How To Remove Lice From Hair Permanently

How To Remove Lice From Hair Permanently

Head lice is one of the most common occurrences in the United States. About 3 to 12 million infestation cases are reported every year, with cases particularly high in children between the ages of 3-11. It’s also shown to be more common in girls than in boys. This is believed to be because of transmission practices occurring more often between girls caused by head-to-head contact.

These wingless parasites can be easily passed from person to person through head-to-head contact during hugs, picture taking, sleepovers, and more. And once you have head lice, if not treated early enough symptoms can get progressively worse and more easily transmittable. 

Needless to say, there are plenty of options available to treat and remove head lice permanently in Jacksonville. At Fresh Heads we offer the finest services, with our expert specialists and patented AirAllé technology to ensure we treat the condition in just one session. 

Is It Lice?

An itch here and there might seem like nothing. But if you think you have come into contact with someone who has lice, it’s best to do a head check as quickly as possible. 

The first sign that one might have the condition is that there is an unbearable amount of scratching. These bugs feed on the blood of our scalps, so the itching occurs when they bite or crawl around. Sometimes you can feel the bug crawling, particularly behind the ears or the base of the neck. 

To be completely sure a head check needs to be done. While we encourage our customers to visit our clinic to receive one by a professional, head checks can also be performed at home. First divide the hair into sections and check the hotspots: base of the neck, over and behind the ears, and the crown. Then you’ll take a special comb and hold it against the scalp and pull through the lengths of the hair. Lastly, you’ll strum the comb over a cup filled with water to catch anything left behind in the comb. If you have lice, you’ll either find bugs themselves or nits (eggs). They will float and be translucent. 

Removal Options That Do Not Work 

Do it yourself lice removal simply does not work. There are many options of DIY lice removal treatments you can find on the internet. Such as mayo, coconut oil, or tea tree oil. Although at home options seem appealing they do not actually remove lice. The marketing does not tell you about the toxins that fill the products. Not to mention you will need to do multiple rounds when trying at home remedies. 

The Best Option To Remove Lice

The only option that completely gets rid of the lice is visiting a professional. At Fresh Heads Lice Removal we have the AirAlle signature treatment. This machine uses warm air to completely dehydrate the lice infestation. This treatment is a one time treatment and has a 60 day guarantee. 

Fresh Heads: Your One Stop For Permanent Head Lice Removal In Jacksonville

As stated earlier, we acknowledge the fact that there are some who may not be able to visit us within the best time frame. However, if you have the means to do so we strongly recommend scheduling a visit at our office. If a positive case is confirmed then we would follow a treatment plan that involves our revolutionary AirAllé technology, designed to kill the infestation permanently. 

Read more about our treatment plans at Fresh Heads and give us a call to schedule a service today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Does Mayonnaise Kill Lice?

Does Mayonnaise Kill Lice?

Handling head lice can be a tricky and difficult situation if not handled quickly and/or professionally. The key is treating the individual with head lice before anyone else in the household can be affected. 

That being said, it can be tempting to seek out DIY or home remedies for solving the issue before visiting Fresh Heads. While we do not discourage families from conducting their own head checks, we don’t however encourage them to treat head lice at home. There are many reasons as to why, which will be discussed below as well as better treatment options and other steps you can take to prevent the spread of head lice.

Head Lice: What Are They And Why Are They Difficult To Treat?

Head lice are small parasitic insects that feed off the blood of a persons scalp. They are wingless and measure to about the size of a strawberry seed. Although a nuisance, head lice do not carry any transmittable diseases that are dangerous. The only real threat they pose is the level of uncomfortability they cause and how easily they can be transmitted between people. 

What makes head lice difficult to treat is firstly their eggs, sometimes called nits. These small dandruff-looking eggs are incredibly difficult to brush out of the hair. Whereas dandruff just flakes off the scalp, nits cannot be brushed or combed out with your traditional hair tools. Even the special over the counter shampoos designed to treat this condition are ineffective in removing nits completely. 

Another factor that makes head lice difficult to treat is their ability to rapidly multiply. Female head lice can lay up to eight nits per day and both male and female lice can survive for up to 60 days. It takes about 9 days for the nits to hatch. This is why it’s important to not only remove the bugs themselves but the nits as well. 

Does Mayonnaise Kill Lice?

In short: no, mayonnaise (and any other product used to suffocate head lice) does not work. 

You could be wondering why such a remedy is even considered as a treatment option for head lice. It is important to note that, all the while ineffective, mayonnaise is one of those “been around for years” myths that somehow became an incredibly popular suggestion to the public. 

But if it’s no use, then how has it been around for so long? Well, the mayonnaise remedy stems from the idea of killing head lice through suffocation. Thinking about the consistency of the condiment, it at first makes sense. It is pretty thick. But in order for the method to be effective, the mayonnaise must completely harden because it’s not thick enough to completely suffocate adult bugs. That can take up to 8 hours. And in all of this time one might think they’ve found a solution but in actuality one a few adult bugs just laid 50 more eggs. 

The most important thing to remember about treating head lice is that it is not enough to just kill the bugs. You must also kill the nits too. And this is the part that the mayonnaise supporters fail to understand. Mayonnaise and therefore the idea of suffocating the adult bugs, has absolutely no effect on the eggs. And that means the cycle of infestation will continue.

The Most Effective Way To Kill Head Lice

The most effective way to kill head lice if you suspect there is an infestation is to visit a professional in a timely manner. The sooner you treat the condition the quicker it is to get rid of and you reduce the chances of other family or friends catching it. 

We encourage you to conduct frequent head checks with a special nit comb and check the hotspots: over and behind the ears, the nape of the neck, and the crown of the head. Make sure to comb out through the entire head and perform a thorough examination. 

Lastly, if you find you are infected, seek professional help at Fresh Heads. We will conduct a head check for $14.99 and if a positive case of head lice is confirmed, we will continue with one of our signature treatments to get the bugs gone the first time. Our most popular treatment is our AirAlle dehydration treatment. 

Visit Fresh Heads! Get It Done Right The First Time!

Although we understand some might want to treat head lice on their own first, it’s important to understand that one might cause a severe issue that could’ve been solved easily the first time. At Fresh Heads we pride ourselves on being able to kill head lice and remove them completely with just one treatment. It’s all thanks to our signature AirAllé technology that was proven to be 99.2% effective in a scientific study. 

To schedule your lice removal service today, visit our website to find various locations near you!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

How Does Lice Spread

How Does Lice Spread

The holiday season provides a great opportunity for us to spend time with family and friends, make new memories, and indulge in good food, but we aren’t the only ones enjoying the festivities. The holidays also provide head lice with the perfect opportunity to find new hosts and spread from family to family. These blood-thirsty insects spread like wildfire across schools, sports teams, and summer camps, leaving many of us wondering, how do these tiny bugs get around so fast? Despite being one of the world’s more famous parasites, there are a lot of misconceptions about them. 

Do Lice Jump or Fly?

Because of their ability to travel from head to head, many people suspect that head lice have the ability to jump or fly. Thankfully, this is not the case. Though there are many bugs that are capable of jumping, lice are not among them. The only way for lice to spread is by crawling around on their six legs. If you have recently spoken with someone before finding out they had lice, the good news is you are at low risk. Lice are bound to ground travel, so it is unlikely the lice will have enough time to make the journey. But if they can’t jump or fly, how do lice spread?

How Does Lice Spread

The only way for head lice to spread is via direct contact with an existing host. Head lice have adapted to live exclusively in human hair, so if they fall out of it, they do not have long to find a new home before they die. This makes it almost impossible for head lice to spread through indirect methods like such as hat sharing or borrowing sports equipment. Pillow sharing, group photos, and hugs are a few of the ways that lice can get the direct contact that they need to spread. 

How To Avoid Head Lice

The best way to prevent head lice is by avoiding head-to-head contact whenever possible. Doing regular lice checks at home and encouraging them in schools can be a great way to catch a case of lice before it has a chance to spread. If you have family, educate your children on the signs and symptoms of lice, and how they spread. Head lice are much more common among children in grade school, so it is important that your children know how to identify them. Keeping your hair up and out of the way is another easy way to lower your risk of getting lice. Putting your hair up in a bun or pulled back into a braid or ponytail keeps hair out of the way and reduces your chances of tangling hairs with the wrong person. 

Stop the Spread of Lice at Fresh Heads Lice Removal

If you begin to see signs of head lice on yourself or a family member, do not hesitate to contact a lice clinic. At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we specialize in the treatment and removal of head lice without the use of any harmful chemicals. Our AirAlle head lice machine allows us to offer a guaranteed, same-day treatment that will have you ready to return to normal life in just under an hour and a half. If you would like to learn more about our treatment options, and how lice are spread, get in contact with us today or visit us at one of our locations in Jacksonville FL, Orlando FL, and Savannah GA.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Can Tea Tree Oil Kill Lice?

Can Tea Tree Oil Kill Lice?

Head lice affect millions of homes across the US every year. With many cases of lice occurring annually in the states, it’s no surprise that some people have tried to get rid of these parasites in a variety of ways. Most home remedies for head lice, such as mayonnaise or essential oils, are ineffective and messy. Over-the-counter treatments and lice shampoos are full of toxic chemicals and don’t live up to the advertising on their labels. In search of a healthy and effective way to get rid of head lice, many people have begun experimenting with something new, tea tree oil. Though this oil has been known to treat acne, athletes’ feet, and insect bites, is it an effective treatment for head lice?

What is Tea Tree Oil?

Derived from the Australian tea tree, this essential oil is harvested by steaming the plant’s leaves. Also, known as melaleuca oil, this treatment is administered topically. Believed to be antibacterial, tea tree oil has demonstrated the ability to battle certain types of fungi and rashes. Though it does have some beneficial properties, a few side effects of administering this oil can include burning, scaling, dryness, inflammation, and irritation. Tea tree oil is available in many over-the-counter skin products, lotions, and soaps. Be careful though, if ingested, tea tree oil can cause confusion, unconsciousness, and ataxia.

Does Tea Tree Oil Kill Lice?

Despite being an effective treatment for bacterial and fungal infections, tea tree oil for lice is not effective. Though there has been some evidence that suggests tea tree oil could battle head lice when combined with lavender oil, tea tree oil alone will not save you from a case of head lice. It can be tempting to try home remedies for the sake of convenience, but unfortunately, they usually leave us scratching our heads. If you are looking for a head lice solution you can trust, it is best to consult a head lice professional or ask a doctor.

Find Head Lice Treatment in Orlando, FL

Fresh Heads Lice Removal is an award-winning science-based lice treatment clinic. Our chemical-free lice treatment guarantees a lice-free scalp in under 90 minutes. The AirAlle is an FDA-approved device that uses warm air to detach the head lice and their nits from your hair shafts, in a pleasant and efficient manner. We are dedicated to giving you and your family the safest and most effective treatments possible. If you would like to learn more or schedule an appointment, give us a call or visit one of our locations in Jacksonville, Fl, Orlando, FL, or Savannah, GA.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

How To Tell if the Lice are Really Gone?

How To Tell if the Lice are Really Gone?

Lice are little pesky creatures, and even though they can’t fly or jump, they are determined to stay around. Knowing the signs of lice and what lice look like is crucial knowledge to knowing how to properly get rid of lice. 

How To Check For Lice

At Fresh Heads, we do offer lice checks, but if you do not have the time, here’s some steps to help you know the proper way to check for lice yourself:

1. Make sure to wash your hands or put on gloves before you start. 

2. Next, create a part in the hair with your fingers or the help of a comb, so that you can clearly see the person’s scalp. 

3. While making parts in the hair, it is time to see if there are any little lice running around. Lice are around the size of a poppy seed and are usually brown, black, or a darker color. A flashlight will probably help your chances of finding them. 

4. The next step is to look for the nits. The nits are the lice eggs. They are very small little white clusters that are on the hair strands very close to the scalp. There may also be some near the nape of the neck or behind the ears. At times these are easier to find because they are stationary. 

5. To get rid of the lice and the lice eggs, the best method is to seek professional assistance at Fresh Heads. At Fresh Heads, we have the proper and most effective equipment to make you lice and lice egg free. A one time treatment is all you need and then you’re back to your daily life. 


After checking for any signs of lice, and expectedly finding some, the question pops up “what should I do now?” The first thought you have might be to go to a local pharmacy and pick up some over-the-counter products. Unfortunately, lice have genetically adapted to the chemicals that are in those products. They were not very effective in the first place, but now they aren’t effective at all. The best thing to do is to get professional help. The best lice treatment out there is with Fresh Heads and our AirAlle device. This treatment uses heated air that kills both lice and nits without having to use toxic chemicals. 

Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Savannah, Georgia

Catching lice can be a very stressful time, and here at Fresh Heads, we want to help you however we can. We have the best lice treatment on the market that can make your worries disappear. If you are interested then make sure to contact us or come on down to Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Savannah, GA, or one of our other locations in Jacksonville or Orlando, FL.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Tips To Stay Lice Free If Someone In Your Household Has It

Tips To Stay Lice Free If Someone In Your Household Has It

Having lice can be very annoying and a struggle to deal with, but living with someone who has lice can be just as annoying. The chances of getting exposed to lice highly increase when you are living with people that have lice, but there are still many ways around it.

Tips to Stay Lice Free

Lice are spread from head-to-head contact. This information alone should significantly help you avoid the chances of getting exposed to lice. Activities like cuddling or playing could only make the lice infestation worse due to the close quarters of the activities. You can get a headstart before it becomes too much of a problem by checking for lice frequently. Also keeping people informed about how lice act is a great way for people to know how to avoid them. Especially for kids when they are informed on something that could be scary they tend to stay away. Following this little bit of advice could help you a lot if you encounter a situation similar in your home. 

Ways to Get Rid of Lice

There are many at-home methods that have been rumored to get rid of lice, but they are usually not very effective. For one, they might kill the lice, but they still leave the lice eggs in the hair, which would ultimately birth more lice. Not to mention, most of these at-home methods usually have toxic chemicals that are not good for your head/scalp. The best method is the AirAllé featured at Fresh Heads. This method uses heated air to kill all lice and any lice eggs in the hair. It is also a big plus that it is not harmful to your head or hair at all. Always seek out professional help when you are dealing with lice. 

Lice Removal in Jacksonville, Fl.

Lice are very pesky creatures that can be hard to deal with by yourself, thankfully you are not alone. Here at Fresh Heads, we pride ourselves on having the best treatment process with over a 99% effectiveness rate. To make an appointment don’t be afraid to call us or check out our website. Come on down to Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Jacksonville, FL., or one of our other locations in Orlando, FL., or Savannah, GA. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Can African Americans Get Lice?

Can African Americans Get Lice?

Believe it or not, a common myth is that African Americans can’t get lice, however this is false. It’s always important to not panic when getting lice, and instead, doing what you can to take precautionary measures so that it does not spread and you can safely get rid of the lice. 

Can Black People Get Lice?

Yes, black people can get lice. It is found though that black people are less likely to get lice because lice have a harder time navigating coiled hair. Lice crawls around on the scalp and through the hair, when hair is coiled, it can make it difficult to contract lice. That being said, just because it is not as common, does not mean it can’t happen. It’s just as important to take all the steps necessary to avoid getting lice no matter your hair type.

Lice In Hair Types

When it comes to lice in hair types, it doesn’t really matter what kind of hair you have, the color of hair, the texture, or the length. Although, those with medium to long length hair, or straight hair are more susceptible to lice because it is easier for the lice to grab onto.  We are often asked if your hair being dirty or clean makes a difference.  Yes, it does but you may be surprised by the reason why.  Lice prefer clean hair over dirty hair as it makes it easier for them to attach. 

Precautions to Prevent Lice

There’s a few different precautionary steps you can take to help prevent getting lice. Although lice is only spread through head-to-head contact, these are still good ideas to keep in mind.

  • Avoid head-to-head contact
  • Do not share hair brushes
  • Wash bedding regularly 
  • Do not share headphones
  • Do not lie on couches or bedding if someone who has lice has lied on it

Fresh Heads in Jacksonville, FL

If you’re looking for a lice treatment center in Jacksonville, FL, Fresh Heads has got you covered. We also provide two other locations in Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA. We offer our patented AirAlle device that distributes warm air onto the scalp without having to use harmful chemicals or toxins. We offer a one time treatment needed policy with a 60-day warranty and no follow-up needed. This is why we are the #1 choice for local families. Call us today to free your family from lice.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Does the Weather Temperature Affect Lice?

Does the Weather Temperature Affect Lice?

As the seasons change and your kids go back to school, there is always the concern of lice spreading. You may be hoping or have heard that in the winter months, lice are less commonly spread. The truth is, there are no dormant months for lice and lice spread all year long. As long as the person, or host, they are attaching to has a body temperature of 98.6 degrees, they are alive and happy. 

Do Freezing Lice and Head Lice Eggs Work?

While the weather temperature gets cold outside in the winter months, and even freezing or below freezing for some states, it will not kill the lice or lice eggs. Lice can be killed by freezing them, but it would have to be constant freezing temperatures for up to several days. The human body cannot survive that long in freezing temperatures, and nor is it necessary to do that in order to kill lice. 

Weather Temperature and Lice

The weather temperature and lice have little to no relationship with each other. Cold or hot weather does not affect lice or head lice eggs. It will not prevent the spreading or kill the lice. In order to kill the lice by using heat, the weather needs to be 130 degrees and just like with freezing lice, it is not necessary in order to effectively kill the lice. The only way to effectively kill the lice and stop the spreading is to make an appointment at a lice clinic. 

Body Temperature and Lice

Lice can survive in any weather temperature as long as the body temperature of their host is around 98.6 degrees. If a louse detaches from the host, it can live around 24 to 48 hours before they die. Nits, or lice eggs, can stay alive off the host for up to 10 days however lice nits will not hatch at or below room temperature. 

Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Orlando, FL. 

Fresh heads offer a lice clinic for professional and effective lice removal so you can get your life back in order. We use our patented AirAlle device that distributes warm air onto the scalp without having to use any harsh chemicals. You only need one treatment and there’s no hassle of a follow-up appointment. Visit our Orlando, FL location as soon as you start to notice something feels different. We are the #1 choice for local families and offer other locations in Jacksonville, FL, and Savannah, GA. Call us today to schedule an appointment!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Lice Comb Outs: Process and Procedures

Lice Comb Outs: Process and Procedures

Lice completely disrupts your daily routine and once you think you might have it, it’s best to get it treated immediately. You’ve discovered you have lice and you’re not sure what to do next. You see all these links, treatments, and tools, but you’re not sure what they mean. We’re here to help break the process down for you and tell you step-by-step what needs to be done and what goes into it.

Do I Have Lice?

A good way to know if you have lice is if you are experiencing severe itchiness on your scalp. This itchiness can disrupt your daily life and even cause you to lose sleep. If you look at your scalp, you can either see very tiny, black insects, which would be lice, or you’ll see lice nits. Lice nits are the lice eggs that’ll you’ll see on individual strands of hair close to the scalp. Lice nits are white or yellowish in color, hard, oval-shaped, and difficult to remove. 

Is A Comb Out Something I Can Do At Home?

The short answer is yes. However, we do not recommend at-home comb out treatments, as they can be tedious, ineffective, and occasionally painful to those without experience in the comb-out process.. A lice or nit comb is a very finely-toothed comb that is used to remove dead lice and lice nits. We always recommend coming to our lice treatment center because we have professionals that know how to safely and painlessly remove the lice and nits.

Head Lice Removal Process

As mentioned, treating lice at home is not always the best option. We always recommend going to a professional lice treatment center such as with us at Fresh Heads Lice Removal. This is how we start the lice removal process:

1. Lice check: We will first do a lice check to confirm that you have lice and to see how far the infestation has gone.

2. AirAlle Treatment: We then use our patented AirAlle device, which looks like a large hair diffuser. The device distributes warm air on to the scalp and kills the lice and lice nits without having to use toxic chemicals. 

3. The comb out: Lastly, we use our nit comb which is a finely toothed comb that is used to extract the dead lice and lice nits.

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal we offer a 60-day guarantee, no hourly charge, and a simple and effective 90 minute session to free you of lice.

Where Can I Get A Lice Check in Savannah, GA?

You can check for lice yourself, or you can come get a professional lice check with us at Fresh Heads in Savannah, GA. We offer additional locations in Jacksonville, Fl and Orlando, FL. Call us today to book an appointment with the #1 choice for local families. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

How Do Professionals Remove Lice?

How Do Professionals Remove Lice?

You, your child, or someone you know has lice. It’s completely disrupted your life and the chaos has set in. You’ve looked up home remedies, over-the-counter options, and just nothing seems to be worth the time, money and effective enough. After looking up “lice treatment center near me”, you finally come across Fresh Heads Lice Removal’s page and start to scroll. You love what you’re seeing and what they have to offer, but then you wonder why should I choose professional lice removal? 

Why Should I Choose Professional Lice Removal?

Professional lice removal should never be a last resort. The hundreds of dollars you spent on ingredients for that at home concoction or the over-the-counter package just isn’t effective enough. It should always be your first go-to choice so you know you’re getting quality products that actually work, and you won’t have to worry about coming back for a follow-up treatment. Professional lice removal effectively kills the lice and lice nits the first time around so you can get back to your normal life as soon as possible.

How Do Professionals Remove Lice?

You’ve probably thought to yourself what is so different about removing lice yourself versus having a professional do it? Our professionals at Fresh Heads are experienced and know how to gently and effectively kill the lice and lice nits. We use our patented AirAlle machine that uses warm air on the scalp without having to use any toxic chemicals. We then use our soothing, non-toxic topical rinse of the scalp. Lastly, we comb out the dead lice and lice nits with a finely toothed nit comb to ensure we get out all the lice and nits. After our treatment, you are lice free with a guarantee of 60 days and no follow-up treatments needed. Not only is it safer, more cost effective, and a more effective treatment overall, but we have a 60-day re-treatment policy.

What To Do When You Discover You Have Lice

When it comes to lice, it is important to first know how they spread. Lice don’t jump or live on pets. Instead, they spread through head-to-head contact. When you find out that you are infested, you’ll want to contain the problem by avoiding hugging and close head-to-head contact. You can wash your bedding and clothes, but lice cannot survive on inanimate objects for very long so the chances of finding lice on these items is slim. Next, you’ll want to find the closest lice treatment center near you. Going to a lice treatment center with professionals, such as Fresh Heads, is an effective and guaranteed solution that will save you money in the long run. 

The Best Lice Removal in Savannah, GA

Fresh Heads provides the best lice removal service in the Savannah, GA area, as well as our other locations in Jacksonville, FL and Orlando, FL. We know the pain you are going through and how it can completely turn your life upside down. We are the #1 choice for local families. Call us today to schedule an appointment now.  

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!