Entries by FreshHeads

What to Do When Lice Come Back

Head lice are notorious for afflicting preschool and elementary-school children and causing all kinds of discomfort. They primarily cause a tickling sensation of something moving in the hair. However, in worse cases, they cause serious itching and even sores on the scalp. It is for this reason that parents seek various lice removal treatments or […]

Where Do Lice Really Come From?

Lice: For anyone who takes great care of their health and longs to stay as hygienic as possible, the mere idea of this pesky problem can raise goosebumps unlike never before. Whether you’ve heard horror stories from friends or family members who have experienced it, or you’ve had the unpleasant experience of having had it […]

Myth vs. Fact: Are Lice More Attracted to Certain Blood Types?

For many generations, the scientific research available on head lice has been limited. For this reason, many people have come to assume some things that just aren’t true. This is especially the case when it comes to the causes of head lice. Old myths about the causes of lice infestations continue to pop up, causing […]

Why Home Remedies for Lice Removal Don’t Work

Some parents don’t immediately seek help from professional lice removal services when their kids get lice. Instead, they try to treat it themselves with home remedies. This often leads to disaster—since these treatments are ineffective, the lice continue to spread and the infestation worsens. So, before you spend the next couple of hours rummaging through […]

A Guide to Lice Treatment Aftercare

Head lice are pests that can cause much discomfort, and worse, they can spread quickly. They are most commonly spread among children and families with children—individuals who are more likely to have head to head contact. Luckily, there’s an easy way to handle infestations, thanks to the professional lice treatments available today. However, what happens […]

7 Lice Terms You May Not Be Familiar With

Head lice are a common problem shared by children and adults alike. While the pesky critters are typically the size of a sesame seed, one small sighting is enough to cause panic as it can quickly spread like wildfire and turn into a prickling problem. Many parents assume that over-the-counter treatments and home remedies are […]

All About the Hidden Costs of Having Head Lice

When people discover an unwelcome lice infestation nestling in their hair, it’s an itchy problem that can be costly in the long run. Many people want to get rid of it as quickly and cheaply as possible and therefore resort to at-home remedies or DIY treatments to avoid the expense of professional head lice removal. […]

The Head Lice Life Cycle: What to Know

Having head lice is a condition that can cause itching, tingling, or tickling on your scalp. While this is common, the idea of having stubborn parasitic insects crawling on your scalp, living off of your blood, can lead you to be at your wit’s end. Worse, they are contagious. The good news is that you […]

Can Head Lice Really Spread in Swimming Pools?

Given the concerns that many people have about how and where lice can be transmitted, during the summer season it’s natural to wonder if head lice can be passed on in a swimming pool environment. As head lice can be incredibly transmissible, it’s important to be aware of the circumstances that facilitate its spread. Although […]