Tag Archive for: head lice prevention

most effective ways to eliminate head lice completely

The Most Effective Ways to Eliminate Head Lice Completely

When your child starts attending school, there are so many things you have to worry about. You’ll be concerned about whether they’ll make friends, enjoy their activities, or earn good grades. There’s one issue in schools, however, that we never seem to be prepared enough for yet is mercilessly common: a dreaded head lice infestation.

Head lice are flightless parasites that burrow in and feed on the human scalp. Head lice infestations are troublesome but non-fatal. That said, they are known to spread more commonly in very young schoolchildren. Girls are more likely to become infested than boys, but there is no evidence that indicates it is due to poor hygiene or to weather conditions. Symptoms of infestation include a tingling sensation, itching, or finding sores on the head or neck. The itching and irritation can be very uncomfortable and cause trouble sleeping.

The school nurse or health advisor may diagnose an infestation by looking closely at an infected child’s scalp to discover either live adult insects or their eggs or nits (empty eggshells). Lice can spread from person to person via head-to-head contact. Young children who are not aware of their infestation can unknowingly pass on the parasite to one another during playtime or when doing activities together. Consequently, they may infect other people in their homes prior to an infestation being detected.

Traditional Ways of Treating Lice

There are two methods that have been traditionally used for treating head lice, wet combing and OTC medicated shampoos. Both of these methods are ineffective against treating lice and are therefore falling out of use.

Wet Combing

The wet-combing method is when a fine-toothed comb specially made for catching lice is run through wet hair slowly several times to remove the insects. This method can be time-consuming and must be repeated several times every two to three days. While this is a safe and simple method, it does not kill the lice, and it is possible to miss some and have the infestation start all over again.

OTC Medicated Shampoos

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications, medicated shampoos, and lotions are available at most drugstores. These medicines are called topical pediculicides. Depending on the severity and quantity of lice present, some may need to repeat the application of medicine after seven days to ensure they are able to kill the lice. Unfortunately, studies show that most species of head lice have developed a resistance to these pediculicides.

Modern Effective Lice Treatment with the AirAllé®

The current, effective, and safe way to treat lice is through dehydration with the AirAllé® Device. This device can dehydrate and kill both lice and their eggs by blowing warm air via an applicator along the scalp and through the strands of hair. This method lifts entrenched lice and its eggs up and away from the scalp. Wet combing is then done to ensure the complete removal of the insects from the hair strands.

The entire process to kill lice with the AirAllé® Device takes 45 minutes to one hour, depending on the infestation. The benefit of using this device is that no pesticides or chemicals are applied to the scalp making it a safer and more effective option.

Don’t Wait for Your Child’s Head Lice Problem Get out of Control!

Infestations may be unavoidable and are definitely one of the last things any parent or child would want to be inconvenienced with. Luckily, there are many remedies available in the market today. For the best and quickest results, consult a lice removal specialist who can provide you with a potent and time-saving treatment.

Professional Head Lice Removal Service in Jacksonville, Orlando, and Savannah

We offer highly effective, painless, and quick hair lice removal in Jacksonville and Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA. Fresh Heads Lice Removal uses patented our AirAllé® treatment with over 1 million customers served. Contact us today so we can take your worries away!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to eradicate lice from schools across the country. To accomplish that mission, we’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create a program called Schools Without Lice. Through this program, we can provide teachers and nurses with free head lice screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

head lice prevention what methods work

Head Lice Prevention: What Methods Work?

Head lice are common among children because they have close contact with others and are curious about their environments. One thing most people don’t know about lice infestations is that lice are normally only spreadable through head-to-head contact, not through jumping off the scalp and scattering. Lice normally die after 24 hours being off of their host’s scalp, which is why infestations are quite easy to manage. Eggs, also called nits, are unable to hatch and die quite quickly when far away from head temperatures.

If your child is a victim of the seasonal lice infestations going around their play places, there is no reason to fear and halt them from having fun. Here are some steps to take to prevent and control the spread of head lice:

Avoid Head-to-Head Contact

It is important to tell your child to avoid rough playing or having contact with their friends during playtime. Lice cannot fly, jump or transfer without direct contact, so educating your child on keeping distance will help you avoid them catching lice.

Put a Hold on Sleepovers for the Meantime

When there are outbreaks of lice in schools or play areas, a sleepover may not be the best idea for the time being. Lice can also briefly live on bedding, pillows, and carpets that have come into contact with a person who has a lice infestation. The best time to resume is once the outbreak has been solved and you are sure that lice no longer exists in your child’s environments.

Try Not to Share Head-Care or Head-Use Products

Although occurrences of lice transferring through means other than direct contact are extremely rare, there is still a small chance of other methods of transmission. Some of these involve the use of combs and brushes, sharing hats and other headgear, or towels used to dry children after playtime. These methods of transmission are very rare causes of lice transfers, but it wouldn’t hurt to disinfect combs and brushes through soaking in hot water for at least five minutes.

Think Wisely when Dealing with Your Home

Extreme clean-ups regularly are usually not going to stop the occurrence of lice in your home, as they can even manifest in clean environments. It has been found that regular washing of pillowcases is a useful method that deters the spread of lice. Spending excessively on home cleaning methods and products is not needed to avoid re-infestation of lice in your home, since lice die after a day off of a human scalp.

What is important is washing beddings and pillows after a lice infestation to avoid them from re-occurring. Utilize hot water to wash the fabric products and then seal them in a plastic bag for two days to be sure that the lice have died out.

When dealing with a current lice problem, try to avoid contact with beds and fabric surfaces such as pillows and couches that have been in immediate contact with a lice-infested person. Vacuuming floors and carpets are also recommended, but only as a precaution rather than a necessity.

Do Not Use Pest Sprays and Fogs

Children in your home may be affected by the chemicals in sprays and fog products, which are often overkill and are not a requirement to treat a lice outbreak. Simple precautions are better, and of course, proper treatment.

Head Lice Treatment in Jacksonville, Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA

There are many ways to prevent lice outbreaks from happening, but when they do, it is best to have treatment done by a professional head lice removal clinic. When it comes to head lice treatment in Jacksonville, Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA, you can trust the team at Fresh Heads! Allow us to solve your lice problems by booking an appointment today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

Our mission here at Fresh Heads is to eradicate lice from schools across the country, so we’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create a program called Schools Without Lice. Through this program, we provide teachers and nurses with free head lice screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Young girls modeling the best hairstyles to prevent head lice.

Stay Cute and Careful: Best Hairstyles to Prevent Lice

Head lice can happen when we least expect it, but little girls with longer hair are far more vulnerable to catching the unwelcomed critters. If lice have made their way throughout your daughter’s school or social circle, the hairstyle you choose for her can help keep her hair stylish, neat, and pest-free. Below is a list of hairstyle options that can help reduce the risk of catching head lice.

Ballet Bun. The sleek and classic ballet bun is ideal for little girls who have a high risk of exposure to head lice. The smooth and elegant appearance of this hairstyle allows you to control virtually all stray hair.

French Braid. For girls with shorter hair, you may want to consider a beautifully orchestrated French braid. The style is a gorgeous and classic solution for untamed hair or fly-away stands.

Headband Roll. Give her a simple touch of Hollywood charm with the headband roll hairstyle. This sweet and simple style gives the appearance of a classy updo without as much work or upkeep.

Messy Bun. The messy bun is a cute yet simple go-to-style. It is fresh and fashionable and better yet, keeps hair isolated. This hairstyle has been on trend for years and shows no signs of going out of style due to its versatility and compatibility with most hair lengths and hair types.

Head Lice Experts You Can Trust

Lice are unable to jump from one head to another. However, loose strands of hair are more susceptible to contracting lice. If a pesky infestation of head lice has found its way to your little ones, give us a call immediately. Fresh Heads is your one-stop shop for the diagnosis and treatment of head lice.

head lice and the holidays

Preventing Head Lice Over the Holidays

Head lice in children is an issue that doesn’t take a break for the holidays. In fact, the holiday season is prime time for family gatherings, meaning there’s a real risk of coming into contact with affected individuals and catching head lice. This is one “gift” that nobody wants! So here is some information on just how naughty lice can be, and why getting them is definitely not nice:

How Head Lice is Contracted

Lice require head to head contact in order to spread. So the critters can’t jump from one person to another, and even wearing hats and clothes used by those who had lice isn’t a major risk.

For kids, head to head contact can involve playing with lice-infested peers, huddling together, or dozing off in close proximity with them during sleepovers or afternoon naps.

How to Check for Head Lice

Louses (adult lice) are quite small and fast-moving. They tend to avoid light and don’t stay on the outer layers of one’s hair. This can make them especially difficult to spot. Common symptoms of head lice in children and adults include itchy scalps (though this is shared with dandruff, eczema and other conditions). If you want to find out for certain, you’ll have to:

  • Sit the child in a brightly lit room.
  • Spread his or her hair apart and look at the scalp to find lice and nits.
  • Lice eggs, called nits, are tiny white or cream-colored and oval-shaped, like beads, and are attached to the hair at their base, near the scalp. They can be mistaken for dandruff or dirt. If it’s easily removable then it’s probably not a nit.
  • Comb through the hair in small sections, systematically, to find and remove lice or nits.

If you find lice and nits, check everyone else in the house to be sure the infestation hasn’t spread.

How to Get Rid of Head Lice

Over the counter medications usually involve harsh chemicals that have alarming side effects. Moreover, we now have Super Lice, which are drug-resistant and can’t be killed by OTC head lice treatments.

This is why Fresh Heads Lice Removal stands by AirAllé— The Best Way to Get Rid of Head Lice. It is a completely non-toxic, FDA-cleared and science-based method that kills lice and eggs using heat, air flow, time and technique – dehydrating lice and ending infestations. No more wasting time and money on ineffective OTC treatments or messy in-home mobile lice services.

What about Natural Treatments and Home Remedies?

The herbal route avoids the dangers of pesticides, but these concoctions mainly repel lice and don’t do much when the buggers are already on the scalp. They’re not very good at killing them and do nothing to kill nits.


Home remedies, on the other hand, are unproven and unreliable. Hair dyes are ineffective. As are hair straightening treatments.

Other Advice to Limit Lice

If someone has an infestation, wash their clothing, towels, linens, hats, etc. in hot water and dry them in high heat. It is very unlikely that lice will be spread by bedding, clothing or linens, but it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Unwashable items can be stored in sealed plastic bags for a couple of weeks, which will starve lice to death.

Happy Lice-Free Holidays

Finding head lice doesn’t mean the holiday festivities have to stop! At Fresh Heads Lice Removal Clinics, we can take get rid head lice and their eggs in a single, chemical-free treatment with no follow up necessary. Don’t waste your time with over the counter treatments or sit around waiting and hoping a mobile lice treatment service will actually show up on time just so they can take over your kitchen or living room for hours. If you find lice call Fresh Heads today and we’ll have you back sipping eggnog and eating gingerbread cookies in no time.

So may you and your family have a very merry and lice-free holiday season!

Girls in halloween costumes

Preventing Head Lice this Halloween

Imagine creepy, blood-sucking critters invading your home this Halloween. No, it’s not some scary movie plot. It’s head lice, and lice treatment centers around the country report seeing a spike in cases this time of year. Here are some professional tips on preventing head lice in your household this Halloween.

How Are Lice Spread?

Lice are almost always spread among children through head-to-head contact like when sharing a bed or playing in close proximity.

Contrary to popular belief, lice are not typically spread by sharing items. Head lice must feed on human blood in order to survive. An adult head louse will die within 24 to 48 hours of being off a human head, and nymphs can only live for several hours without feeding. Nits must be kept warm by the scalp, and are therefore not viable when off of a human head.

For all of these reasons, it is not very likely that lice will spread by way of inanimate objects. However, it is not impossible, and therefore basic cleaning of costumes, wigs, bedding, carpets, upholstered furniture, hairbrushes, stuffed animals, hair ties, and clothing should be done whenever head lice are found in the home.

Keeping Costumes Critter-Free

During Halloween, lice can spread as kids try on different costumes at stores and at friends’ houses. When you bring home a new or borrowed costume, try these methods to reduce the chance of spreading head lice:

  • Put costumes in a sealed bag for 48 hours before you wear them. Lice can’t survive longer than this without blood from the human scalp.
  • Alternatively, place new or borrowed costumes in a hot dryer for at least 45 minutes before they are worn. High heat for an extended period of time can kill head lice. Be sure to check the labels first to avoid damaging your costume.

Fright-Free Wigs

Halloween costumes with wigs, hats, masks, and headbands are all popular among children. Here are some ways of preventing head lice from spreading with these items.

  • Encourage your kids not to share items that are worn directly on the head such as wigs, hats, and headbands.
  • When purchasing items for the head that are not in a sealed package, avoid trying them on right away. Place them in a sealed bag for 48 hours, as suggested above.

Always Check for Creepy Crawlers

Another step in preventing head lice is doing frequent head checks. Check your child thoroughly for head lice if they’ve shared a costume or have gone to a sleepover. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start checking your child’s scalp by parting the hair in multiple places. Look especially closely at the nape of the neck and behind the ears.
  • Check for any movement in the hair, especially when shining a light on it.
  • Look for lice and their nits. Lice are the size of sesame seeds and white to grayish in color. Nits are tiny and hard to spot. They are white or beige in color and feel like a grain of sand.
  • If you can’t tell if it’s lice or dandruff, the biggest difference is that dandruff will easily brush off. Nits are glued to the hair shaft and harder to remove.

Steer Clear of Terrifying Treatments

If you do detect head lice on your child, step away from dangerous over the counter remedies. These pesticide-style treatments are not only proven to be highly toxic, but they have an extremely low efficacy rating. The active ingredients in many of these products are lindane and permethrin—both scientifically shown to be carcinogenic.

Treatment That’s a Treat

Instead of treating your child with tricky pesticides, visit Fresh Heads. We’re proud to offer strictly chemical-free treatments. Our signature AirAllé treatment is FDA-cleared and has one of the highest efficiency ratings of any lice treatment out there. It brilliantly utilizes heated air to dehydrate and kill lice and their eggs. The treatment can be completed in about an hour, so your kids can get back to having Halloween fun ASAP.

How To Check For Head Lice

Fresh Heads Lice Removal’s Lead Technician provides you with tips on how to check your child’s head and scalp for head lice. For more tips and instruction on how to fight head lice, click here.

back to school scrabble tiles

3 Keys to Back to School Head Lice Prevention

It’s back to school time, and that means kids across the country are going to get head lice. Lice removal clinics tend to be busiest in August and September. Before school starts is a great time to familiarize yourself with your school’s policy on head lice, and learn how to prevent head lice infestations. Here are three keys to head lice prevention as school starts back up.

Back to School Head lice prevention tips

  1. Educate yourself and your children about head lice.

There is an extensive list of myths about head lice out there, so make sure you know the facts. For example, lice can’t fly, hop or jump. They don’t care if hair is clean or dirty. Lice can’t live on pets—only the human scalp. Lice are spread most commonly by head-to-head contact, so ask your kids to avoid that type of contact.

  1. Do weekly checks.

Whether you check yourself or visit a lice removal clinic, the sooner you find signs of head lice, the easier it is to treat. Some signs to watch out for are an itchy scalp, small rash around the hairline/behind the ears and white or tan specks in the hair that differ from dandruff. Check your child’s hair once a week after it has been washed and is still damp. You may want to use a nit comb, bright light, and magnifying glass to help you spot the tiny nits. You can also come to a Fresh Heads location for thorough head lice check.

  1. Keep long hair tied up.

If your child has long hair, it’s helpful to keep it tied up. Styling long hair in a ponytail, braid or bun can help keep hair from coming into contact with head lice.

Head lice policies for Jacksonville area school districts

  1. Duval County Public Schools Head Lice Policy

Students with nits will be excluded from school until they are nit-free. All children excluded from school due to head lice and/or nits must be accompanied by a parent or an adult before they will be allowed to return to school or ride the school bus. It is suggested to seek professional help from a lice removal clinic right away to help your children return to school sooner.

  1. St. John’s County Public Schools Head Lice Policy

In St. John’s County Public Schools, all students infected with head lice will not be allowed back into school until all signs of lice and nits are gone. Readmission to school requires an examination by trained personnel, designated by the school principal, to determine if the student may return to school.

  1. Clay County Public Schools Head Lice Policy

Students need to be free of nits before re-entry into school after treatment. Parents of Elementary school-aged children are required to accompany their children to school on the first day of entry after treatment. All children should be back to school within two days if treated properly.

If your child comes home from school with a suspected case of head lice, visit Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Centers for a thorough head check. If we discover lice, we can provide you with several treatment options. For more information on how to prevent head lice, visit our blog.

head lice closeup

Preventing Head Lice at Summer Camp

It’s that time of year when you pack up your kids and ship them off to summer camp. They’ll spend their days swimming, playing games and sitting around the campfire. You may have thought about the chance of them getting sick or injured while they’re away. You probably haven’t thought much about preventing head lice, though.

Unfortunately, head lice at summer camp is frequent concern. According to the American Camp Association, one of the most common calls to their crisis hotline each year is from camps with questions about head lice. And a recent study from the University of Michigan Mott Children’s Hospital found that head lice was a significant burden that both campers and their counselors faced. Many camps have a no-nit policy, meaning your child will be sent home if they are found to have lice. Here are some tips to help prevent head lice for your camper this summer.

Talk to your child about head lice. Teach them how to identify head lice symptoms and remind them to avoid any direct head-to-head contact before they leave for camp.

Use preventative products. There are many non-toxic products available that help prevent head lice. Fresh Heads carries sprays, shampoos and conditioners that contain products like essential oils that help repel head lice. Pack these products along with sunscreen and other personal care items so your camper remembers to use them daily.

Hair matters. For boys, keeping hair short is best. For girls, keeping hair tied back in a braid or bun can help in preventing head lice from spreading from head to head.

Head checks. No one wants to be the one responsible for an outbreak, so it’s important to give your camper a thorough head check before sending them to camp. Some camps will also perform a head check on site as campers arrive. You will want to do another check when your child returns home to make sure he or she isn’t bringing head lice home with them.

Even when you do all that you can to try to prevent head lice, it can still happen to the best of us. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the camp’s head lice policy before sending your child. Be sure that your camper knows that head lice is nothing to be ashamed of and that anyone can get it.

If your camper does come home with head lice, the quickest solutions is the FDA-cleared AirAllé treatment available at Fresh Heads. For more information about head lice prevention and head lice treatment, visit our Facts and FAQ page.

mom and daughter use laptop

4 Reasons Your Child’s Lice Won’t Go Away

Dealing with head lice that just won’t budge? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 6-12 million people a year battle head lice. It can be a persistent problem that causes stress and lost time at school and work. It can also become quite costly when multiple treatments are required. If the treatments you’re using haven’t been successful, a visit to a lice removal salon like Fresh Heads can help. But first, here are 4 reasons your head lice problem isn’t going away.

  1. Over the counter treatments don’t work.

The chemical treatments found at drug stores are not only toxic, but they’ve also become ineffective. Most strains of head lice have become resistant to Pyrethroids—the active ingredient found in over the counter lice removal products.

  1. You’re missing some of the nits.

Nitpicking is the process of combing out live lice and then removing each and every egg, or nit. Many lice removal salons offer this service because it’s so tedious for parents to do on their own. The nits can be difficult to spot due to their size, so it’s a hard task to accomplish. If even one tiny nit gets left behind, your infestation can start all over again.

  1. You didn’t check everyone in the house.

All too often, parents assume that only the child who contracted head lice needs to be treated. That’s unlikely because head lice spread rapidly from head to head contact. It’s very common for the entire family to contract head lice, including parents. That’s why it’s important for everyone in the house to be checked and treated as necessary.

  1. Home remedies don’t work.

Many people search online for home remedies, which are not effective and some are downright dangerous. You’ll find remedies that include olive oil, mayonnaise, petroleum jelly and even kerosene. Methods typically involve covering your child’s head with any of these substances and covering with plastic wrap, which is extremely hazardous.

Now that you know what you’ve been doing wrong, what’s the right answer to getting rid of head lice? It’s an FDA-cleared device called AirAllé that is clinically proven to kill lice and 99.2% of nits in a single session. This process uses heated air to dehydrate and kill lice and their eggs—an amazing approach that avoids the risks and hassles of traditional treatments. You can find the AirAllé treatment at Fresh Heads, a lice removal salon serving the Jacksonville and Orlando areas. Call them today to schedule an appointment.

child receiving effective head lice treatment

Single Treatment Head Lice Establishments for Busy Parents

The hot Florida summer is approaching, and head lice tend to thrive in this type of climate. And since no one wants to spend their summer days combing lice and their nits/eggs out of their child’s hair, many parents in Jacksonville and Orlando are turning to head lice removal companies that offer relief in a single treatment. That way they and their kids can get back to enjoying the summer.

These professional lice removal companies—or so-called “lice doctors”— are an attractive alternative for busy parents who are wary of the harmful and time-consuming treatments of the past. Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Centers are brick mortar companies that provide on-site provide natural lice treatments in just one session with the use of the FDA-cleared AirAllé device.

Not only has there been increasing evidence of the hazards of chemical head lice remedies, but they’ve also been shown to be less effective than they once were. It’s no wonder the Fresh Heads AirAllé treatment has become THE way to treat head lice. It is a one-time, chemical-free treatment that is completed in a soothing, three-step process:

  1. A pleasant 30-minute heated air treatment with the AirAllé device, which immediately
    dehydrates lice.
  2. A full comb-out to remove all dead lice and nits/eggs.
  3. A soothing topical rinse application.

One of the most appealing features of this head lice treatment is that it can be completed in about an hour, so families can get back to having fun ASAP. Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Centers also offer a variety of all-natural products that parents can feel good about using to help their children steer clear of head lice this summer.

If you find yourself dealing with a lice infestation or are looking for products that prevent head lice, stop by Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Center in Jacksonville or Altamonte Springs. We offer a science and research-based lice treatment that is effective and chemical-free!