
The Truth Behind Why You Get Lice?

The Truth Behind Why You Get Lice?

Lice are transferred by head-to-head contact. This means lice only transfer from one head to another if the two heads touch. When you or a loved one realize you might have lice, you can learn how to check yourself for lice or reach out to an expert to treat it immediately. Here are a few facts about head lice so you will know the truth when you get it and the best lice prevention methods.

Head-to-Head Contact

The only way to get head lice is head-to-head contact with another person that has lice. This is the only way to get lice because lice do not jump and cannot fly. Once lice leave the human scalp, they can only survive for less than 24 hours. So, you cannot get lice from furniture, bed sheets, hats, or clothes. However, it is a good idea to wash all of these items after having lice just to sanitize. 

Lice Do Not Prefer Any Hair Lengths

Lice live on the scalp, so the length of hair does not matter. You could have long hair or short hair and still contract lice from head-to-head contact with someone else. With this information, there is no need to rush to get a haircut when you identify a lice infestation.  Another insignificant factor is hair patterns. Straight, wavy, or curly hair are all affected by lice.

Lice Do Not Care About Hygiene

It does not matter how clean or dirty your hair is. Lice can live on any human scalp and are not bothered by the hygiene. Once a lice infestation begins, they will reproduce rather quickly. Some shampoos and conditioners can help soothe the scalp after lice and prevent the spread of lice infestations, but they need to be purchased at your local lice clinics. Stay away from over-the-counter lice products from big chain stores. These products often are made with ingredients harmful to the skin.

Book Your Head Lice Removal Appointment with Fresh Heads in Savannah, Georgia.

When you realize you or a loved one may have lice it is important to treat them quickly. The most effective way is to get your head checked by local professionals. The most effective way to treat a lice infestation is to visit Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Savannah, Ga, Orlando, FL, and Jacksonville, FL.  Book your appointment online at  or learn how to check your own head for lice today. You will leave the clinic lice-free in less than an hour.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

3 Things to Keep in Mind When You Have a Head Lice Problem

3 Things to Keep in Mind When You Have a Head Lice Problem

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated six to twelve million head lice infestations occur in the United States every year; most of them are children between the age of three and eleven. Lice infestation comes from direct head-to-head contact. 

If you know someone who has lice, it means they got it from someone else. If you’d like to prevent the spread this summer, here are some things to keep in mind: 

1. Avoid Further Spread

Head lice can spread easily within a home. If you or your children have lice, seek treatment immediately. Treat affected family members, and get head lice checks for the whole family to ensure there’s no continued spread.

2. Get Rid of Them ASAP

Head lice don’t deserve a spot on your head, so when you find out you have them, get rid of them quickly. Find a lice clinic, like Fresh Heads Lice Removal, that will completely treat the problem in one treatment.

3. Treat People With Head Lice Nicely

When someone admits to having head lice, don’t make a face or run for the hills, especially if you or your children have had it. This is also true if you’re a hairdresser, and you discover that your new client has head lice. Head lice can happen to anyone and don’t discriminate when it comes to hygiene or socioeconomic status—it could have just as easily been you!

Keep Your Head Lice-Free

Head lice can be embarrassing for both adults and children. However, lice happens! Many people who have head lice don’t know it, hence they spread lice to people they come in contact with. If you find yourself or someone you know with a head lice problem, don’t fret—it’s not the end of the world! Keep in mind our tips listed above. 

Head Lice Treatment in Jacksonville, FL

For a reputable and professional lice removal service in Jacksonville, Orlando or Savannah, Fresh Heads Lice Removal is here for you! We are committed to removing head lice without the use of toxic chemicals. Contact us today to book an appointment. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Super Lice: What Are They and Do They Really Exist?

Super Lice: What Are They and Do They Really Exist?

Lice are small, soft-bodied insects that are generally harmless, but the pesky critters can take hold of one’s head and warrant plenty of fear among children to adults alike. Some parents try to take matters into their own hands—starting out picking lice off one by one, and then resorting to strong over-the-counter insecticides to try to finish the job.

The problem with these chemicals is that they can trigger a serious upgrade—almost like the transition from frail Steve Rogers to Captain America—only it’s a more dreadful level-up from lice to super lice. OTC drug overexposure has made super lice resistant to medication, giving its victims a harder time to treat the invasion.

What Are Super Lice?

Super lice are not here to save the day, and while they don’t look or act any different from regular lice, they are a different strain with an uncanny resistance to traditional treatments like permethrin and pyrethrin.

This anomaly happens when the pesticide-based head lice treatments only kill 50% of the infestation. The remaining 50% survive and start a more robust colony that has grown impervious to conventional treatment.

The coined term “super” lice was rooted in a 2016 study done by the University of Massachusetts, wherein 48 states have shown 98% of the collected lice were immune to pesticides.

How Does Super Lice Spread?

Super lice can’t fly despite its moniker and are still a strain of your head lice, so they spread the same way—direct head-to-head contact. Once you start to feel itching behind the ears or neck, a tickling sensation in your locks, see signs of red bumps scattered throughout your neck or shoulders, then these are red flags that indicate you have a problem.

Fortunately, some companies like Fresh Heads Lice Removal offer natural solutions that can put an end to the super lice line. However, prevention always helps, so if you want your children free from the creepy crawlies, then the saying “once a week, sneak a peek” should keep your vigilance up.

The Bottom Line: Do You Still Have a Head Full of Lice After OTC Treatment?

Many people who are not aware of super lice still try to use OTC lice shampoos to try to get rid of the pervasive parasites. While it seems like a cost-effective fix, super lice will easily survive these treatments, and OTC shampoo overuse will continue to build-up their resistance.

If you find yourself developing a growing itch and still seeing live lice and eggs in your locks, it’s best to seek proper treatment from professional lice removal companies. Companies like Fresh Heads Lice Removal, for instance, offer an FDA-cleared medical device called AirAllé, which uses a focused stream of warm air to dehydrate and kill lice and eggs naturally.

Professional Lice Removal

If you’re looking for professional lice removal in Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, or Savannah, GA, get in touch with us at Fresh Heads Lice Removal to see how we can help you get rid of lice. We offer an FDA-cleared medical tool that can effectively eliminate lice safely!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

How to Protect Your Child from Lice at School.

How to Protect Your Child from Lice at School

As we near the start of another school year, many parents are focused on traditional preparations such as supplies, immunizations, sports training, or new school clothes. One action that parents often overlook is the importance of educating themselves on head lice. With the wide prevalence of head lice, catching them at some point is almost unavoidable for most school aged. Fortunately, lice cannot fly or jump and are only spread through direct head-to-head contact with other children. This means that some degree of prevention is possible. Below, we’ll outline some easy tips for lice prevention that you can discuss with your child and your pediatrician.

Tips for Head Lice Prevention

  1. It is important to discourage your child from sharing styling tools, clothing, or accessories that are commonly used on or near the hair. Examples include hairbrushes, combs, barrettes or ribbons, hats, hair elastics, scarves, towels, helmets, headphones, pillows, or sleeping bags.
  2. Always instruct your child to be careful when hanging their coat, sweater, or jacket. Take a visit to their classroom and see if there are any separate areas where they can hang their outerwear away from their classmate’s clothing. It can help to teach your child to hang up their coats and hats in a separate area or on an individual hook and avoid tossing their clothing into a pile with another classmates’ clothing. Since lice can crawl, separating your child’s clothing from other classmates’ means they are less likely to pick up a louse.
  3. Regularly launder clothing and toys that your child’s head has direct contact with, or that they share with siblings or other children. Examples are car seats, pillows, blankets, and headphones.
  4. The biggest key to lice prevention is education. Make sure you view pictures of head lice and their nits (eggs), so you can better understand what you are looking for in your child’s hair. It can also be helpful to review additional educational resources about some of the common misconceptions about lice, the lice life-cycle, and effective treatment options so that you can avoid common pitfalls if your child does get lice during the school year.
  5. It’s critical to regularly check your child for nits and live head lice at least once a week, especially if there have been frequent reports of head lice at your child’s school. By being vigilant, you can catch lice and begin treatment before it becomes a full-blown infestation.
  6. Learn to recognize the symptoms of head lice, which include an itchy scalp and small red bumps or sores on the back of your child’s neck and scalp. Better yet, depending on the age of your child, teach your child alert you at the first sign of any persistent itchiness in their scalp.
  7. Don’t panic. Even with the most thorough lice prevention, it’s still possible for your child to get lice. Keep in mind that lice are mostly harmless, not carrying or causing disease, and can be effectively treated.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

We have partnered with Lice Clinics of America to bring true change and health to schools across the nation. The Schools Without Lice program is aimed to eradicate lice in all schools and keeping our children lice-free. Schools Without Lice will work to completely clear lice from schools by offering head checks and treatments to all educators and nurses.

A Lice Free School Year

Our goal here at Fresh Heads is to protect your children and your family from any lice outbreaks. By following some of these steps and getting check-ups at our office, you can prevent school from becoming an infestation. Contact us today to learn more about our treatment options.


Summer Camp Lice Prevention Tips.

Summer Camp Lice Prevention Tips

Ah, summer camp. Campfires, s’mores, swimming, and…head lice?

“Head lice don’t take the summer off,” said Mandy Ottesen, owner of Fresh Heads Lice Removal clinics based in Jacksonville, FL. “In fact, summer camps are ‘custom made’ to spread head lice, with kids in close quarters, sleeping and playing together for extended periods of time.”

No parent wants to get the call that their camper has head lice. Here are a few things you can do to decrease the odds that your child gets lice at camp:

  • First and foremost, get a professional head check before camp. Make sure your child doesn’t already have head lice before camp starts. Many children have lice without knowing it. It can take up to two weeks before symptoms such as itching begin to start. Check again when your child gets home. A professional check is best because lice can be difficult to accurately diagnose. Our clinic offers family head checks for $10. It’s a small price to pay for peace of mind.
  • Know your facts. Lice spread primarily through head-to-head contact. They don’t fly or jump. Head lice can’t live anywhere but on a human scalp (hence the name ‘head’ lice), so encourage your children to avoid head-to-head and hair-to-hair contact, including hugs and selfies.
  • Use lice prevention products such the shampoos or mists by Rapunzel or Glop & Glam, available through our online store. They are non-toxic, easy to apply, and serve as a kind of lice repellent for your child. They can be used daily for an extra layer of protection.
  • Make sure your children use their own combs, brushes, clips, and anything else they use on their hair. While it is rare that lice spread through shared personal items, it can happen.
  • Lice don’t die in water. They can hold their breath for up to eight hours, so children should only use their own towels to dry themselves after swimming or showering.

Finally, if your child does come home with head lice, don’t panic or punish yourself. You and your child didn’t do anything wrong. Twelve million children under the age of 14 get head lice each year in the United States alone. It’s no different than catching a cold—your child just got lice from someone else.

We want you to know that getting rid of head lice is easier than ever, thanks to our FDA-cleared, AirAllé® medical device. The AirAllé uses heated air to dehydrate lice and eggs and has been clinically proven to kill live lice and more than 99 percent of eggs (nits) in a single treatment. The service takes about an hour and is guaranteed to be effective. Plus, we offer a 60-day guarantee – the longest warranty in the industry.

If you come in for a head check, and we find head lice or nits on your child, we can treat him or her on the spot, and you’ll leave our clinic lice-free in an hour or so—guaranteed. Fresh Heads Lice Removal is located in Jacksonville and Orlando, FL and Savannah, GA. Contact us today.