When Should You Go to A Lice Removal Clinic?

When Should You Go to A Lice Removal Clinic?

When your child has head lice a wave of stress rushes over you, causing your mind to spin in every direction. Especially as parents, we try to do everything in our power to make sure our children are safe and comfortable, so when head lice are the next big problem we feel the need to tackle the problem right away. You might start to wonder “is it best to take my child to a head lice clinic immediately or wait it out?” The answer is the sooner, the better because it can only help.

What to Do First When You Discover Head Lice

The very first thing you should do if you start to get the rising suspicion that your child might have head lice is to check. You might be wondering how to check for head lice so let’s dive right into it.

1. Grab your flashlight, gloves, and a comb.

2. Take sections of your child’s hair.

3. Direct the flashlight towards the scalp and look to see if anything is moving or if you see little white eggs that look almost like sand.

If you are still unsure of whether or not you are dealing with head lice, you can always visit a professional lice removal clinic like Fresh Heads and have them do a head check for you. 

How to Prevent Head Lice

Head lice can be tricky. Truth be told some children might catch a lucky break and others not so much, no matter how hard you try to prevent it. Keeping head lice away is no easy task but there are several actions you can take. The most important action you can do is let your children know to avoid direct head-to-head contact with others. However, by being aware of the signs and symptoms of a head lice infestation you will know exactly what to look out for. 

If You See Lice, Call Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Orlando, FL

There’s no point in waiting around if your child has head lice. Call our lice removal clinic and we will make sure to get you an appointment right away. Our lice removal treatment is a one-stop-shop. It will only take one treatment and then your child will walk out the door lice-free. You can book an appointment with any of our three locations: Jacksonville, Fl, Orlando, Fl, and Savannah, GA. 

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!