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Chemical Head Lice Treatments Linked to Abnormal Behavior in Children

If you needed yet another reason to opt for natural head lice treatment, here’s a powerful one. Research has now linked the chemicals found in the most common over-the-counter lice shampoos to abnormal behavior in children.

There has been mounting evidence of the dangers of chemical lice treatments. Recently, an alarming study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine has shown a link between these chemicals and behavioral issues.

This research found that children with higher levels of chemicals called pyrethroids were more likely to demonstrate abnormal behavior at age 6 than those who did not. Pyrethroids are the synthetic chemicals found in insecticides, including many OTC head lice treatments. Unlike natural head lice treatments, these products contain a common pyrethroid called permethrin. They function by damaging the nerves of insects, eventually killing them in the process.

Scientists set out to see if these potent chemicals had any such negative impact on the nervous systems of children. They researched the connection between prenatal and childhood exposure to pyrethroids and behavior in six-year-old children. What they found was disturbing.

Pregnant women with higher levels of certain pyrethroids in their urine had a higher risk of their children having behavior issues. This included internalized behavior issues such as anxiety and being withdrawn. They also found high levels of another pyrethroid was linked to a higher risk of externalized behavior issues. These problems included demonstrating defiance and aggression.

If you’ve treated your child with these chemicals in the past, try not to panic. The research showed a correlation and not causation. But it does provide a very compelling reason to seek out natural head lice treatment when your child has lice. In addition to all the other hazards of insecticide-type lice treatments, the potential neurological damage is simply not worth it. Plus, these outdated chemicals have very unimpressive efficacy ratings.

Natural Head Lice Treatment You Can Trust

Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Centers are proud to provide chemical-free lice removal you can trust. Our safe, FDA-cleared AirAllé treatment is one of the most effective lice treatments available. Instead of using synthetic chemicals, our device uses heated air to dehydrate and kill lice and nits on the spot. We follow it with a traditional comb out and a special rinse. This helps to ensure that all traces of the dead lice and eggs are removed before you leave. We even back our treatment with a 60-day retreatment policy.

For more information on our natural head lice treatments, chemical-free preventative products or to schedule an appointment, contact the Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Center nearest you today.

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