Head Lice Don’t Take Summers Off!
The days are getting longer, the temperatures are heating up and summer vacation is right around the corner. Everyone’s ready to take a break from the routine, and kids are looking forward to spending carefree days running around outdoors with their friends. The last thing on anyone’s mind is lice removal. But unfortunately, head lice don’t take a break for summer.
Even though kids are no longer around each other in school every day, cases of head lice tend to be more prevalent in the summer months. Kids go away to summer camp, have sleepovers more frequently and spend much more time in close contact with one another. Adding to that is the fact that head lice tend to thrive in summer’s warm and humid conditions. This all increases their chance of catching head lice.
We’ve put together a few tips to help you reduce the chances of having to deal with head lice removal this summer.
Avoid Head to Head Contact
Make sure your kids understand that the best way to prevent getting lice is to avoid head-to-head contact.
Be Prepared at Sleepovers and Camps.
Since head lice travel quickest by direct contact, sleepovers make it very easy for them to get passed around. The kids can take some simple precautions but still have fun. Send them with their own pillows, PJs and hair care items.
Do Regular Checks for Head Lice.
Lice removal is easiest when the pesky bugs are caught early. It can save you a lot of time and hassle if you regularly check your child’s hair, especially when they return from sleepovers or camps. Use a fine-tooth comb to thoroughly go through your child’s hair to search for lice and nits. It’s easiest to spot lice in bright natural light, and a magnifying glass can be helpful.
If you do find that your child has head lice, stay calm and come up with a good treatment plan. Fresh Heads is a science and research-based lice treatment center that offers easy and effective treatment options. Trust us with your family’s lice removal needs, and you’ll be back to having summer fun before you know it!