What Is A Nymph Lice?

What Is A Nymph Lice?

When you or someone you know catches a case of head lice, what is the first thing you think about doing? Is it googling a treatment facility? Is it spraying and disinfecting every corner of your house? Is it phoning a friend or family member who you know has dealt with the issue before? Maybe a DIY hack? 

Regardless of your answer, treating head lice can be uncomfortable and a nuisance to affected individuals and those closest to them. Especially if you have never encountered the pests before. Head lice can be a tricky case if not handled with immediate proper care and it is always best to consult a professional before deciding on the best course of action. At Fresh Heads Lice Removal located in Savannah, GA, or Jacksonville and Orlando, FL, we understand how frustrating head lice can be. That is why we offer the best treatment options with our world-class technology at affordable prices with the best staff in the southeast. 

Before you can begin to understand what treatment options are available at our clinics, you must first understand what head lice are. With this information, you can then be confident in knowing why the best and only option for a professional lice removal service is Fresh Heads Lice Removal. 

What Are Head Lice?

Head lice are more than just tiny little bugs that make your head itch. 

They are parasitic insects that live off human blood from the scalp. They are about the size of a sesame seed when fully grown and have an average lifespan of about 60 days. Within that time frame, a female head louse can lay an average of 6-10 eggs, or nits, a day. 

That’s a lot of babies. 

Multiply that by 10 female head lice and you have got yourself a serious case of scratching and itching. 

Those are the general characteristics of a basic head louse. But what about them makes them so difficult to treat without the proper professional tools and products? What are the other stages of life they go through before they reach adulthood? What are some common misconceptions about head lice?

Eggs And Nits

The first stage in the life of a head louse is called a nit, or an egg. They are so tiny, sometimes about the size of a knot in thread, that they can be nearly impossible to see with a naked eye. To make things even more challenging, a female head louse will lay her nits extremely close to the scalp, about ¼ above the skin and hair follicles. This prevents it from moving within the hair or even falling off the scalp through scratching, brushing, or combing. 

Nits can be difficult to see without the proper technology from a licensed professional. They are often mistaken for dandruff or dry shampoo. Nits can be white or a light yellow color, but cases have shown that people with darker hair tend to have nits that are darker in color as well. As if we couldn’t get more complicated. They hatch in 8-9 days afterward into baby lice called Nymphs.

Nymph Lice

After hatching from an egg, a Nymph starts to feed almost immediately. They are smaller than adult head louse but look exactly the same. After about 9-12 days they fully grow into an adult head louse. 

Adult Head Lice

As previously mentioned, adult head lice can live on the scalp for about 60 days. In that time if left untreated, they can multiply rapidly and make a manageable case severe. Just like the nits female head louse lay, adult head lice tend to resemble the hair color of the affected individual. 

Head lice have six legs and at the end of each are these hook-like claws that allow them to grip the hair strand firmly. Because they need a constant food supply, if a head lice falls from your scalp or hair it will not survive more than two days. 

Even though they can move freely on the scalp, the easiest and fastest way a professional can determine if someone has head lice is by looking at the four hot spots. These include the crown of the head, behind each ear, in the hairline, and at the base of the neck. 

Myths and Misconceptions 

There are a few misunderstandings out there when it comes to head lice, especially around treatments, physiology, and how you can catch them. 

Firstly, head lice cannot jump. They are not like fleas. They can crawl only and are not spread by simply passing by someone. Head lice are only spread through direct head-to-head contact.

Lastly, despite all the he-said-she-said tips and tricks or DIY treatments you found on Google, the best way to treat a case of head lice is by seeking help from a licensed professional. Remember, a female head louse can lay 6-10 eggs a day. The longer you wait to get professional help the worse the case can get and more people are put at risk of catching it. 

Treatments : The AirAlle, Comb-Out, And Do-It-Yourself Kit

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Savannah, GA, or either of our Florida locations, we offer exclusive top-notch treatments to our clients. The best one being our patented AirAlle treatment. 

The AirAlle is the most popular treatment at any of our offices because its advanced technology requires only one treatment. It’s a 90-minute process that uses warm, dry air to eradicate all baby lice, head lice, and their nits. It also includes a full comb-out session, followed by a soothing, non-toxic topical rinse. This treatment starts at $159.99.

Another service we offer is our AirAlle Treatment Supreme. It includes all of the benefits of our traditional AirAlle service plus a Lice Triage Kit and the first three months free of the Fresh Heads Protection Plan. This service starts at $199.99. 

If you would rather go the traditional route, we do offer a comb-out service that includes a soothing non-toxic topical rinse and a 10-day follow-up service that is free of charge. This treatment starts at $124.99. Finally, if you feel confident in your abilities we offer a do-it-yourself kit for $54.99. It includes all of our products to remove nits, nymph lice, and adult lice properly. Note that in order to be effective the comb-out must be done consistently and thoroughly.

Look No Further Than Fresh Heads Lice Removal 

Now that you understand what makes head lice so difficult to treat at home, there’s only one place you can trust with treating such a daunting condition. Regardless of whether you visit our Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, or Savannah, GA, locations, you can trust that each will offer the best care at the best prices in all of the southeast. 

We understand that there is an overwhelming amount of information when it comes to the subject of head lice. That is why we made sure to be a trusted and reliable source of information so that our clients can feel at ease when they step into our offices. We believe that treating head lice is more than just a physical process, but also a mental one. Having reliable information from a professional source in addition to a prime treatment service is the Fresh Heads way.

For more information on our treatment options or to schedule an appointment at one of our three locations, visit our website today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!