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Head Lice Problems: What Happens When OTC Treatments Fail

Head Lice Problems: What Happens When OTC Treatments Fail?

Head lice is a common concern among parents and although It’s more easily spread among kids due to the increased head-to-head contact, it can become a household problem quickly if not treated promptly. The good news is that head lice is completely manageable with effective treatments to kill the lice and eggs.  Some people worry […]

What Exactly Is Lice Dehydration

What Exactly Is Lice Dehydration?

In the United States, it’s believed that about 6 to 12 million children between 3 and 12 years of age get head lice each year. Head lice infestations are especially common in schools because of head-to-head contact between young students who may not know that they’re spreading them. For many years, the only way to […]

3 Things to Keep in Mind When You Have a Head Lice Problem

3 Things to Keep in Mind When You Have a Head Lice Problem

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated six to twelve million head lice infestations occur in the United States every year; most of them are children between the age of three and eleven. Lice infestation comes from direct head-to-head contact.  If you know someone who has lice, it means they […]

Why “Natural” Lice Treatment Products Present Risk

Why “Natural” Lice Treatment Products Present Risk

Head lice are one of the most common issues school-aged children face. Because it’s a widespread issue, many parents have tried to use old remedies to eliminate these pesky creatures from their children’s head and their homes. Unfortunately, some people still attempt to use dangerous head lice removal remedies and aren’t aware of the negative […]

Itchy Scalp but No Lice? Here's What It Might Be

Itchy Scalp but No Lice? Here’s What It Might Be

You have the classic signs of lice, like an itchy scalp, but when you got checked there was no indication of an infestation. Now that’s definitely something to celebrate, but what else could be causing your irritation and itching? There are other skin conditions that mimic the symptoms of lice. Keep reading to find out […]

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