Tag Archive for: lice treatment Savannah GA

Does A Buzz Cut Keep Me From Getting Lice?

Does A Buzz Cut Keep Me From Getting Lice?

When there are lice in your child’s hair it is a natural instinct to remove the hair to make everything better. However, before you buzz their head, you need to know that it has no effect on lice. Even bald-headed people can still struggle with lice at times. Proper treatment is the only way to get rid of the lice and their eggs. 

Hair Length

The length of a person’s hair does not affect if lice can attach to a person or not. Head lice only care about one thing and that is blood from the scalp. This is a reason why a hair buzz wouldn’t work. As long as there are a few strands of hair the lice can lay their eggs. The logic of more hair equals more territory for the lice, does not apply because they only need about a quarter inch off of the scalp. There is one benefit to having a buzz cut, due to lack of hair, the lice will be more visible and not last long with the proper treatment. A bald head is not a suitable environment for them, so they usually die off or leave. In addition to length, lice also do not care if your hair is dirty or clean. If anything they would prefer it clean because it would be easier to latch onto the scalp.


As you now know that a buzz cut isn’t the way to get rid of lice, here are some other methods to go over. Over-the-counter products are not effective and can be harmful for your hair and scalp. One beneficial method is the “comb out” method. This method is more effective, but is extremely tedious and can be messed up easily. The best lice treatment method is the Fresh Heads patented AirAlle treatment that uses heated air to kill head lice and nits. This method is extremely effective by working over 99 percent of the time. This treatment will not just get rid of the lice, but also the eggs that they lay. The other positive thing about this method is that it is harmless, unlike over-the-counter products. No chemicals have to be applied to your head and scalp. 

Lice Treatment In Savannah, Georgia

Getting an unexpected case of head lice can be quite an alarming situation, but it is nothing to panic over. A case of lice is very common and can be addressed easily. Fresh Heads has the best lice treatment in Savannah, Ga. We also have other locations in Jacksonville, Fl. and in Orlando, Fl. Don’t be scared to contact us if you need help getting rid of some lice.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Could You Have Lice and Not Know it?

Could You Have Lice and Not Know it?

It may come as a surprise, but it is possible to have head lice in your hair without your knowledge. Itching is one of the main signs of lice that people are looking for if they’re suspicious. What most people don’t know is that the itching caused by these tiny parasites can take weeks to start, and in some cases, may never start at all. Most experts encourage parents to check their kids for head lice regularly, particularly during the school year. If you think that you or a family member could have lice, but you don’t know for sure, here are a few tips that could help you determine what you are dealing with.

What to Look For When Checking for Lice 

The first step in checking for head lice is knowing what to look for. Head lice are only a few millimeters across, and it can be easy to mistake them for dry skin or dandruff. When you check for head lice, remember to look for both the lice and the lice eggs in hair, called nits. The nits are laid at the base of the hair, and usually appear yellow or white. Adult lice are tiny brown parasites that are about the size of a sesame seed. If you have been noticing more dandruff than normal, you make want to take a closer look to make sure this is not actually lice eggs.

Where to Check for Head Lice

The best place to look for signs of head lice is around the nape of the neck and the ears, so check these spots thoroughly. Lice like to live in warm spots on the scalp that are not overly exposed to sunlight. They cling onto the shaft of the hair and lay their eggs close to the roots of the hair.

How to Check for Lice

The most common tool used to look for signs of lice is a fine-tooth comb. One study found that using a fine-tooth comb is 4 times more effective at detecting lice than visual inspection alone. The most effective method of combing for lice starts with separating the hair into several sections. 

Get the hair wet and add some conditioner or detangler to help the comb glide through the strands, then begin combing through the first section. If you are having trouble seeing, or the hair is dark, a flashlight can provide the necessary lighting. Remember to start at the roots and comb all the way to the ends of the hairs, keeping each section isolated. Once one section is combed, just move to the next section until the whole head has been searched.

Fresh Heads Lice Treatment in Savannah, GA

Here at Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we work hard to protect you and your family from head lice. We specialize in chemical-free head lice removal that guarantees the elimination of all lice eggs in the hair. If you or someone you know needs help fighting head lice, visit one of our clinics in Jacksonville, Fl, Orlando, FL, or Savannah, GA. 

Link to Client Site: https://freshheadsliceremoval.com/

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

What to Know About Drug-Resistant Super Lice

What to Know About Drug-Resistant Super Lice

Head lice are parasitic insects that feed on human blood from the scalp. They spread from person to person by direct contact with the hair of someone with an infestation. They can cause intense itching, bite marks, and sores on the shoulders, neck, and scalp.

Lice are common among school-aged children, which means as a parent or guardian, watching out for lice during this age can be an extra responsibility on top of everything else. There are ways to prevent your child from getting infested, especially from super lice. To learn more about them and how to treat them, use this article as your guide.

What Are Super Lice?

“Super lice” is a term used to describe lice that have become resistant to the active ingredients found in common over-the-counter (OTC) lice shampoos. They look the same as normal lice. Over time, these lice have built up a tolerance to the harsh insecticidal ingredients of OCT lice shampoos, causing these products to no longer be effective against them. Since super lice have become so prevalent, if your child becomes infested with lice, it is very likely super lice. For this reason, you should consider seeking professional treatment from our lice treatment centers in Savannah, Orlando, or Jacksonville.

Reasons Your Lice Treatment Isn’t Working

In addition to super lice, there are some other reasons that your lice treatment may not be working:

• Ineffective Treatments

We’ve already discussed how the lice of today have built up a resistance to the insecticides in OTC lice shampoos. In addition, home remedies such as mayonnaise, olive oil, and rubbing alcohol are not effective against head lice either. Many parents seeking natural lice treatment try these ineffective home remedies first, which only allows their child’s infestation to worsen.

• Misdiagnosis

Just because your kid experiences intense itching on their scalp doesn’t mean they have a head lice infestation. It may be dandruff, scabs, or a symptom of dry skin or another skin condition. Before seeking lice treatments, make sure that lice are the actual reason why your child has an itchy scalp. Fresh Heads Lice Removal can conduct head checks on your family members to verify that what they have is, in fact, head lice.

• Reinfestation

A child who has been treated properly can get infested with head lice again. Remember that head lice infestation is common among school-aged children. To address this issue, be sure to conduct frequent head checks, and stay informed on if there is a lice outbreak at your child’s school.

What Changes Should I Make in the Way I Approach Super Lice Treatments?

If you find nits or lice in your child’s scalp, start treatment right away by reaching out to one of our lice treatment centers in Savannah, Orlando, or Jacksonville. We offer professional-grade in-clinic as well as DIY at-home treatments.

Seek Effective Lice Treatment

Your child is susceptible to being infested with and spreading super lice, especially during preschool through middle school. Fortunately, you can prevent this by staying well-informed and following the instructions mentioned in this guide. Don’t forget to consult professionals to ensure a successful lice treatment.

Lice Treatment in Savannah, Orlando, and Jacksonville

Ensure that your child is lice-free by seeking our professional lice treatment. At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we use an FDA-cleared AirAllé® Device that kills lice and their eggs in a single visit. We also offer an exclusive partnership for school nurses and teachers to eliminate lice from your school. Book your appointment today!


Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

Our mission at Fresh Heads Lice Removal is to eradicate lice from schools across the US. We’re partnering with the Lice Clinics of America to create a Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free resources, screenings, and treatments. If we work together, we can have schools without lice!

Can Head Lice Make You Sick?

Can Head Lice Make You Sick?

This is one of the main concerns that people have when they find out they have head lice. Head lice do not carry disease, so you can rest assured that you or your child will not catch any illness from them. However, it is possible to contract minor scalp infections because of scratching due to the discomfort of having lice. It is extremely unlikely though, that anyone will have an infection that is severe enough to cause an extreme illness.

Rare Scalp Infections

Although cases of infection are quite rare, they do sometimes happen. Some children—and even some adults—may scratch their scalps too aggressively, leading to the skin on the scalp getting torn. Infections may develop if these small wounds are not given time to heal properly and if bacteria fester on them.

Even though scalp infections are rare, there’s still a small chance that they could happen. For this reason, it’s important that you conduct regular head checks on your children so you can detect lice early. If you do find head lice, don’t delay treatment or waste time with ineffective OTC shampoos—seek professional lice removal right away.

How Do You Get Lice?

Many parents constantly worry about their child getting lice, because it is a fear of the unknown. However, the method of catching and spreading lice is pretty simple: head-to-head contact. If you have a school-age child, you’ll want to talk to them about not putting their heads together with their friends and classmates. If you do discover that a member of your household is infested, limit their close contact with the other individuals in your home until you can get them treated. Remember, lice can’t jump—only crawl—from one person to another.

Can You Get Lice from Your Pets?

Many parents also worry that if their pets catch lice, they will transfer to the heads of their children. This will never happen because the type of lice that feed on animals can never transfer to humans and vice versa. The bottom line is that the transmission of head lice can only happen with human, head-to-head contact.

Lice Treatment in Savannah, Jacksonville, and Orlando

If you or your child has a case of head lice, remember that it’s easy to handle if you act quickly. The real key to getting rid of an infestation is detecting it early enough to prevent lice from spreading to others. By seeking professional lice treatment, you can make sure that the problem is handled effectively and that all adult lice, as well as their eggs, are eliminated.

If you need a lice treatment center in Savannah, Jacksonville, or Orlando, come to Fresh Heads Lice Removal. Our all-natural lice treatment completely eliminates lice in just over an hour. Let us get rid of your head lice—book your appointment today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

Our mission at Fresh Heads Lice Removal is to eradicate lice from schools across the US. We’re partnering with the Lice Clinics of America to create a Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free resources, screenings, and treatments. If we work together, we can have schools without lice!

Do Head Lice Spread During the Winter?

Do Head Lice Spread During the Winter?

Many parents think they don’t need to be on the lookout for head lice during the winter season, because they don’t think the pests are hearty enough to withstand the cold temperatures. However, with head lice, that’s not the case at all. That’s why Fresh Heads is here to help you understand what to do about lice even during the colder months.

As a parent, you should always be mindful of lice, even during the winter months. Doing so can keep you and your family safe from the irritating head-scratching, and ensure everyone enjoys the new year! Here’s what you need to know:

The Truth About Lice Infestation During the Wintertime

During winter, lice can still multiply and infest you and your family. Although you might think the extreme cold could make it challenging for these pests to survive, your scalp is actually the ideal environment to help them survive. Since you and your family will be mostly indoors for the winter months, you’ll be in close proximity more. All it takes is head-to-head contact for lice to crawl from one host to another, where they quickly lay eggs, and the infestation spreads.

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Lice

Consider the following ways to ensure your household is lice-free during the winter months:

• Trace When You and Your Family Got the Lice

Head-to-head contact is the primary cause of spread, which means you and your family need to retrace your steps and determine who everyone may have interacted with that’s spreading the infestation. That way, you can alert others about the situation and seek effective treatment.

• Seek Treatment Quickly

Fresh Heads offers services through our lice removal clinics located in Jacksonville, Orlando, and Savannah. Schedule your next appointment with us for quick access to our lice treatment services!

• Use Professional Treatment

Fresh Heads can provide you with the best solutions to ensure that you and your family can remove lice and their eggs easily. You can get our patented heat air technology, the AirAllé® Device, which is an FDA-cleared tool for effective lice removal to ensure you can prevent spread!

• Consider Tying Long Hair into Braids and Buns

To help prevent head-to-head lice spread, in addition to limiting close contact, it can also help to keep your hairstyle neatly in place. It’s because it’s easier for lice to transfer from one host to another on free-flowing hair.

• Do Your Research

Don’t be caught unprepared. Learn more about lice so you can stay ready. Read about lice and lice research through our page. You can also browse other sections of our website for more information!

Have a Lice-Free Home All Year Round!

Temperature changes won’t stop lice from affecting your household, and that’s why you and your family should be prepared. Fortunately, you now have a better understanding of the truth and what you can do to keep your home itch-free!

Lice Treatment in Savannah, Jacksonville, and Orlando

If you have head lice, contact our experts at Fresh Heads! We offer services to ensure you and your family are lice-free all year round! Our exclusive AirAllé® device safely gets rid of lice and lice eggs in just one treatment. Book your appointment today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to eradicate lice from schools across the country. To accomplish that mission, we’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create a program called Schools Without Lice. Through this program, we can provide teachers and nurses with free head lice screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Your Most Search Lice Questions, Answered

Your Most Searched Lice Questions, Answered

One of the most frustrating and upsetting things that you can be faced with as a parent is head lice. When you find out your child has lice, you can quickly become frantic.

Having never dealt with lice before, many parents are unaware of how to handle them. Questions quickly start flying, such as, “Where did the lice come from?”, “How did my child get them?” and “What’s the fastest way to get rid of them?” All of these questions are valid, and knowing the answers will help you handle the situation as quickly and as stress-free as possible.

Fortunately, when you visit a lice treatment center, you’ll be assigned to specialists who can effectively treat your child’s lice, ensuring that he or she doesn’t bring them home and transmit them to other family members. In the meantime, Fresh Heads is here to answer your most searched lice questions:

1. What Type of Product Should I Use for My Children?

Unfortunately, there are no over-the-counter or prescription medications that are safe and effective for getting rid of lice and nits. This is because these products contain pesticides that can be extremely harmful for your children, and also because over time, head lice have become resistant to the pesticides.

Thankfully, Fresh Heads Lice Removal has lice treatment centers in Savannah, Jacksonville, and Orlando, that offer all-natural solutions for treating head lice. This makes us the perfect option for your child if you need to treat and eliminate lice.

2. What Chemicals Are in OTC Lice Shampoos?

OTC lice shampoos that are available in stores today contain active ingredients (pesticides) as well as inert ingredients. Active ingredients are meant to kill the lice, while inert ingredients don’t target the pest. The active ingredient found in most OTC lice shampoos is Permethrin.

These ingredients can be harmful in that pesticides contain components called solvents, that dissolve and can be absorbed through your child’s scalp. Even the inert ingredients can result in toxic effects, and can potentially be even more dangerous than the active ingredients.

If you want a much safer option, it’s best to have your lice handled by professionals, like in our lice treatment center. Fresh Heads Lice Removal uses the FDA-cleared AirAllé® device to treat lice. This way, you can know that you’re treating lice and protecting your child from harmful toxins.

3. Can I Get Rid of Lice Using Home Remedies?

Home remedies—treatments that you find in your kitchen cupboards or bathroom cabinet—are not effective against lice. Not only that, but many of these treatments ask you to wrap your child’s head in plastic wrap overnight. Doing so puts your child at great risk of suffocation.

If you’re looking for all-natural treatment for your child’s lice problem, we suggest that you book an appointment at Fresh Heads Lice Removal. Our treatments are all-natural and safe for your child and the environment.

4. How Do I Treat My Home for Lice?

As soon as you find out your child has lice, you should limit their contact with other family members and get them treated as quickly as possible. Since lice die within 24 hours after they are removed from a human scalp, your efforts to treat lice in the home should actually focus on treating heads and conducting head checks. However, you should also wash any clothing or bedding recently used by the infested family member.

Lice Treatment in Savannah, Jacksonville, and Orlando

Dealing with lice can stir some panic in parents. However, hopefully now that you know the answers to some of the most common questions asked about head lice, your panic is alleviated. By now you also know that, when faced with lice, it’s best to seek the help of the professionals, like those at Fresh Heads Lice Removal.

If you’re experiencing lice symptoms and need treatment right away, book an appointment with us! Our lice treatment center uses the FDA-cleared AirAllé® device to get rid of lice and eggs in one treatment. It’s an all-natural treatment that doesn’t use any chemicals and is the safest option for you. Book your appointment today.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Can Chicken Lice Transfer to Humans?

Can Chicken Lice Transfer to Humans?

While those of us who live in the city typically don’t worry about it, many people who live just outside of town, either on a farm or near one, have become concerned about whether it’s possible for lice to transfer from chickens to humans. We’ve also seen increased concern over this question as the demand increases for free-range or farm-raised chicken.

Fortunately for you, Fresh Heads is here with the answers you’re looking for! In this article, we’ll discuss critical facts about chicken lice, and how people came to believe they can transfer to humans (and why this actually isn’t the case at all!). We’ll also talk about the root cause of lice among humans, and professional lice treatments—like those from Fresh Heads—to defend you against this pesky parasite.

What Are Chicken Lice?

Chicken lice are an invasive species that thrives in different environments and affects most poultry breeds. This is why both small-scale and industrialized chicken farmers look for the telltale signs of chicken lice among each flock.

In particular, farmers look for chickens with a significant loss of feather coverage, patchy appearance on their skin, or that are itching uncontrollably. Lice-infested poultry also develop anemia. Although it’s extremely rare for most well-raised chickens to die from a lice infestation, it can affect their quality of life, as well as affect the quality of their meat if they are raised for food.

The Truth About Chicken Lice and Human Transmission

Chicken lice can be a real infestation that can affect your flock, but you don’t have to worry about them transferring to you or your children because that’s a myth! That’s because chicken lice are actually a different species entirely from their human-feeding counterpart. Chicken lice (menacanthus stramineus) have six legs and no wings, are brown or yellow, and feed only on the blood of chickens. Head lice (pediculus humanus capitis) also have six legs and no wings, but they are grayish-white, and feed only on the blood of humans.

What Causes Head Lice in Humans and What Are the Signs?

Now that you can rest assured that you can’t get chicken lice, you can focus on the real nuisance that can affect you and your family: head lice. Let’s cover some quick facts about head lice so you can know what you’re dealing with:

• You Can See Head Lice, but It’s Often Hard without a Magnifier

You will need a magnifying glass held close to your scalp to see either immature and full-grown pests. Adult head lice are about the size of a sesame seed. Lice nits are even smaller—the size of a poppy seed.

• Sleep Deprivation and Severe Itching Are Early Signs of Infestation

Apart from other scalp concerns like dandruff, if your child is complaining about having difficulty sleeping, or if they have uncontrollable itching, you may be dealing with head lice.

• Head-to-Head Lice Contact Is the Primary Cause

Lice experts and health professionals agree that head-to-head contact is the most common way to get lice. So, in order to avoid getting lice, don’t put your head in close contact with others. And if you do find out you have lice, you should warn others that you were in close contact with to check their scalps and seek professional lice removal services immediately.

Effective Lice Treatment in Savannah, Jacksonville, and Orlando

If you do find out that you have head lice, Fresh Heads offers a wide range of head lice removal services for your convenience! Our clinics use our exclusive AirAllé device, an FDA-cleared device that blows warm air to dehydrate and kill both adult lice and lice eggs in a single treatment! The best part about our services is that they are completely safe and natural, so you don’t have to worry about exposing your children to harmful chemicals. Book your appointment today.


Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

Our mission at Fresh Heads Lice Removal is to eradicate lice from schools across the US. We’re partnering with the Lice Clinics of America to create a Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free resources, screenings, and treatments. If we work together, we can have schools without lice!

Is It Possible to Get Lice Even While on Lockdown?

Is It Possible to Get Lice Even While on Lockdown?

While going into, or back into, lockdown over the past few months has caused some level of inconvenience for many people, there are a few good things to come out of it, the most obvious one being everybody’s safety. Some parents undoubtedly rejoiced because it meant one thing for their children: no lice!

Unfortunately, lice are resilient little pests that find their way onto the heads of anybody that comes near enough to facilitate head-to-head transmission. Aside from that—since the life cycle of lice is quite long—some children might have gone into isolation carrying nits on their heads!

Although a lice infestation may seem completely baffling and can be a real nuisance, getting rid of lice isn’t impossible. Here are some of the ways that you can spot nits and lice on your child’s head and provide the right lice treatment as soon as possible:

Fighting the Life Cycle of Head Lice in Lockdown

Since going into lockdown, complaints about the sudden appearance of lice have not been uncommon. Dubbed “iso-nits”—nits that started showing up even during isolation—these pests have exasperated parents everywhere. This can happen even without visitors during the lockdown, as long as your child or anybody in your family has come into close contact with someone carrying lice before the lockdown.

What’s surprising about lockdown lice is that they seem to appear months after children have been in contact with anybody outside of the house. Though your little girl might have played with her best friend a week before going into isolation, the pesky lice might not appear until almost a month later, when you find your children needing lice treatment.

These surprise infestations can be explained by understanding the life cycle of a louse, which lays its eggs (the nits) over sixteen days before dying. About a week later, the nit hatches and molts for about two weeks before becoming a full adult louse that can reproduce. The female then lays eggs two days after mating—then the cycle starts all over again.

Based on these critters’ life cycle, it can take weeks before anybody notices the lice until the typical symptoms, like incessant scratching, start. Head lice are also much more common than people think, and there are some cases where they can come and go undetected. For those that aren’t so lucky, it might be too late before discovering that lice treatment is required.

Dealing with Resilient Lockdown Lice

If you have found lice in your home during this time, there are some things to know about your options for treating them. The first thing to note is that typical OTC lice shampoos and home remedies you can get at the grocery store are not effective against the super lice of today. Lice are a problem that requires professional treatment. The good news is, there’s a range of professional treatment options available for whatever your comfort level is at for venturing out at this time:

• Fresh Heads Do-It-Yourself Home Treatment Kit

This is a professional-grade, but DIY at-home treatment option for those who are not comfortable venturing out right now. Our soothing non-toxic topical rinse application comes with a professional-grade nit comb and instructions. Our rinse is specially formulated with enzymes to break the bonds that nits use to cling to the hair shafts. Feel assured knowing you are using a pesticide-free and non-toxic, yet effective treatment on your child.

• Fresh Heads Traditional Comb Out

For those who are comfortable venturing out, the Fresh Heads Traditional Comb Out is lice combing done by the skilled hands of our lice removal specialists. Book your appointment at one of our locations. Physical distancing and strict disinfecting guidelines are enforced. Note that this option does require a 10-day follow-up appointment, so you will make 2 total trips to our salon.

• Fresh Heads Signature AirAllé Treatment

Also for those who are comfortable venturing out, this is our professional “one-and-done” treatment. Our exclusive AirAllé device is FDA-cleared and blows warm air that dehydrates and kills lice and nits in a single treatment. Book your appointment online at one of our locations. Come in for a single appointment and return home lice free!

Professional Lice Treatments in Savannah, Jacksonville, and Orlando

Getting rid of iso-nits quickly is possible if you seek the help of the professionals. With professional at-home and in-clinic options to choose from, Fresh Heads is ready to help you get rid of lice as quickly and safely as possible. Getting lice can be inconvenient, but getting rid of them doesn’t have to be. Order your treatment or book your appointment today at Fresh Heads!.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to eradicate lice from schools across the country. To accomplish that mission, we’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create a program called Schools Without Lice. Through this program, we can provide teachers and nurses with free head lice screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!