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One parent talking to another about head lice.

How to Talk to Other Parents About Head Lice

Having another parent take you aside to talk about your child can be somewhat tricky. As the parent, you feel you know best when it comes to your child.  It can be all the more upsetting if the matter is related to head lice. Parents are often at a loss when informing other parents that […]

Is flat ironing effective in killing lice and nits?

Fact or Myth: Is Flat Ironing Effective in Killing Lice and Nits?

Seeing a bug can really bug a person’s mood, but discovering lice or lice eggs woven into your child’s locks can truly make your skin crawl. It’s an itchy problem that is often hard to scratch at first, which is why parents quickly resort to home remedies to try to get rid of the pesky […]

Washing this load of laundry in the normal wash won't get rid of the lice.

Understanding Why Lice Can’t Be Killed with Normal Washing

Lice are resilient insects that survive most processes humans perform on scalps and hair. A head lice infestation can withstand washing, blow-drying, hair curling, or straightening. One of the reasons is that lice stay close to the scalp, where hot styling tools can’t reach them. Furthermore, plain water and ordinary soap or shampoo will not wash them […]

Super Lice: What Are They and Do They Really Exist?

Super Lice: What Are They and Do They Really Exist?

Lice are small, soft-bodied insects that are generally harmless, but the pesky critters can take hold of one’s head and warrant plenty of fear among children to adults alike. Some parents try to take matters into their own hands—starting out picking lice off one by one, and then resorting to strong over-the-counter insecticides to try […]

This boy has post-lice treatment itching from OTC lice shampoo.

Post-Lice Treatment Itching: Is It Normal?

Thinking about creepy crawlies can immediately make people’s skin crawl, so it’s not surprising that the image of head lice can produce the same reaction, firing up the need to scratch what seems like an incurable itch. Speaking of which, many people who try to self-treat their head lice still find their heads are as […]

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