How Does Lice Spread in a Classroom

How Does Lice Spread in a Classroom?

As summer ends and students begin to go to school again, head lice can easily become a problem. In order to prevent an infestation, it is important to stay informed about how lice actually spreads in a classroom. Our Fresh Heads Lice Removal Clinics in Savannah, Orlando, and Jacksonville, are great resources when researching about the spread of head lice. Here are some things about head lice to be aware of as your children go back to school:

Head-to-Head Contact

The main way anyone gets head lice is through head-to-head contact. It is a common misconception that lice can build up in classrooms and infest the entire building. The reality is that lice cannot live without a head for more than 24-48 hours. Lice spreads so fast in a classroom because of students coming into direct contact with someone else who has head lice. 

This can happen at the playground, during sports, or even just sitting too close to another student. Although extremely rare, lice can spread through accessories that encounter the head. These can be hair ties, hats, hairbrushes, jackets, hoodies, or anything that students might share with each other that touches their heads. Again, because lice must feed on human blood in order to survive and will die within 24-48 hours of being off a human head, it is not very likely that lice will spread by way of inanimate objects.

What to Do

So, your child ended up getting head lice, but you have no idea what to do now. The first step would be to inform the school in order to prevent further infestation. It is also important to stay away from school until you are certain all the lice and their eggs are gone. Many parents might be hesitant to tell others that their child has lice, but there is nothing to be embarrassed of. Head lice is very common, and anyone can get it. The next step is to book an appointment at Fresh Heads Lice Removal Clinic in Savannah, Orlando, or Jacksonville. Our head lice treatments will ensure that both head lice and their eggs are gone for good, and your student can return to school that same day and confidently be entirely lice-free.

Get Rid of Lice Today

If your child does happen to contract head lice, don’t panic. Fresh Heads Lice Removal can help you eliminate lice the first time, every time. Unlike other treatments that are ineffective and dangerous, Fresh Heads Lice Removal uses our specialty AirAlle treatment. Instead of harsh chemicals, we only use warm air to kill both active lice and lice nits. Do not spread head lice any further and contact Fresh Heads Lice Removal today! 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Hairstyles That Can Help Prevent Nits and Lice from Taking Hold

Hairstyles That Can Help Prevent Nits and Lice from Taking Hold

It goes without saying that prevention is always best when it comes to nits and lice. With that attitude, you’ll eliminate the chances of dealing with pesky nits and lice, ensuring that you can nip the problem at its roots before escalating into a full-blown infestation. 

One of the best ways to prevent lice and nits is through different hairstyles. Trust us — these styles can help keep these troublesome critters away and ensure that you keep lice symptoms at bay. 

Seeing that lice and nits often do rounds in children, especially when head-to-head contact is widespread in school, it’s important to know the different hairstyles to keep your kid’s crowning glory safe. 

Different Child-Friendly Hairstyles to Keep Lice and Nits Away

A rule of thumb is that the less stray hair is hanging around, the more challenging it is for nits and lice to make their home in your child’s hair. Here are some hairstyles you can do that are quick and easy but proven to reduce risks of getting lice symptoms and more:

1. The Ballet Bun

A fantastic way to keep lice and nits away is by putting your kid’s hair up in a traditional ballet bun. This type of hairstyle ensures no stray hair is left hanging and dangling on the side of your kid’s hair, preventing ways for nits and lice to get a hold of any stray strands. 

To do this, you want to tie your hair back into a ponytail and pop a doughnut hair tool against the head. Flare the hair out over the doughnut and wrap the remaining hair at its base. Once you’re done, you can secure the hair with bobby pins and even spray a bit of hairspray to ensure it holds in place.

2. The French Braid

Another great way to keep lice at bay is by doing a french braid; however, it can take a bit of time and practice before you can easily do this hairstyle. 

The great thing about a french braid is that it gives your hair a tighter finish, keeping all strands in place and away from lice to hold. Additionally, you can do this hairstyle the night before, and if it’s tight enough, it will stay in place, allowing your kid to save more time in the morning before going to school.

3. The Double Dutch Braid

Similar to the french braid, a dutch braid is where you add in strands of hair as you go along. Instead of crossing your hair, you come from underneath and make your way to the top of the crown. This hairstyle gives an impression that the braid is lying on top of your kid’s hair rather than in their hair.

This type of hairstyle is perfect for kids with long hair, which have more chances of having to experience various lice and nit issues. 

The Bottom Line: Prevention Is One of the Best Ways to Get Rid of Lice and Nits

As mentioned earlier, prevention is always the way to go when it comes to lice. But if by any chance you have to deal with lice and nits, it’s best to head to the professionals and have them deal with your lice symptoms right away. This way, you get the best treatment that will get rid of your lice and nit issues safely and surely. 

How Can We Help You?

If you want to get rid of your lice symptoms in Jacksonville, FL, head over to Fresh Heads Lice Removal. 

We are a reputable lice removal clinic that uses FDA-Cleared AirAllé®, providing exceptional and effective lice treatments. This device dehydrates and kills both lice and eggs naturally and without the use of harmful chemicals. Learn more about how we can help you today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

How to Lower Your Risk of Getting Lice

How to Lower Your Risk of Getting Lice

Playground lice aren’t as harmless as they sound—in fact, they infest between six to twelve million children each year. Head-to-head contact, a common occurrence on playgrounds and in schools, is the number one way that lice get passed from one child to another. Adults typically contract head lice from a child in their household who is infested. If you discover that your child is infested, you’ll want to prioritize two things: limiting your child’s contact with others until they are treated, and visiting a lice treatment center.

Here are a few best practices to lower the risk of getting lice for all members of your household:

Tip 1 – Limit Head-to-Head Contact

Children love to play—simple as that. Tie your child’s hair into a braid or ponytail to keep stray hairs contained, and try to limit your child’s head-to-head contact to lower their risk of getting lice. If your child is are already infested, if possible, have them stay home from school for the day until you are able to treat the infestation. If you have other children in the household, minimize contact.

Tip 2 – Educate Your Child

Equip your child with a better grasp of the dangers of head lice. Don’t frighten them—educate them. The more deeply they grasp the repercussions of lice, the more likely you are to reduce the chances of spread—even when you aren’t around. When they know about the little critters and how they can keep them from spreading, your child may pitch in to make sure their head never comes into contact with anyone else’s!

Tip 3 – Know the Symptoms

Lice aren’t as easy to identify as most people think. In some cases, it can take up to six weeks to manifest symptoms such as itching. As soon as you determine tell-tale signs, ensure that your child avoids interacting with peers and siblings head-to-head—no rough play!

Tip 4 – Take Action Early

As with any infestation, you’ll want to act as quickly as possible. Educational institutions will typically postpone classes in the event of a head lice infestation.

Inspect your child as soon as possible—finger through their hair for white nits or eggs, and inspect their clothing worn in the last 48 hours. It’s important to note that nits aren’t always easy to spot. Thus, your safest bet is to have your child undergo a head check with Fresh Heads Lice Removal for just $10!

Never allow an infestation to sit—visit a lice removal center in Orlando, Savannah, or Jacksonville.

Tip 5 – Consider Your Treatment Options

Over-the-counter lice shampoos will not eliminate lice since they are no longer effective against the super lice of today. Lice is a problem that requires a professional-grade solution:

• AirAllé® Treatment

Contact Fresh Heads Lice Removal to schedule a session for AirAllé® treatment, which involves warm, dry air being applied to dehydrate any remaining nits and lice. The best part of this is that it’s all-natural and no-risk! In 90 minutes, you won’t spot a nit on your child’s head!

• Traditional Comb Out

This is the time-tested method of “nit combing.” Our professional lice removal specialists carefully comb through your child’s hair and remove any lice or nits. A 10-day follow-up appointment is included at no charge.

• DIY Home Treatment Kit

Another option is to use our non-toxic at-home treatment bundle, which comprises a neutralizer, nit solution, and nit terminator comb. Even though most lice will be eliminated after the first treatment, using this gentle treatment you’ll still want to comb through your child’s hair for 10 days.

Lice Treatment in Orlando, Savannah, and Jacksonville

If you notice any lice symptoms, contact Fresh Heads Lice Removal immediately. Our specialists can help you select the treatment plan that is right for you. With any one of our treatment options, your child will be lice-free and in excellent shape to return to the playground in no time! Book your appointment today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

head lice prevention what methods work

Head Lice Prevention: What Methods Work?

Head lice are common among children because they have close contact with others and are curious about their environments. One thing most people don’t know about lice infestations is that lice are normally only spreadable through head-to-head contact, not through jumping off the scalp and scattering. Lice normally die after 24 hours being off of their host’s scalp, which is why infestations are quite easy to manage. Eggs, also called nits, are unable to hatch and die quite quickly when far away from head temperatures.

If your child is a victim of the seasonal lice infestations going around their play places, there is no reason to fear and halt them from having fun. Here are some steps to take to prevent and control the spread of head lice:

Avoid Head-to-Head Contact

It is important to tell your child to avoid rough playing or having contact with their friends during playtime. Lice cannot fly, jump or transfer without direct contact, so educating your child on keeping distance will help you avoid them catching lice.

Put a Hold on Sleepovers for the Meantime

When there are outbreaks of lice in schools or play areas, a sleepover may not be the best idea for the time being. Lice can also briefly live on bedding, pillows, and carpets that have come into contact with a person who has a lice infestation. The best time to resume is once the outbreak has been solved and you are sure that lice no longer exists in your child’s environments.

Try Not to Share Head-Care or Head-Use Products

Although occurrences of lice transferring through means other than direct contact are extremely rare, there is still a small chance of other methods of transmission. Some of these involve the use of combs and brushes, sharing hats and other headgear, or towels used to dry children after playtime. These methods of transmission are very rare causes of lice transfers, but it wouldn’t hurt to disinfect combs and brushes through soaking in hot water for at least five minutes.

Think Wisely when Dealing with Your Home

Extreme clean-ups regularly are usually not going to stop the occurrence of lice in your home, as they can even manifest in clean environments. It has been found that regular washing of pillowcases is a useful method that deters the spread of lice. Spending excessively on home cleaning methods and products is not needed to avoid re-infestation of lice in your home, since lice die after a day off of a human scalp.

What is important is washing beddings and pillows after a lice infestation to avoid them from re-occurring. Utilize hot water to wash the fabric products and then seal them in a plastic bag for two days to be sure that the lice have died out.

When dealing with a current lice problem, try to avoid contact with beds and fabric surfaces such as pillows and couches that have been in immediate contact with a lice-infested person. Vacuuming floors and carpets are also recommended, but only as a precaution rather than a necessity.

Do Not Use Pest Sprays and Fogs

Children in your home may be affected by the chemicals in sprays and fog products, which are often overkill and are not a requirement to treat a lice outbreak. Simple precautions are better, and of course, proper treatment.

Head Lice Treatment in Jacksonville, Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA

There are many ways to prevent lice outbreaks from happening, but when they do, it is best to have treatment done by a professional head lice removal clinic. When it comes to head lice treatment in Jacksonville, Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA, you can trust the team at Fresh Heads! Allow us to solve your lice problems by booking an appointment today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

Our mission here at Fresh Heads is to eradicate lice from schools across the country, so we’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create a program called Schools Without Lice. Through this program, we provide teachers and nurses with free head lice screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

How to Protect Your Child from Lice at School.

How to Protect Your Child from Lice at School

As we near the start of another school year, many parents are focused on traditional preparations such as supplies, immunizations, sports training, or new school clothes. One action that parents often overlook is the importance of educating themselves on head lice. With the wide prevalence of head lice, catching them at some point is almost unavoidable for most school aged. Fortunately, lice cannot fly or jump and are only spread through direct head-to-head contact with other children. This means that some degree of prevention is possible. Below, we’ll outline some easy tips for lice prevention that you can discuss with your child and your pediatrician.

Tips for Head Lice Prevention

  1. It is important to discourage your child from sharing styling tools, clothing, or accessories that are commonly used on or near the hair. Examples include hairbrushes, combs, barrettes or ribbons, hats, hair elastics, scarves, towels, helmets, headphones, pillows, or sleeping bags.
  2. Always instruct your child to be careful when hanging their coat, sweater, or jacket. Take a visit to their classroom and see if there are any separate areas where they can hang their outerwear away from their classmate’s clothing. It can help to teach your child to hang up their coats and hats in a separate area or on an individual hook and avoid tossing their clothing into a pile with another classmates’ clothing. Since lice can crawl, separating your child’s clothing from other classmates’ means they are less likely to pick up a louse.
  3. Regularly launder clothing and toys that your child’s head has direct contact with, or that they share with siblings or other children. Examples are car seats, pillows, blankets, and headphones.
  4. The biggest key to lice prevention is education. Make sure you view pictures of head lice and their nits (eggs), so you can better understand what you are looking for in your child’s hair. It can also be helpful to review additional educational resources about some of the common misconceptions about lice, the lice life-cycle, and effective treatment options so that you can avoid common pitfalls if your child does get lice during the school year.
  5. It’s critical to regularly check your child for nits and live head lice at least once a week, especially if there have been frequent reports of head lice at your child’s school. By being vigilant, you can catch lice and begin treatment before it becomes a full-blown infestation.
  6. Learn to recognize the symptoms of head lice, which include an itchy scalp and small red bumps or sores on the back of your child’s neck and scalp. Better yet, depending on the age of your child, teach your child alert you at the first sign of any persistent itchiness in their scalp.
  7. Don’t panic. Even with the most thorough lice prevention, it’s still possible for your child to get lice. Keep in mind that lice are mostly harmless, not carrying or causing disease, and can be effectively treated.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

We have partnered with Lice Clinics of America to bring true change and health to schools across the nation. The Schools Without Lice program is aimed to eradicate lice in all schools and keeping our children lice-free. Schools Without Lice will work to completely clear lice from schools by offering head checks and treatments to all educators and nurses.

A Lice Free School Year

Our goal here at Fresh Heads is to protect your children and your family from any lice outbreaks. By following some of these steps and getting check-ups at our office, you can prevent school from becoming an infestation. Contact us today to learn more about our treatment options.


Does Chlorine Kill Head Lice?

Does Chlorine Kill Lice?

With another school year over, parents and children are excited to join in the summer fun! Parents, however, often begin to wonder more about how their child’s many summer activities can affect their risk for head lice. In fact, with the arrival of summer, we often come across many parents who begin to wonder if swimming can lessen or increase their child’s risk for head lice, specifically, “can chlorine kill lice?” or “can you get lice from a pool?” In today’s article, we will answer these questions and more so that you can allow your child to splash with peace of mind.

Does Chlorinated Pool Water Kill Lice?

Many parents hope that their child’s quick dip in the pool will not only remedy summer boredom, but also rid them of lice. In fact, one of the most common “home remedy attempts” we encounter during the summer months is the attempted use of pool water to kill lice. Unfortunately, research has shown that chlorinated water will not kill lice. In a 2007 study, lice were found to become temporarily immobilized after submersion in chlorinated water for 20 minutes, however the lice recovered after being taken out of the water. This means that while the dip in the pool may feel refreshing—it doesn’t actually kill lice.

Can You Get Lice from a Pool?

The second most common misconception about lice and swimming pools comes from concerned parents wondering if lice can spread from child to child in a pool. Lice do not swim in water, and so they cannot swim from one person’s head to another. They can, however, still crawl. This means that accessories such as hats, goggles, swim caps, brushes, or towels for drying wet hair should not be shared. For this reason, if your child has lice, it may be best to avoid group trips to the pool with other children until they have had a full course of treatment. If, however, they are not swimming with other children or are in a private pool, there is no risk of lice lingering in the pool water and later attaching themselves to someone else.

Fast and Chemical-Free Lice Removal in Jacksonville and Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our professional technicians take a safe, effective, and affordable approach to lice treatment that won’t interfere with your child’s summer fun! We stop lice in their tracks using our AirAllé® lice machine, a completely safe FDA-cleared medical device. AirAllé® kills lice and lice eggs through dehydration, and a single one-hour treatment kills head lice and 99.2% of lice eggs. Because the AirAllé® device is so effective at killing lice eggs (which are difficult for traditional lice products to kill), the likelihood of your child needing a follow-up treatment is less than 1%. And best of all, AirAllé® does not interfere with your child’s ability to swim or enjoy other summer activities after treatment! To learn more about our list of services and featured products, contact us at one of our Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, or Savannah, GA locations today!

Summer Camp Lice Prevention Tips.

Summer Camp Lice Prevention Tips

Ah, summer camp. Campfires, s’mores, swimming, and…head lice?

“Head lice don’t take the summer off,” said Mandy Ottesen, owner of Fresh Heads Lice Removal clinics based in Jacksonville, FL. “In fact, summer camps are ‘custom made’ to spread head lice, with kids in close quarters, sleeping and playing together for extended periods of time.”

No parent wants to get the call that their camper has head lice. Here are a few things you can do to decrease the odds that your child gets lice at camp:

  • First and foremost, get a professional head check before camp. Make sure your child doesn’t already have head lice before camp starts. Many children have lice without knowing it. It can take up to two weeks before symptoms such as itching begin to start. Check again when your child gets home. A professional check is best because lice can be difficult to accurately diagnose. Our clinic offers family head checks for $10. It’s a small price to pay for peace of mind.
  • Know your facts. Lice spread primarily through head-to-head contact. They don’t fly or jump. Head lice can’t live anywhere but on a human scalp (hence the name ‘head’ lice), so encourage your children to avoid head-to-head and hair-to-hair contact, including hugs and selfies.
  • Use lice prevention products such the shampoos or mists by Rapunzel or Glop & Glam, available through our online store. They are non-toxic, easy to apply, and serve as a kind of lice repellent for your child. They can be used daily for an extra layer of protection.
  • Make sure your children use their own combs, brushes, clips, and anything else they use on their hair. While it is rare that lice spread through shared personal items, it can happen.
  • Lice don’t die in water. They can hold their breath for up to eight hours, so children should only use their own towels to dry themselves after swimming or showering.

Finally, if your child does come home with head lice, don’t panic or punish yourself. You and your child didn’t do anything wrong. Twelve million children under the age of 14 get head lice each year in the United States alone. It’s no different than catching a cold—your child just got lice from someone else.

We want you to know that getting rid of head lice is easier than ever, thanks to our FDA-cleared, AirAllé® medical device. The AirAllé uses heated air to dehydrate lice and eggs and has been clinically proven to kill live lice and more than 99 percent of eggs (nits) in a single treatment. The service takes about an hour and is guaranteed to be effective. Plus, we offer a 60-day guarantee – the longest warranty in the industry.

If you come in for a head check, and we find head lice or nits on your child, we can treat him or her on the spot, and you’ll leave our clinic lice-free in an hour or so—guaranteed. Fresh Heads Lice Removal is located in Jacksonville and Orlando, FL and Savannah, GA. Contact us today.

Avoid Catching Lice During the Spring Sports Season.

Avoid Catching Lice During the Spring Sports Season

Spring is in the air, sports are getting started, and kids are getting ready to put on their helmets. Helmets and hats are easy ways for lice to spread quickly, but it doesn’t stop there. Once one child on a team has lice, they quickly spread to the rest of the members of the team. So it is essential to do everything possible to help our children to avoid catching lice in the first place. By paying attention to a few details, we can put an end to lice outbreaks.

Use Your Own Helmets and Hats

During the spring, baseball, softball, and tee-ball are all in full swing. It doesn’t matter if your child is playing in the outfield or pitching up a storm; they will be wearing a hat or a helmet. Lice are surprisingly resilient and can survive for around two days on different surfaces. If there is a child on the team with head lice, sharing their equipment could easily cause others to catch lice. The best way to avoid this is by simply not using helmets and hats used by teammates.

Don’t Share Brushes

When your child is getting ready for a game, it is common to get ready with the other kids. That means getting into uniform, looking over plays, and for female athletes, putting their hair up. Sharing brushes is one of the most common ways that head lice can be spread. Avoid catching lice this spring by making sure that you bring your combs, brushes, and barrettes.

Pay Attention in Huddles

At the beginning of a game, after a break in the action, or during a substitution, huddles are everywhere in sports. Your children could be rubbing their heads against each other unknowingly catching lice. As soon as their heads touch, lice spread from player to player. It isn’t practical to avoid huddles all together in sports, but you can warn your kids to avoid catching lice by not making head-to-head contact.

Bring a Fully-Stocked Duffle Bag on Team Trips

Away games are always exciting for children taking a trip with their friends. These experiences are amazing, and we want to make sure that they are enjoying their trip and their game. However, it will be hard for your child to enjoy anything if they have itchy head lice. The best way to avoid catching lice is to ensure that your child is using their own clothes, towels, hats, and pillows while on a team trip.

Keep Everything Clean

Being safe is better than being sorry. Even if there has not been a lice outbreak on your child’s team, it is important to keep their items clean. Take extra care to make sure that their sheets, pillowcases, combs, and everything else are clean. There may be no need to worry, but it doesn’t hurt to make sure.

Fast, Safe, and Effective Lice Treatment

Even after following every step closely, some children will still catch head lice. It’s hard to avoid for adults and even harder for children. If your child does have lice, come down to Fresh Heads, and for our safe and effective head lice treatment.

Spring Break: A Peak Time for Head Lice Outbreaks.

Spring Break: A Peak Time for Head Lice Outbreaks

A head lice outbreak in your family is the last thing you want to worry about. With school break coming up and kids spending more time with friends, the increase in the number of head lice cases can plague families. It’s important to understand how this happens and what to do when faced with head lice. Here at Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we are dedicated to providing information and offering solutions.

The Warm Weather Increase

A noticeable aspect of lice infestation is that during warmer months, head lice outbreaks spike. Warmer weather gives lice an ecosystem where they are breeding and thriving. Spending more time with friends, family, and playing sports can increase the possibility of an outbreak as well. It is essential to understand how to avoid this unpleasant infestation.

Lice Love Vacation

Taking a vacation, spending the night at a friend’s house, or sharing a bed are all factors that can spread head lice. While the only way to contract lice is through direct contact, it can be easy to overlook specific actions. Adults and children alike should avoid sharing pillows and blankets to reduce the risk of an infestation. To make sure that you do not have head lice, you can come by Fresh Heads Lice Removal for a checkup.

Itching, Scratching Signs

The issue with head lice is that symptoms may not present themselves until around a week after exposure. After being laid, lice eggs need a few days to hatch and begin to feed by biting into your scalp. It may take longer than a week to experience symptoms, but they are hard to ignore:

  • Tickling sensation in the hair
  • Intense itching from feces, saliva, and bites
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Sores caused by scratching

Simple, Safe, Effective Lice Removal

Fresh Heads Lice Removal is here to offer treatment, follow-ups, and consultations to free you and your families from an infestation. With our award-winning, innovative treatment center, Fresh Heads is ready to bring relief safely and quickly. The most effective way to rid your hair of lice is using our FDA cleared medical device. By dehydrating the lice and eggs in one treatment, you’ll be on your way to a clean head of hair in no time.

You and your child should be able to continue your normal life quickly. Contact us or visit our website to learn more. We are here to help!

Young girls modeling the best hairstyles to prevent head lice.

Stay Cute and Careful: Best Hairstyles to Prevent Lice

Head lice can happen when we least expect it, but little girls with longer hair are far more vulnerable to catching the unwelcomed critters. If lice have made their way throughout your daughter’s school or social circle, the hairstyle you choose for her can help keep her hair stylish, neat, and pest-free. Below is a list of hairstyle options that can help reduce the risk of catching head lice.

Ballet Bun. The sleek and classic ballet bun is ideal for little girls who have a high risk of exposure to head lice. The smooth and elegant appearance of this hairstyle allows you to control virtually all stray hair.

French Braid. For girls with shorter hair, you may want to consider a beautifully orchestrated French braid. The style is a gorgeous and classic solution for untamed hair or fly-away stands.

Headband Roll. Give her a simple touch of Hollywood charm with the headband roll hairstyle. This sweet and simple style gives the appearance of a classy updo without as much work or upkeep.

Messy Bun. The messy bun is a cute yet simple go-to-style. It is fresh and fashionable and better yet, keeps hair isolated. This hairstyle has been on trend for years and shows no signs of going out of style due to its versatility and compatibility with most hair lengths and hair types.

Head Lice Experts You Can Trust

Lice are unable to jump from one head to another. However, loose strands of hair are more susceptible to contracting lice. If a pesky infestation of head lice has found its way to your little ones, give us a call immediately. Fresh Heads is your one-stop shop for the diagnosis and treatment of head lice.