Tag Archive for: head lice

Beyond Combs and Chemicals: Embracing Innovation in Lice Removal

Beyond Combs and Chemicals: Embracing Innovation in Lice Removal

For parents, educators, and healthcare professionals alike, the battle against head lice is a relentless and enduring one. The mention of these tiny parasitic insects often triggers a wave of panic, distaste, and sometimes outright fear. The historical association of head lice with poor hygiene has done much to stigmatize these uninvited guests, despite the fact that they are an equal opportunity pest, infecting heads of all socioeconomic backgrounds. Traditional methods of lice eradication involve physical comb-outs or chemical treatments, but these can be time-consuming, uncomfortable, and in some cases, less effective due to resistant lice strains. As we continue to navigate this persistent issue, innovation has risen to the forefront, presenting new solutions that look beyond the comb and chemicals.

Harnessing Innovation for Head Lice Eradication

Stepping into the future of lice treatment, we are seeing a shift from the reactive to the proactive, from arduous manual removal to high-tech solutions. At the heart of this transition is the use of technology to create effective, user-friendly, and non-toxic lice removal strategies. 

Heated-Air Devices: This technology uses controlled, heated air directed at the scalp to dehydrate and kill lice and their eggs. Its major advantage is that it does not rely on chemicals, eliminating the risk of lice developing resistance.

UV Light Applications: UV light is being explored for its potential in lice eradication. Although this is still a nascent area of research, initial studies suggest that certain UV light wavelengths can be lethal to lice, offering a non-chemical, non-contact method of treatment.

The battle against lice is ceaseless, and researchers are continually exploring new frontiers in lice eradication. Beyond heated-air devices and UV light applications, a few other innovative approaches include:

Enzyme-based Treatments: Some new head lice treatments employ naturally occurring enzymes to fight off infestations. These enzymes break down the exoskeleton of lice and their eggs, leading to dehydration and death. They also dissolve the glue that lice use to attach their eggs to hair shafts, making the removal of nits much easier. Since enzymes are naturally occurring, they pose minimal risk to humans while being an effective tool against lice.

Biopesticides: Biopesticides derived from natural sources, like chrysanthemums or soil bacteria, are another innovation in lice treatment. Pyrethrins and pyrethroids, for instance, are chemicals found in chrysanthemum flowers and are known for their insecticidal properties. These substances target the nervous systems of lice, causing paralysis and eventually death. Biopesticides are generally less harmful to humans and the environment compared to synthetic pesticides, although some people may be allergic to them.

Nanotechnology: While still largely in the experimental phase, nanotechnology holds the potential for head lice eradication. Researchers are investigating the use of nanoparticles to deliver targeted treatments to lice. This could involve using nanoparticles to carry lice-killing agents directly to the pests or using nanoparticle-based substances to physically block the breathing apparatus of lice, causing them to suffocate.

These innovations, along with those already discussed, represent a new era in lice treatment. They’re redefining our approach, focusing on less invasive, more human-friendly methods that retain, if not enhance, the efficacy of lice eradication. However, as with any new approach, rigorous testing and research are needed to ensure their safety and effectiveness. As such, always consult with a healthcare provider or lice treatment specialist before trying a new lice treatment method.

The Future of Head Lice Treatment and Prevention

The landscape of lice treatment and prevention is rapidly changing, with innovative, technology-based solutions marking a new era in our battle against these persistent pests. The multi-faceted mindset of moving beyond combs and chemicals, embracing innovative lice removal strategies, and championing preventive measures and education, is the most effective path forward. Let’s explore this world of possibilities, armed with knowledge and an open mind.

Advanced Treatments: With advances in technology and science, we can anticipate more sophisticated, effective, and safe methods of lice treatment. As discussed earlier, methods such as heated-air devices, UV light applications, enzyme-based treatments, biopesticides, electronic lice combs, and even nanotechnology, are either currently being used or are under exploration for future application. We can expect these technologies to be further refined and made more accessible to the public. 

Integrated Approaches: Future strategies will likely focus on integrated approaches to head lice management, which means combining different methods for maximum effectiveness. For example, a heated-air treatment could be followed by a comb-out with an electronic lice comb, and complemented by preventive measures such as using lice-repellent hair products or smart fabrics. This integrated approach can increase the chances of complete lice eradication and decrease the likelihood of re-infestation.

Personalized Treatments: As we understand more about the biology of head lice and how they interact with their human hosts, there will be opportunities to create more personalized treatment strategies. This could involve genetic testing of head lice to determine the most effective treatment or designing treatment plans based on an individual’s hair type or scalp sensitivity.

Prevention and Education: Prevention will always be a critical component of head lice management. Future preventive measures might involve increased use of repellent products, innovations in lice-resistant clothing or bedding, and widespread adoption of regular lice checks in schools and other community settings. Alongside these measures, education will continue to be a priority. This includes providing accurate information about lice, dispelling myths and reducing stigma, and teaching children and parents about effective lice management strategies.

The future of lice treatment and prevention is indeed promising, with numerous innovative solutions on the horizon. However, it is essential to remember that lice infestations are a community issue. No matter how advanced our treatments become, cooperation and open communication between parents, schools, healthcare providers, and public health agencies will be vital to successfully managing and preventing lice infestations.

Fresh Heads Lice Removal

The future of lice treatment is breaking away from traditional methods, with innovative solutions offering a sophisticated and effective approach. This shift towards technology-driven methods such as heated-air devices, UV light applications, and beyond, is redefining lice treatment. To this day, however, the single most effective method of lice removal treatment is physical removal from a professional lice clinic. Fresh Heads lice removal in Jacksonville, FL, and our two other locations in Orlando and Savannah are the exclusive provider of the revolutionary AirAllé™ Head Lice Machine, which offers one-time treatment that guarantees 100% head lice eradication without the use of harsh chemicals. Please visit our website for more information and to schedule your first appointment.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Head Lice: What Parents Need to Know

Head Lice: What Parents Need to Know

If you are a caregiver of a small child, then you may or may or may not have dealt with the trials that ensue when they test positive for head lice. If you have, you may recall what that moment felt like. Stressed, worried, and with an onslaught of questions running through your brain, you may have wanted to try a million different things. We get it. The staff at Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Jacksonville and Orlando, Florida, and Savannah, Georgia, aren’t rookies when it comes to head lice in adults and children. 

It might sound cliche, but the key to treating this condition is through timeliness and effectiveness. Unfortunately, there is much misinformation about head lice themselves and about treatments. Specifically, the numerous DIY’s that claim to be an effective alternative to receiving professional treatment. Understand that no matter how quick or easy an at-home-treatment might sound, the best option will always be to seek out assistance from a licensed professional. One of the worst things you can do is waste your time with ineffective treatments and the condition gradually worsens.

We know that there is an overwhelming amount of information on the web about head lice, so we wanted to provide a trusted source to aid in your search for finding the best treatment option for you and your loved one. We’ll review the appearance and functionality of head lice, how they spread, the treatment options we have available, and how you can prevent your child from getting head lice. 

Head Lice: Appearance And Functionality

Firstly, adult head lice are about the size of a sesame seed and are grey or white in color. However, they can also be a darker color for individuals who have darker hair. They have six legs in total and attached to the end of each are hook-like claws that allow them to grip onto the hair strand firmly. When they move around on the scalp, there’s this head-tickling sensation that causes people to itch, or make them believe they can “feel” the bugs moving. Head lice feed off of blood from the scalps of people and an adult head louse can live for about 60 days with a constant food supply. A female head louse can lay about 6-10 eggs a day, strategically, about ¼ of an inch above the scalp.

Secondly, head lice nits, or eggs, can be yellow, white, or black in color. They are about the size of a single knot in a piece of thread. As you can imagine, they are often confused with dandruff, sores, or water droplets on the scalp. Seeing them with the naked eye is almost impossible. Using traditional hair tools to remove them will be virtually ineffective because they are so small and so close to the scalp. After about 9 days, they will hatch into a nymph. 

Nymphs are just even smaller versions of adult head lice. They feed on the blood of the scalp until they fully mature, about 9-12 days later. 

The Transferability of Head Lice

Before we continue, let’s bust some myths first:

  • Swimming Does Not Spread Head Lice: The idea that you can drown head lice is simply false. Not only are the chlorine levels used in most community swimming pools not strong enough to kill head lice, but submerging them underwater alone will not get rid of them. Remember those hooks we mentioned earlier? Well what makes them impossible to remove by traditional methods, like washing the hair (where they will be underwater), is because of those claws. They are able to hang onto the hair and not let go. In other words, once on the hair, they are staying until removed with the proper tools or treatments. The same applies to head lice nits. 
  • No, They Don’t Spread Diseases: We know that the word parasite when used to talk about the pesky bugs can be somewhat alarming. Regardless, the scratching from the constant itching is what leads to possible sores on the scalp. That is what leads to infection if an individual develops one.
  • Head Pieces And Wigs Do Not Spread Head Lice: Head lice need a constant blood supply in order to remain alive. The nature of wigs requires a protective piece, called a wig cap, in order to keep the natural hair safe. It provides a barrier to whatever tools and manipulation tactics one might use for the wig itself. Head lice cannot go longer than a day without feeding, so transmission from a wig or headpiece is extremely low. 

Our Signature Treatment: The Airalle

A non-toxic treatment starting at $159.99, the purpose of our patented AirAlle device is to ensure that each of our clients who elect to receive this treatment, only have to visit us once. 


The Airalle uses warm, dry air to kill all of the adult head lice, nymphs, and nits. It’s a 90-minute process that includes a comb-out and a nontoxic treatment that is applied to the scalp. This treatment is recommended for anyone over the age of three. 

Fresh Heads Lice Removal: Your One And Done Stop

You don’t have to be alone and frazzled when trying to get rid of a head lice infestation. Whether it is head lice in adults or children, our staff are prepared to give you the most effective treatment once so you nor those that live in your house will ever have to worry about the parasites again. As stated earlier, the key is effectiveness and timeliness. The longer you wait to seek help from a trained professional, the higher the risk of severe infestation and transmissibility to others. We understand that parents strive to ensure their little ones are healthy and itch-free. That is why we pride ourselves on providing effective treatments and reliable information so that all who enter our offices will have an all-encompassing experience. 

We have numerous treatment options available for every budget here on our website. Take a look and schedule your appointment today!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

No-Panic Guide To Head Lice Treatment

No-Panic Guide To Head Lice Treatment

Head lice are tiny insects found on the human scalp. To survive, they feed on blood from the scalp. The crawling and biting from lice causes the infected person to itch and scratch at their head. Itching is the most common symptom of head lice and is a major sign that someone may have it. Unfortunately, the itching sensation usually occurs after having already had lice for several weeks. By this time, the infestation may be severe. Having lice in your home can cause feelings of stress, frustration, and worry. This is especially true if you’ve never dealt with a lice situation before. In this guide, we’ll look at options for treatment and steps to take to avoid re-infestation. 

About Head Lice

Before we look into what to do when you or a family member has lice, it is helpful to first understand these insects. The most common way that lice are spread is through head-to-head contact with another individual who has lice. Lice can’t jump or fly, so they transfer heads when hair strands touch. This type of contact frequently occurs at schools and daycares, which is why lice are found more in children than adults. Children often spread it while playing together, but could also spread it during sports or sleepovers. A lack of cleanliness and hygiene is not the reason for getting lice. These insects live by sucking on human blood and staying close to the human scalp. There are three stages of the life cycle that lice may be found in:

  • Nits are head lice eggs that are attached to the base of the hair. Colored eggs mean the insect hasn’t hatched yet and a clear shell means it has. Nits are laid by an adult female head louse.
  • Nymphs are immature lice that hatch from the nits. Nymphs are smaller than adult lice until they mature about 9-12 days after hatching. They must feed on blood to survive. 
  • Adults are fully grown lice with six legs and are tan or gray in color. Like nymphs, adult head lice must suck on blood to live. They usually live about 60 days on a human head but will die in 1-2 days if they fall off. The females are larger than the males and can lay about 6 eggs a day. 

All lice in any stage in the head need to be dead to completely eliminate the infestation. 

Lice Treatment

Now that you know how you or your family member got lice and you know what to look for, let’s discuss how to begin treatment. The most common and recommended method for an at-home remedy is an over-the-counter head lice treatment kit. These kits usually come with a lice comb and a liquid remedy in the form of shampoo. The lice comb is an important tool to use since the teeth on a lice comb are closer together than the teeth on a typical comb. This makes it easier to remove lice and nits. When you begin the treatment, be sure to closely follow the directions provided in your kit. Splitting the dose in half or skipping a step risks failure for it to work. Also, keep in mind that one application of the treatment does not mean you’re done. You should examine the hair 8-12 hours after the first treatment to check for progress. A second application is usually needed to kill the recently hatched nymphs. Another important step to take is to comb through the hair every day for at least two weeks. Continue to do this even if you think all the lice are gone. These insects and their eggs can be difficult to see, so continued examination and combing help eliminate them for good. 

Do’s And Don’ts For Eliminating Head Lice

If this is your first time dealing with a lice infestation, you may not know what additional steps to take other than a treatment kit. You have probably heard some myths about lice remedies, so read through these factual tips to further ensure elimination: 

  • Do examine and treat family and friends. To avoid spreading lice and getting it again, those that have been in close contact with the infected individual should be notified. They should then be examined daily for several weeks after exposure. There is no need or benefit to applying a head lice treatment kit on someone who does not have it.
  • Don’t try DIY remedies. You may come across some home remedy suggestions, but these treatments are not proven to be effective by scientific evidence. Some people try to treat lice using items found in the pantry such as mayonnaise and vinegar. These methods are time-consuming, messy, and wasteful. It is a better option to purchase a treatment kit recommended by dermatologists. 
  • Do be proactive about the problem. Small, temporary changes can help keep the lice contained until it is completely gone. Avoid hugging and other close contact with the infected individual. It is also important to regularly check the head of each person living in the house. Look closely for nits as they can be difficult to find because they are so tiny and resemble dandruff and scabs. Even though lice can only be transmitted from head-to-head contact, it may give you peace of mind to wash pillows, towels, blankets, and similar items. Having a lice infestation in your home may bring a feeling of dirtiness, so cleaning items may relieve some mental stress in the unfortunate situation.
  • Don’t continue to apply treatment if only nits are present. If no live insects are seen three weeks after treatment, the head lice have most likely been eliminated. The eggs would have hatched already if they were alive. Head lice treatment kills nits as well as crawling lice, so even if nits are still visible, it doesn’t mean they are going to hatch. You can wet your head and liberally apply conditioner to easily comb the leftover nits out.

Professional Help

If you have attempted an over-the-counter remedy and still suffer from an infestation, it may be time to contact a head lice treatment center. Or maybe you want to skip the home treatment altogether and leave it to the professionals. At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we provide fast relief from lice so that you and your family can return to normalcy. Contact us today at any of our three locations. We can be found in Orlando and Jacksonville Beach, Florida, and in Savannah, Georgia.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Can Pets Get Lice From Humans?

Can Pets Get Lice From Humans?

Rather curious if you think about it. Can your pets get lice from humans? They look an awful lot like fleas and cause similar symptoms and issues like them as well. The constant itching, scratching, and raised red skin can make you think that they must all be connected right? Not quite. 

See, just because something causes a similar response on your body does not mean that it must be the same one as someone else’s let alone an animal. But it’s understandable why some would think so, and that’s why it’s important to seek information from a reliable and professional source. There’s a wealth of information at our fingertips when it comes to the internet, and sometimes the DIYs and the tips and tricks on all things head lice can seem pretty convincing. Even more so when you have never dealt with head lice before. 

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal in Jacksonville and Orlando Florida, and Savannah, Georgia, we ensure that each client and their families completely understand the complex world of head lice. This includes answering any questions they might have, including whether or not head lice can be spread to their furry friends.

Let’s Get It Out Of The Way: Can Pets Get Head Lice?

Simple answer: No. 

But that doesn’t mean pets are not subject to the pesky parasites. You might be wondering: wait…so pets can’t get head lice from me but they can still get lice?

Simple answer: yes. 

Earlier we talked about how some might equate head lice in humans to fleas, essentially that the flea is the animal-catching version of head lice. But no. Your fur babies can catch lice and they are still completely different from fleas.

What Are Head Lice?

In order to understand why pets cannot get head lice, let’s first understand the basics of what they are

Firstly, head lice are a parasite that solely survives on the blood of the scalp. They have six legs total and at the end of each are these hook-like claws that allow them to grip onto the hair shaft and move around on the scalp. 

They live on the head for about 60 days and a female head louse can lay about 6-10 nits, or eggs, a day. 

What makes head lice tricky to treat with traditional hair and scalp tools is mostly because of their physiology: size, color, and rapid reproduction rates. 

On average, head lice are the size of a sesame seed so trying to identify them in your hair with a naked eye is nearly impossible. Secondly, they tend to match the hair color of the individual they infect. In other words: super camouflage skills. 

Then you have the nits.

Nits are another word for lice eggs and they are about the size of a knot in thread. They reside about ¼ of an inch above the scalp; if you think about it, that’s really close. Trying to comb/wash away the nits is moot without the proper tools and professional advice. Although lice have six legs they cannot jump. Meaning that the most common way another person can get it is from direct head-to-head contact from a person who already has head lice. The reason is that head lice need a constant blood supply in order to survive. So living on hairbrushes, pillowcases, or towels will not provide them with a food source and they’ll eventually die within a few hours. 

So How Can Pets Get Lice From Humans?

Remember we stated earlier that pets cannot get head lice, but we emphasized that they still can get lice in general.

How is that possible? How is that not the same thing?

Because lice are species-specific.

This means that the lice humans get is not the same lice that pets get. 

In sciencey words: Humans get Pediculus humanus capitis, dogs get: Trichodectes canis and Linognathus setosus, and cats get: Felicola subrostratus. 

Think about it like this: remember in previous conversations about head lice we talked about how head lice and body lice in humans are different and therefore one does not affect the other? The same principles apply.

It’s as if each type of lice has a code and goes to that specific part of the body or living thing. 

Treatment: A General Idea

One concept that is parallel between humans and pets is the idea that if one pet has it, every other pet you have (if you have multiple) needs to be treated immediately. 

Even though the species of lice is different, the reproduction rate is still the same: really fast. So treating your pets as soon as possible to limit the severity of the condition is vital.

Initial treatment will include a topical/shampoo product that your veterinarian prescribes. Also, be advised that more than one application will be required in order to completely free your pet from adult lice and nits. It’s always best to seek care from a licensed professional to make sure your pets get the proper care and treatment that they need.

It is important to note that some treatment options for dogs are toxic to cats and they should not be present at the time of application. 

Fresh Heads Lice Removal: The Best In The Southeast

So can pets get head lice? Well, now you know the answer. 

Although we don’t treat animals at our facilities, we do understand all things lice. When we stated earlier that we want all of our clients to feel confident in our services we meant it. 

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal our services go beyond just treatments. We also offer understanding, so our clients can feel confident in not just the treatment service but also the knowledge they receive when we explain why. 

That is the Fresh Heads Lice Removal difference.

We offer an array of treatments, including our signature AirAlle which uses warm heat to kill lice and nits. For further information on additional services, pricing, and to schedule an appointment, please visit our website!

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Head Lice in Adults: How Common Is It?

Head Lice in Adults: How Common Is It?

Having lice as a kid is something that many people have in common. Coming back from summer camp with an itchy scalp or catching lice from a fellow student are some of the most common ways that lice spread among children. Though it may seem like head lice are a problem left in your past, these parasites are known for coming back when you least expect it. But can adults get head lice too? And how common are head lice in adults? Here is everything you need to know about how common head lice are in adults, and how you can get rid of them. 

Can Adults Get Head Lice

The simple answer is yes, adults can get lice. Head lice do not discriminate and anyone with hair on their head has an equal chance of becoming a host for these blood-sucking parasites. Though it may seem like head lice are only interested in the younger population, the truth of the matter is that kids put themselves at risk of catching head lice more often than adults do. Head lice require direct head-to-head contact to spread. It just so happens that young children are exposed to more of this direct contact than adults. Whether it be from huddling during a sports game, sharing hugs with friends, or resting their heads on a shoulder, children spend more time on average with large groups nearby than adults do. This is why head lice are such a big issue in schools, sports teams, and summer camps. But how do lice spread to the older population? 

How Do Lice Spread to Adults?

Although head lice appear more frequently among children than adults, the fact of the matter is that once a child brings head lice into the home, both parents and siblings are at risk of getting head lice. Once the lice are inside, they will not discriminate by age. In most cases, moms will get head lice before the dads. Having long hair can be nice, but it does not do you any favors when it comes to preventing lice. Moms typically spend more time in direct contact with their children than dads. Some scientists speculate that head lice have an aversion to testosterone, but this does not mean fathers can’t catch lice too. If your family is battling head lice, you can help prevent their spread by keeping your hair up and out of the way. Braids buns and ponytails work great for minimizing the area that head lice can latch on to. 

How Common are Head Lice in Adults?

As we get older we tend to spend less time in close quarters with other people. Though head lice do not have a preference when it comes to age, adults are simply at lower risk because of the adult lifestyle. Unlike children, many adults live alone or with a partner and regularly see just their coworkers, friends, and family. Head lice are even less common among senior citizens but unfortunately, this does not mean they are immune. 

Can Adults Without Children Get Lice?

As mentioned above, head lice do not discriminate based on age. Adults without kids can get head lice, they are just at lower risk. Traveling to other countries, taking group photos, and sitting next to people on planes are a few of the ways that head lice spread among adults. It can take up to two weeks for lice to start irritating the scalp, and in some cases, lice never start to itch at all. Anywhere that puts people in close head-to-head proximity can facilitate the spread of lice. The main reason that children have head lice more often than adults is that they spend significantly more time in close quarters with other people. 

How Do Adults Get Rid Of Lice?

Treating head lice for adults is the same as treating head lice for kids. At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we offer several lice removal services. After an initial screening, we can help you decide which treatment option is right for you. We offer three treatment options. 

Traditional Comb-Out Services-

The most popular and well-known head lice treatment is the comb-out method. This process begins by sectioning the hair into several even parts. We begin by adding our signature detangler and combing out each section, one at a time. Once the process has been completed, we finish with our non-toxic rinse. 

The Do It Yourself Home Treatment Kit-

Our most affordable option, the Do-It-Yourself Lice Removal Kit, provides you with all of the topical treatment products you will need to fight a head lice infestation on your own. A professional lice comb, our signature detangler, and detailed instructions on how to perform the comb-out process will be included. If this option is selected, it is important to stay consistent with your head lice treatment for at least 10 days. 

AirAlle Treatment-

This three-step process is our most effective treatment option that guarantees a lice-free scalp in just one hour. The AirAlle releases heated air that dehydrates and loosens all of the lice and nits from the hair. After this 30-minute process, our head lice technicians will section the hair and comb out the dead lice. Finally, our Fresh Heads hair oil rinse will be applied to suffocate any remaining lice. After about ten minutes, we will wash out the rinse and you will be ready to return to everyday life. With a success rate of over 99%, this treatment option is guaranteed to leave your head lice-free. In the unlikely event of a treatment failure, your re-treatment will be on us.

Find Head Lice Treatment in Jacksonville Fl!

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We specialize in the treatment and removal of head lice without the use of any harmful chemicals. Our AirAlle head lice machine allows us to offer a guaranteed, same-day treatment that will have you ready to return to normal life in just under an hour and a half. If you would like to learn more about our treatment options, and how lice are spread, get in contact with us today or visit us at one of our locations in Jacksonville FL, Orlando FL, and Savannah GA.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, our mission is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. We’ve partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. Through this program, we provide school nurses and teachers with free screenings, resources, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!

Hair Straightening vs. Lice

Can You Treat Head Lice with Hair Straighteners?

There is no secret that heat is a big enemy of head lice. Many people wonder if hair straighteners are a good solution for eliminating lice infestations. Let’s look at why thoroughly straightening hair is not the best way to get rid of lice.

Head Lice vs. Heat

Heat absolutely does kill lice. The FDA-cleared AirAllé® machine uses heated-air to immediately dehydrate and kill lice and their eggs (nits). Straightening your hair can result in eliminating some head lice. However, this method will not completely get rid of all the lice and their nits.

Thoroughly straightening your hair cannot cover the areas frequented by lice because they dwell very close to the scalp. There will always be surviving lice and nits continuing their life cycle and preventing you from completely clearing the head lice infestation.

Safety Concerns for Children

Using a hot, in-home device for killing lice is dangerous for children with infestations. A child’s sensitive skin burns far more easily than an adult’s, making the risk for an accidental burn very high. Burns can result in permanent scarring, depending on the severity. When it comes to children, it’s best to take safety precautions into consideration when searching for the best way to get rid of lice.

The Best Way to Get Rid of Lice

If you or your child have an infestation, don’t settle for half-measures when treating head lice. Consult a lice removal professional with the FDA-cleared AirAllé® machine. Fresh Heads Lice Removal only uses certified methods that are free of toxic chemicals and won’t risk burning anyone’s scalp. Fresh Heads Lice Removal stands behinds every AirAllé service with a 60-day re-treatment guarantee and even offers a unique lifetime protection plan. Call to schedule head lice screening and removal treatment today!

young children playing outside in Jacksonville

How to Get Rid of Head Lice Safely and Quickly

Everyone wants to get rid of head lice as quick as possible, but they can be persistent little buggers! Many people turn to shampoos and other chemical methods that can not only be harsh, but are becoming less effective.  So with these chemical-based treatments becoming less effective, what is the best way to get rid of head lice safely and quickly?

The AirAllé® Machine Is the Most Effective Way to Get Rid of Head Lice

Fresh Heads’ AirAllé® machine is an FDA-cleared medical machine that is highly effective at killing head lice and their eggs in one treatment. It has proven to be 99.2% in a single treatment, and it does it without any chemicals or pesticides! The AirAllé® machine blasts lice and their eggs with carefully controlled warm air. This dehydrates and ultimately kills the lice and their eggs. This simple method is not only safer than chemical treatments ands shampoos, it is much more effective.

Winning the War Against Lice

According to the CDC, 6 million to 12 million children in the U.S. get head lice every year. Head lice affect everyone regardless of gender, race, cleanliness, or wealth. Unfortunately, the old, chemical-based methods for removing lice backfired and created a new form of pesticide-resistant lice known as Super Lice. In Scientific American’s aptly titled article, Revenge of the Super Lice: “Overexposure to insecticides has bred resistance in the parasites, making it harder than ever to treat infestation.”

Head lice are no laughing matter. The longer they’re there on the scalp, the more uncomfortable it gets. Worse yet, more people will be at risk if the lice and their eggs aren’t removed as soon as possible.

The AirAllé® treatment is equally effective against regular head lice and these pesticide-resistant Super Lice.

Call Fresh Heads to Get Rid of Head Lice Quickly and Safely

Are you wary of chemical treatments or have you tried them already? Chemical treatments, hair dyes, home remedies, and other untested techniques can range from simply ineffective to downright dangerous. Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Centers are here for you with a safe, effective alternative that is 100% chemical-free. Our AirAllé® treatment is 99.2% effective at killing head lice and their eggs in one treatment. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

man flicks dandruff off shirt

What is Dandruff and What Can You Do About It?

We get a lot of questions from people who wonder how to tell the difference between head lice and dandruff. Fortunately, it’s fairly easy tell them apart once you know the difference in their appearance.

If you are worried that you have head lice, contact us right away for a head check. But what if you have dandruff? Here is a great article from our friends at www.healthambition.com that explains what dandruff is, its causes, and what you can do to treat it.

What Causes Dandruff?

Whether you class dandruff as annoying, embarrassing, or both, one thing’s for sure: it sucks. It’s not a life threatening condition, but it’s also not a condition most of us are very happy about having!

Itchy scalp, constantly checking your shoulders for stray flakes…it’s not your idea of sexy and sophisticated, is it?

So what causes dandruff and what can be done about it? Read on to find out the answers to these questions and more… Click here to read this article on www.healthambition.com

woman on cell phone

Talking to Other Parents About Lice

Head lice is a topic of discussion that most parents would rather avoid but is a necessary one. Good communication is key to preventing lice outbreaks among family, friends, and classmates. When you’re informed that there’s an active case of head lice at school, you can take the steps suggested by your health care provider or local lice treatment center to help prevent head lice in your home.

It’s best for parents to talk about head lice before a case is present. This way, you can have a specific plan of attack and you’ll be prepared if an outbreak should occur. It’s also good to have this discussion before anyone has head lice. This helps keep a neutral tone in the discussion and avoid the high emotions that tend to come with lice. What’s in a plan? It could include a recommended method for checking for head lice, ways to prevent head lice, how to contain head lice and keep it from spreading and a list of resources including the nearest lice treatment center.

Unfortunately, there is still a strong stigma about head lice. Continuing to avoid the topic only makes matters worse. If another parent is brave enough to come to you and tell you that their child has head lice, be thankful and do what you can to alleviate their embarrassment. Let them know that it’s not a big deal. It’s true, treating head lice can be a big inconvenience. But with good communication between parents, everyone can take the proper steps to help prevent head lice in their home.

On the other side of the token, if your child has head lice, be sure to let other parents and teachers know. Don’t let embarrassment keep you from informing others.  It’s important to remember that it’s nothing you did and your child is not “dirty”. They simply caught lice from another child, much like colds get passed around among friends. Keep the facts in mind—lice are not dangerous, lice have nothing to do with hygiene, and lice don’t fly or live on animals. Follow your plan and get your child treated right away. You’ll also want to check the entire family to keep the lice from spreading.

To treat your child’s head lice safely and effectively, you can trust Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Center. We offer a variety of services including family head checks, traditional comb-outs and our signature AirAllé treatment that kills lice and their eggs without harsh chemicals. For more information on our products and services, visit our services page.

Are Drug-Resistant Lice Headed Your Way?

Head lice are a fact of life for parents of school-aged children. With 6 to 12 million children infested each year, it’s hard to make it through elementary school without about with the pesky parasites. Traditionally, over-the-counter treatments were enough to get rid of the problem. However, U.S. investigators are now warning that drug-resistant lice could be coming to a school near you!

As mentioned above, head lice are a very common occurrence for school-aged children and their families. Unable to fly or jump like fleas, head lice are transmitted via direct contact. After contact, they are quick to infest the head, feeding on blood and laying their eggs at the base of the hair shaft. While they do not transmit disease, they cause extreme discomfort. Until recently, there were simple topical treatments that, when combined with thoroughly cleaning your clothes, carpet, bedding, and furniture, could reliably eliminate the infestation. Those days could be numbered…

In at least 25 states, including Florida, analysts have found head lice populations that don’t respond to common, over-the-counter treatments. In one study, 104 out of 109 lice populations tested had a 100 resistance to permethrin, the most common pesticide found in over-the-counter treatments.

The cause of the resistance is a tale as old as time. After stronger pesticides were taken off the market, lice populations had generation after generation to develop genetic resistance to the only one left, permethrin.

The good news is that there are other treatments available. There are more intense pesticides that can be effective, but many parents are wary of using such strong chemicals on their children.

At Fresh Heads, we use a revolutionary new treatment called AirAlletm that uses only hot air to kill lice and their eggs. That’s right – there is an effective, science-based, pesticide-free way to kill head lice and their eggs at all stages of life!

Fresh Heads Head Lice Treatment Center is a science-based head lice removal company. Our highly trained technicians are skilled at getting rid of lice in one treatment session using the Revolutionary AirAlletm Head Lice Machine. We are the only single-treatment professional head lice removal company serving Jacksonville, Orlando, and surrounding areas that offers a 60-day guarantee. If you think you might be experiencing a head lice issue in your household, call us today! A Fresh Heads Technician will carefully inspect every hair on the heads in question.