Head Lice: What Parents Need to Know

Head Lice: What Parents Need to Know

If you are a caregiver of a small child, then you may or may or may not have dealt with the trials that ensue when they test positive for head lice. If you have, you may recall what that moment felt like. Stressed, worried, and with an onslaught of questions running through your brain, you may have wanted to try a million different things. We get it. The staff at Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Jacksonville and Orlando, Florida, and Savannah, Georgia, aren’t rookies when it comes to head lice in adults and children. 

It might sound cliche, but the key to treating this condition is through timeliness and effectiveness. Unfortunately, there is much misinformation about head lice themselves and about treatments. Specifically, the numerous DIY’s that claim to be an effective alternative to receiving professional treatment. Understand that no matter how quick or easy an at-home-treatment might sound, the best option will always be to seek out assistance from a licensed professional. One of the worst things you can do is waste your time with ineffective treatments and the condition gradually worsens.

We know that there is an overwhelming amount of information on the web about head lice, so we wanted to provide a trusted source to aid in your search for finding the best treatment option for you and your loved one. We’ll review the appearance and functionality of head lice, how they spread, the treatment options we have available, and how you can prevent your child from getting head lice. 

Head Lice: Appearance And Functionality

Firstly, adult head lice are about the size of a sesame seed and are grey or white in color. However, they can also be a darker color for individuals who have darker hair. They have six legs in total and attached to the end of each are hook-like claws that allow them to grip onto the hair strand firmly. When they move around on the scalp, there’s this head-tickling sensation that causes people to itch, or make them believe they can “feel” the bugs moving. Head lice feed off of blood from the scalps of people and an adult head louse can live for about 60 days with a constant food supply. A female head louse can lay about 6-10 eggs a day, strategically, about ¼ of an inch above the scalp.

Secondly, head lice nits, or eggs, can be yellow, white, or black in color. They are about the size of a single knot in a piece of thread. As you can imagine, they are often confused with dandruff, sores, or water droplets on the scalp. Seeing them with the naked eye is almost impossible. Using traditional hair tools to remove them will be virtually ineffective because they are so small and so close to the scalp. After about 9 days, they will hatch into a nymph. 

Nymphs are just even smaller versions of adult head lice. They feed on the blood of the scalp until they fully mature, about 9-12 days later. 

The Transferability of Head Lice

Before we continue, let’s bust some myths first:

  • Swimming Does Not Spread Head Lice: The idea that you can drown head lice is simply false. Not only are the chlorine levels used in most community swimming pools not strong enough to kill head lice, but submerging them underwater alone will not get rid of them. Remember those hooks we mentioned earlier? Well what makes them impossible to remove by traditional methods, like washing the hair (where they will be underwater), is because of those claws. They are able to hang onto the hair and not let go. In other words, once on the hair, they are staying until removed with the proper tools or treatments. The same applies to head lice nits. 
  • No, They Don’t Spread Diseases: We know that the word parasite when used to talk about the pesky bugs can be somewhat alarming. Regardless, the scratching from the constant itching is what leads to possible sores on the scalp. That is what leads to infection if an individual develops one.
  • Head Pieces And Wigs Do Not Spread Head Lice: Head lice need a constant blood supply in order to remain alive. The nature of wigs requires a protective piece, called a wig cap, in order to keep the natural hair safe. It provides a barrier to whatever tools and manipulation tactics one might use for the wig itself. Head lice cannot go longer than a day without feeding, so transmission from a wig or headpiece is extremely low. 

Our Signature Treatment: The Airalle

A non-toxic treatment starting at $159.99, the purpose of our patented AirAlle device is to ensure that each of our clients who elect to receive this treatment, only have to visit us once. 


The Airalle uses warm, dry air to kill all of the adult head lice, nymphs, and nits. It’s a 90-minute process that includes a comb-out and a nontoxic treatment that is applied to the scalp. This treatment is recommended for anyone over the age of three. 

Fresh Heads Lice Removal: Your One And Done Stop

You don’t have to be alone and frazzled when trying to get rid of a head lice infestation. Whether it is head lice in adults or children, our staff are prepared to give you the most effective treatment once so you nor those that live in your house will ever have to worry about the parasites again. As stated earlier, the key is effectiveness and timeliness. The longer you wait to seek help from a trained professional, the higher the risk of severe infestation and transmissibility to others. We understand that parents strive to ensure their little ones are healthy and itch-free. That is why we pride ourselves on providing effective treatments and reliable information so that all who enter our offices will have an all-encompassing experience. 

We have numerous treatment options available for every budget here on our website. Take a look and schedule your appointment today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

The Role of Lice Clinics in Supporting Local Communities: A Case Study

The Role of Lice Clinics in Supporting Local Communities: A Case Study

Did you know that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that between 6 and 12 million children between the ages of 3 and 11 become infested with lice in the United States? Or that, on average, 24 million school days are missed across America due to lice infestations? Because the statistics are so high, it’s clear that protecting children from developing severe cases of lice should be a priority in most schools, daycares, and other similar settings. But what’s the right way to go about creating a lice-free community? That’s where local lice clinics step in. 

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we offer professional lice removal treatments and education on prevention methods and provide a safe and clean environment for families to receive the necessary treatment. By offering these services, our lice clinics help to reduce the spread of head lice, which is particularly important for schools, where outbreaks can be common and disruptive.

Here’s a glimpse at our Schools Without Lice Program, which was started to help the communities around our clinics eliminate head lice from schools. It’s an exclusive partnership for school nurses, teachers, and administration.  

Educating families on lice prevention

Our education curriculum for parents and other adults includes information on the life cycle of lice, the signs and symptoms of infestation, and the proper ways to identify and treat it. By educating families on these topics, we believe we can help prevent the spread of lice infestations in communities. 

Lice clinics like Fresh Heads Lice Removal can also offer practical tips on preventing lice infestations, such as avoiding head-to-head contact and sharing personal items like combs, brushes, and hats. Knowing how to properly clean and treat your homes and belongings in case of a lice infestation is also important in lice prevention. By taking a proactive approach to lice prevention, families can minimize the risk of infestation and reduce the likelihood of reinfestation in the future.

Whether we’re in the community or providing individualized lice treatment for families, our staff thoroughly explains the treatment and prevention process. Because talking about lice is such a taboo topic, it’s normal to be lost when treating it. We’re always happy to answer any questions. 

Providing resources for nurses and health professionals 

As trained medical professionals, school nurses are equipped to diagnose and treat lice infestations promptly and effectively. They can guide the proper use of lice treatments and offer support and education to families on lice prevention and management. School nurses can also work with teachers and administrators to help prevent the spread of lice in schools, such as by promoting good hygiene practices and identifying and treating infestations early. By providing prompt and effective treatment, school nurses can help prevent the spread of lice in schools and promote the health and well-being of children.

We offer free educational resources for your school, which are great to hand out to parents or kids to help them learn fun facts and helpful tips about identifying and dealing with lice. 

Creating a Safer Community 

Fresh Heads Lice Removal is a company dedicated to creating a safer community by providing effective and easy lice treatment. Our services have been designed to relieve kids and their families suffering from lice infestations, and we use safe and effective methods to eliminate the problem. By offering these quick treatments, we can help prevent lice spread, which can be a serious health concern. By creating a safer community, we’re also helping to improve the overall well-being of individuals and families.

However, we understand that not all families have access to the lice treatment they need. We offer free expert head lice screenings and treatments to families in need so no one has to deal with an uncomfortable lice infestation.  

We also know that we can’t create a safer community alone. Giving back to other local organizations that support families in need and community development is important to us and crucial to truly making an impact. Since 2013, we have donated over $100,000 in charitable contributions to various community organizations. Learn more about our philanthropic efforts on our website. 

Looking for a Lice Clinic in Orlando, FL? Visit Fresh Heads!

Is your child or another member of your family struggling with lice? Do you keep finding nits, even though you try every over-the-counter treatment possible? If so, it’s time to invest in quality lice treatment with Fresh Heads Lice Removal. With locations in Savannah, GA, Jacksonville, FL, Jacksonville Beach, FL, and Orlando, FL, you can conveniently get the best lice treatment available. Visit one of our four locations to start your journey toward being lice-free! 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

What Are Different Head Lice Screening Options?

What Are Different Head Lice Screening Options?

An itch here and a scratch there can seem like nothing at first. But after a while you notice your scratching becomes more frequent. Head lice might not be your first thought, but if you are prone to the condition it might be the cause of your scratching. Head lice are extremely contagious and can quickly spread to an entire household in a short amount of time. 

There are many different ways to screen for head lice. Fresh Heads offers the best lice removal services in Jacksonville, FL and there are two ways we can screen for head lice. Below we will discuss those options and additional treatments that go into each one. 

Professional Head Check

When you walk into our facility the first step in treating head lice is conducting a head check. This procedure involves using a microscope to determine whether or not a client has lice. How? We search for eggs, or nits, because they are almost impossible to remove without professional help. Nits appear to look like small sesame seeds and can be found along the hair shaft. They are very difficult to spot on your own. 

We then use a special comb and divide the hair into sections and see if any eggs or bugs get caught. If there are in fact eggs, that is a positive case for head lice and you would then undergo a treatment of your choice. At our head lice clinic, the checks are around $14.99 per person. 

Head checks are essential in the treatment process. The earlier you catch the condition the easier it’ll be to treat and the less likely other people in your household will need to be treated as well. At Fresh Heads we pride ourselves on providing the finest services in the head lice industry, starting with offering the best head lice screenings in Jacksonville, FL.

At Home Head Check

Although we don’t mind and encourage clients to visit our facility for a head check, they can actually be done at home. It’s easy and there are a few key points you should look for when conducting your own. 

The first thing you’ll want to do is purchase a nit comb. This is vital because it is specifically made to catch lice eggs that other tools cannot. You’ll then want to ensure that our hair is dry and free of any knots and tangles. There are four hotspots you’re going to want to check: the crown of the head, over and behind each ear, and the nape of the neck. When you run the comb through your hair, make sure it is lying flat against the scalp as nits are laid within a quarter of an inch of the scalp’s surface. 

Once you have sectioned your hair, take the comb and hold the section perpendicular to the scalp. You’ll then start at the nape of the neck and pull the comb up and through the length of the hair. You’ll then shake the comb over a cup with a white interior that is filled ¾ of the way with water. Repeat this process until all of the remaining hotspots have been checked. Then you’ll evaluate your cup. Nits are able to float and are not translucent in water. 

If you do find lice and nits, you will not be able to effectively eliminate the infestation at home on your own. Harsh chemicals and toxins simply do not work and can be highly dangerous for your child. The only way to ensure you rid your family of lice is to seek professional treatment at one of our locations! Our advanced lice removal technology ensures that the lice and their nits are removed entirely in less than 45 minutes. 

Fresh Heads: The Best Option For Head Lice Screenings In Jacksonville, FL

Head lice are a menace to deal with if not treated properly. People can suffer severe cases and even recurring ones if the proper professional treatment isn’t sought out. Fresh Heads believes in treating the problem once and for all. We are confident in our expert ability and technology to provide a majority of our clientele with only one treatment. Each of our treatment options offer either a 60-day guarantee in which clients can revisit for a recheck within their policy period. 

If someone within that time frame is re-exposed, they and all family members will be retreated for free after a head check is conducted. This, as well as our other services and technology is what makes Fresh Heads the best head lice clinic in Jacksonville, FL. 

To schedule a head check or to view treatment options, visit our website or give us a call today 904-257-0473.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

How to Check Yourself For Lice

How to Check Yourself For Lice

Itchy scalp? It could be head lice. These common parasites cause problems for millions of families across the United States every year. When it comes to finding a host, head lice do not discriminate. As families come together this holiday season, it is important to know how to check for lice. Lice travel quickly from household to household and through schools, so it is crucial that any potential lice are dealt with before they have a chance to spread. If you are concerned about head lice impacting your family, use these tips to perform a self-check on you and your family members. 

The Right Tools For The Job

No tools are required to check for head lice, but having some on hand can make the process much smoother. Here are a few tools that can help you spot a case of lice:

  • Flashlight- finding a small louse in dark or thick hair can be difficult. If you don’t have a flashlight, try to find a well-lit area to conduct your search. Lice are photophobic, so they will try to hide from any light you shine at them.
  • Detangler/conditioner- long hair is easily knotted, which can make the lice check more painful than it needs to be. To avoid this, apply some detangler or conditioner to the hair before you start combing. 
  • Mirrors- having a mirror or two can help you see parts of your head that you wouldn’t be able to otherwise. This can help you check the back of your neck and the crown of your head. 
  • Fine-toothed comb- this tool is perfect for finding and removing head lice. Any comb will do if you are just trying to sort through hair, but the fine teeth ensure that any lice you comb past will be removed. 
  • Magnifying glass-at just around 3 millimeters in size, the average lice is roughly the size and shape of a sesame seed. Having a magnifying glass can help you by enlarging the apparent size of the lice, making them easier to spot and remove.

What To Look For

Head lice are tiny brown insects that resemble small ants. Their eggs, called nits, are even smaller. The lice attach their nits about an inch or so from the scalp at the base of the hair stem.  If the eggs have yet to hatch, they appear gray, brown, or yellow. Once the eggs hatch, the remaining shells lighten in color, making them easily mistaken for dandruff. If you are having a hard time determining whether you are dealing with dandruff or dead lice eggs, try to remove some of them. Dandruff flakes off easily, but the nits will hold firm. 

Where to Check

Behind the ears and around the nape of the neck are popular hiding spots among lice, so be sure to check there first. They also hide along the crown of the head and around the hairline. Lice prefer to stay close to the scalp for food and warmth, so be sure to dig deep and check the hair roots. 

How to Check Yourself For Lice

A methodical approach works best when it comes to checking for lice. Make sure you are in an area with good lighting and begin the search with your magnifying glass and mirrors. Start by sectioning the hair into several even groupings. Take one group of hair at a time, apply your conditioner or detangler, and begin combing. Be sure to comb through the hair from different angles for the best results. Once you’ve thoroughly combed out the first section, move on to the next one and repeat until finished. Once the comb-through and the inspection are complete, you will know whether or not you have a case of lice. 

Stop the Spread of Lice with Fresh Heads Head Lice Removal!

If you think you have spotted a nit or louse, don’t panic! Here at Fresh Heads, we specialize in the treatment and removal of head lice. The AirAlle, our signature head lice removal device, uses gently heated air to dehydrate the lice and their eggs, leaving you 100% lice-free in just under an hour and a half. If you have any questions about our treatment options, or would like to learn more, visit us at one of our locations in Jacksonville FL, Orlando FL, or Savannah GA.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Where Do Lice Live?

Where Do Lice Live?

Immediately, when someone says the word “lice,” a mental image of a small, parasitic bug that sticks like glue to your scalp, pops up in your head. But then you start to wonder, where do they even live in the first place before latching on to people’s heads? Unfortunately, the bad news is, the only host lice can survive on is humans. 

Lice survives on the shaft of hair near the scalp because it provides the most warmth and protection, which is needed for lice to maintain their body temperature and essentially survive. However, the good news is as technology and treatment for lice infestation has gotten drastically better. Thankfully, our head lice removal treatment here at Fresh Heads is as quick and painless as can be!

What Is the Origin of Head Lice?

Head lice have been around for approximately more than a hundred thousand years. Many researchers believe head lice have been around since the beginning of humans. Additionally, there are three different subsets of head lice, known as Clade A, B, and C. Clade B is the one that is believed to have originated from North America and spread elsewhere over time. Presently, any head lice seen in North America, you will more than likely be dealing with Clade B subspecies. 

How Are Head Lice Transmitted?

The large majority of head lice is transmitted through direct head-to-head contact. As a young child direct head-to-head contact is hard to avoid due to the endless sleepovers, extracurricular sports, and other activities your child might partake in. However, it is very rare for head lice to be transmitted by inanimate objects such as hats, brushes, and towels.

How Do Head Lice Survive?

Head lice are like real life vampires. For head lice to survive it must attach themselves to the scalp where they suck up blood to keep themselves alive. They can live on one’s scalp anywhere up to 60 days. However, as soon as head lice are removed from the scalp they instantly weaken and as time passes, they begin to die in 24-36 hours.

What Our Head Lice Removal Treatments Look Like in Jacksonville, FL

Our lice treatment here at Fresh Heads Lice Removal is not a one size fits all approach. This is why we offer different treatments based on what you feel comfortable with as a parent. For example, we offer a traditional comb out treatment, our AirAlle Treatment Signature, and our AirAlle Treatment Supreme. All these treatments can be found in our Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA locations. Whichever treatment you choose, you can sleep soundly knowing your child is rid of head lice. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Where Else Can Lice Live Aside from the Head

Where Else Can Lice Live Aside from the Head?

Body lice are tiny insects that live in your clothes and bedding. They are commonly found in unhygienic living conditions, such as in homeless shelters and refugee camps. Bites from these parasites can spread disease—which is why it’s crucial to get rid of them as soon as you notice them around.

Body lice are similar to head lice, but they are not the same! Furthermore, body lice treatment won’t work for head lice. As such, it’s important to know the differences before booking an appointment with a professional head lice center.

Body Lice vs. Head Lice: The Basics

Adult body lice are 2 to 3.6mm in length, brown in color, with two antennae. They live on clothes and bedding and only go on the skin several times a day to feed on blood. They lay eggs on the seams of your clothing and spread from there. You can become infested with body lice if you come into close contact with a person or clothes with body lice.

Adult head lice, on the other hand, are slightly smaller than body lice and mostly similar only when it comes to appearance. They attach to the hair shaft and lay eggs on the scalp. The only way to contract head lice is through head-to-head contact.

Body Lice vs. Head Lice: Treatments

Body lice treatment measures include washing your body and clothes with hot water and soap. If washing with a machine, use the hot cycle for your beddings. Dry cleaning and ironing clothes can also be effective to deter these parasites from sticking around. If washing doesn’t work, you can try lotions that contain 1% permethrin—however, be careful when purchasing lice-killing products because they can be toxic to humans!

On the other hand, the most effective head lice treatment is through Fresh Heads’ Signature AirAllé® Treatment. This device blows warm air along the scalp and hair shafts, targeting the lice and eggs in those specific areas. This treatment only takes an hour and is 99.2% effective— when lice and eggs are exposed to the right amount of heated air at the right temperature, and for the right length of time, they dry out and die!

Body Lice vs. Head Lice: Who Is at Risk?

Body lice thrive in unclean environments and crowded conditions. Cramped dwellings containing people with poor hygiene are especially susceptible to body lice infestations, which can then spread quickly. Because body lice treatments require washing with soap and hot water, it can be challenging to eradicate infestations as long as an area remains dirty.

Because direct, head-to-head contact is the primary way to transmit head lice, young school children are most likely to get infestations. An estimated 6 to 12 million head lice infestations occur each year in the United States among children 3 to 11 years of age. More girls get head lice than boys because it’s easier for lice to climb onto long hair. Unlike body lice, getting head lice has nothing to do with hygiene. 

Body Lice vs. Head Lice: Prevention

You can prevent body lice infestation through regular bathing and laundry. Avoid having close physical contact with anyone who has an infestation, and avoid going into unhygienic areas.

Meanwhile, for head lice, children should avoid head-to-head contact during play at home, school, the playground, camping, slumber parties, and other group activities.

Head Checks by Trained Professionals

Body lice look similar to head lice—but they choose to live and lay eggs in clothes instead of hair. They spread through clothing in unhygienic conditions, so you should avoid coming close to dirty environments.

When it comes to diagnosis and lice treatment, head lice is a bit more complex. Professional head checks may be necessary for your entire family if one of you has an itchy head problem.

Head Lice Treatment in Orlando, Savannah, and Jacksonville

When it comes to getting rid of head lice, make sure you partner with the best clinic in your area for your treatments! Fresh Heads Lice Removal offers lice prevention tips, head lice checks, and professional head lice removal in Jacksonville, Orlando, and Savannah. Get checked today so you can seek treatment before it spirals out of control. Book an appointment online today! 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

Our mission at Fresh Heads Lice Removal is to eradicate lice from schools across the US. We’re partnering with the Lice Clinics of America to create a Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free resources, screenings, and treatments. If we work together, we can have schools without lice!

Visual Checks vs Combing: What’s More Effective?

Visual Checks vs Combing: What’s More Effective?

Feeling a tickling sensation in your hair can be disconcerting, especially because then you can’t help but wonder if you are being attacked by head lice. If you suspect that you are dealing with creepy crawlers hiding in your hair, knowing how to spot the tell-tale signs of their presence is crucial if you want to treat lice symptoms in its earlier stages.

When proving your suspicions, there are some tried-and-true ways to identify a head lice infestation. Some of the most common methods are visual inspections and the wet-comb method. But this begs the question: which of the two would provide more accurate results?

Visual Inspection vs. Wet Comb

Head lice infestations are a common, albeit frustrating, occurrence in children. Parents can easily detect signs of lice in a child’s hair by looking closely at the scalp, but using the wet-comb method proves to be more effective at confirming lice’s presence.

Visual inspections often utilize an applicator stick, which is used to safely part the hair without running the risk of infecting other children. While it offers the fastest way of spotting head lice, the accuracy is only at around 70%.

While visual inspection can be a useful method when spotting a child with a highly active lice infestation, children that carry only a few lice can easily slip under the radar. Even a single nit or louse can pave the way for more lice, putting other children’s heads at risk.

Why Is the Wet-Comb Better?

Research has found that applying conditioner to children’s hair and using a fine-toothed comb yields better results compared to visual inspections. In an observational study involving 304 students, only 79 children were identified with nits when relying on eyes alone.

On the other hand, combing wet hair from the scalp down to the ends identified 91% of children in the test, proving that the wet-comb method is a more reliable approach to spotting lice in its different stages.

The Best Option for Detecting Head Lice

While there are two popular methods for identifying the presence of head lice, visual inspection and wet-combing, wet-combing has a higher sensitivity since it can easily detect lice even in its early stages. Although visual inspections can provide a quick pass for children in a classroom or other group settings, it can’t match the accuracy of the wet-comb method. Since wet-combing is the most thorough method, it’s the one you’ll want to use for checking your child.

Head Checks by Trained Professionals

Spotting head lice doesn’t have to be a tricky ordeal. Be sure to watch our video on how to check for lice, and don’t forget, at Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we conduct professional head checks for the entire family. If you are concerned you have an itchy head lice problem on your hands, visit our professional lice treatment centers in Orlando, Savannah, and Jacksonville to help you determine if you are dealing with a pesky situation.

Lice Removal Clinics in Orlando, Savannah, and Jacksonville

Fresh Heads Lice Removal offers lice prevention tips, head lice checks, and professional treatments. Get checked today so you can seek treatment before it spirals out of control. Call us or book your appointment online.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

Our mission at Fresh Heads Lice Removal is to eradicate lice from schools across the US. We’re partnering with the Lice Clinics of America to create a Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free resources, screenings, and treatments. If we work together, we can have schools without lice!