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Head Lice–How To Tell If You’ve Got It

The CDC estimates that every year between 6 and 12 million school-aged children will contract head lice.  That is as many as 1 in 5 kids, between the ages of 3 and 11!  YIKES!  I actually never had lice as a child, believe it or not.  But, I remember my mother losing her dang mind […]

Why Is Head Lice So Hard???

Oh, head lice. You are so small! And yet you have driven us crazy for thousands of years. Why is head lice so hard to get rid of? When I was a kid, our parents slathered our hair ONCE with an over the counter pesticide and that was it! At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we […]

Holy Outbreaks!

Yes, its true. We are very busy at Fresh Heads. Last week we did more treatments than we sometimes do in a month. And while we specialize in amazing head lice treatments, we also offer hope for the do it yourself-er. Is that you??? Most parents, facing a head lice problem will run straight to […]

Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween!  Today, we dressed up as lice killers!  9 treatments today, so actually I’m not kidding at all.  I just always knew I’d be a lice killer when I grew up!  Ahhhh, anyway.  People are so often surprised to hear that lice really is a year-round problem, worldwide.  It really doesn’t matter what part […]

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