember, adult head louse can survive on one’s scalp for up to 45 days and within that time period, female louse have the ability to lay approximately six eggs a day. As each day passes more eggs will be laid and hatched. 

Another consequence is if you let head lice go untreated you will be dealing with an even bigger problem.  There could be several hundred or even thousands of lice residing on one’s head which not only increases the risk of potential infection but makes treatment all the more difficult. When you wait until the last minute to handle the problem it will require multiple treatments to get rid of head lice. Especially since all head lice must be killed because if even one nit or louse is left behind the problem begins all over again.

Lastly, not treating your child’s head lice means you’re increasing your risk and others in your household of getting head lice. Each day your child has head lice means you’re more likely to somehow come in direct head-to-head contact, thus allowing a chance for the lice to transfer to your head.

Fresh Heads Handles Even the Severest Infestations in Orlando, FL

Here at Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our lice removal service will handle head lice infestations ranging from moderate to severe. Our professionals have seen it all so there’s absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. We understand how disruptive head lice can be, not just to your child but to your whole family. That’s why there is no point in waiting, stop by one of our three locations in Savannah, GA, Orlando, FL, and Jacksonville, FL.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

What Not to Do When Your Kids Get Head Lice

What Not to Do When Your Kids Get Head Lice

One of the most upsetting things you’ll experience is when you discover that your child has head lice. For most parents, when they find these tiny parasites on their kids, they panic and make rushed decisions. If you’ve just discovered your child has lice, you might be panicking at this very moment. However, there’s no need to worry, because Fresh Heads is here to help steer you in the right direction.

How Did My Child Get Lice?

Head lice are transmitted through head-to-head contact, and is most common in children between ages 3 and 11. This age range is more likely to engage in head-to-head contact in playground and classroom settings, or while hugging their friends on playdates and sleepovers.

No matter how your child got their head lice, there’s a few tips you should be aware of from the start. Here’s what not to do:

1. Don’t Ignore the Source of the Head Lice

As soon as you discover your child has lice, take a moment to think over how your child could’ve gotten the lice in the first place.

Since head lice is spread through head-to-head contact, make sure that you inform other parents and figure out how this started. When you figure out the source of the head lice, you can tell other parents about the situation, so they, too, can take the necessary action. Doing this early helps stop the spread of lice in your child’s social circles.

2. Don’t Forget to Contain the Problem

When you discover that your child has head lice, take the necessary steps to prevent lice from spreading to other family members and kids by containing the problem. To do this, have your child avoid hugging and other close contacts until they are treated.

If you get lice removal service for your child, the specialist will advise you on how to prevent the spread of the problem, should you encounter this experience again.

3. Don’t Overlook Understanding the Life Cycle of Lice

If you want to get rid of lice properly, you need to understand the parasite you’re dealing with. You should know that head lice have a life cycle, and to get rid of them successfully you have to choose a treatment that is effective at every stage of the cycle.

When you see lice, they might be in any of these forms:

  1. Head lice eggs or nits, which are small and oval-shaped.
  2. Lice nymphs, which are greyish white in color and are a tiny version of adult lice.
  3. Adult head lice, which are tan-colored and move quickly along the hair or scalp.

Now that you know the different stages of head lice, you need to make sure that you use the right treatment so that you can adequately get rid of lice in all their forms.

4. Don’t Skip Professional Help

Home remedies and OTC solutions have proved ineffective over recent years because lice have developed a resistance to chemicals, therefore it’s always a good idea to seek professional help and get lice removal services from a reputable clinic. When you don’t seek professional help, you may be using the wrong type of treatment, and your kids may deal with this head lice issue for longer, which could ultimately affect the health of their hair and even cause problems with their sleep.

Although lice don’t cause any diseases, they can still cause irritation and itchiness in the scalp. Because of this some kids will find it hard to sleep and rest, affecting their overall health and well-being.

Head Lice Treatment in Orlando, Savannah, and Jacksonville

If you’re looking for lice removal services in Orlando, Savannah, and Jacksonville, head over to Fresh Heads Lice Removal. Our lice removal clinic is an exclusive provider of the FDA-Cleared AirAllé® device that dehydrates and kills both lice and eggs in a single treatment! Learn more about our services and book an appointment today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we’re determined to get rid of lice in schools across the US. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program which gives school nurses and teachers free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!