
Mobile Lice Treatments - What they Don’t Tell You

Mobile Lice Treatments – What they Don’t Tell You

Bringing someone into your home to treat your family for a lice infestation may sound like a convenient choice. But there is a lot to consider before calling a mobile lice treatment service. Let’s lay down the facts regarding the differences between professional head lice treatment clinics and mobile services.

Treating More People

When your entire family is infested with lice, time is a big factor in the price for at-home services. Mobile treatments are notorious for charging by the hour for a single head lice technician. When coming into a head lice clinic your entire family can easily be treated at once by multiple technicians, saving you time and money!

The FDA-Cleared AirAllé Device

Simply put, our exclusive, FDA-cleared AirAllé devices are superior to all other head lice removal methods. The treatment is fast, safe, effective, and there are never any pesticides or toxins used.

In-home mobile lice treatments notably use OTC head lice treatments that pose real health risks and require follow up treatments. The AirAllé process is a single treatment that takes about 90 minutes. No follow up necessary. All Fresh Head’s salon chairs are selected with your comfort in mind during our professional treatments. At-home treatments, with their oils and shampoos, are performed in your own personal furniture in your house… Do you really want to be sitting on your own furniture while having lice removed?

The Head Lice Treatment Clinic Advantage

At Fresh Heads Head Lice Removal clinics we provide the highest quality lice removal services to our clients. Our clinics are stocked, well-lit and provide multiple treatment options performed by trained technicians. It is essential that the treatment environment is conducive to both the head lice technicians and the clients. Every Fresh Heads client can relax knowing they are receiving the highest level of care and never have to worry about cleaning up.

Mobile lice treatments have to navigate through traffic, making their appointment times hard to guarantee. They are working with a limited number of supplies and a smaller team (if they aren’t going solo). Aside from this, the lighting in your home might not be the best to see all of the louses and nits, and you might not have the space and seating needed.

Our Trained Technicians Aren’t Rushed

Because there’s an ample supply of materials and technicians, a technician in a clinic will not be rushed, they will be equipped and not rushed. This means they can go through the proper steps ensuring lice removal is complete.

Mobile service providers balance multiple clients, bouncing from one house to the next trying to make it to appointments on time. This increases the chance of slip-ups from feeling rushed.

The Salon Difference Matters

Mobile treatments and head lice clinics are an entirely different experience. At Fresh Heads Lice Removal Centers we offer the most effective head lice treatment available in a clean, comfortable environment with fixed prices, no follow up treatments necessary, and a 45-day guarantee. We also have unique offers like our lifetime protection plan. We take lice removal seriously! There’s no mess in your home, you can set appointments around your schedule (no more hoping someone shows up on time and gets the job done quickly!), there are no surprise expenses, and there is absolutely no follow up necessary.


Contact us today to schedule an appointment at one of our 4 convenient locations and experience the difference at Fresh Heads.

young children playing outside in Jacksonville

How to Get Rid of Head Lice Safely and Quickly

Everyone wants to get rid of head lice as quick as possible, but they can be persistent little buggers! Many people turn to shampoos and other chemical methods that can not only be harsh, but are becoming less effective.  So with these chemical-based treatments becoming less effective, what is the best way to get rid of head lice safely and quickly?

The AirAllé® Machine Is the Most Effective Way to Get Rid of Head Lice

Fresh Heads’ AirAllé® machine is an FDA-cleared medical machine that is highly effective at killing head lice and their eggs in one treatment. It has proven to be 99.2% in a single treatment, and it does it without any chemicals or pesticides! The AirAllé® machine blasts lice and their eggs with carefully controlled warm air. This dehydrates and ultimately kills the lice and their eggs. This simple method is not only safer than chemical treatments ands shampoos, it is much more effective.

Winning the War Against Lice

According to the CDC, 6 million to 12 million children in the U.S. get head lice every year. Head lice affect everyone regardless of gender, race, cleanliness, or wealth. Unfortunately, the old, chemical-based methods for removing lice backfired and created a new form of pesticide-resistant lice known as Super Lice. In Scientific American’s aptly titled article, Revenge of the Super Lice: “Overexposure to insecticides has bred resistance in the parasites, making it harder than ever to treat infestation.”

Head lice are no laughing matter. The longer they’re there on the scalp, the more uncomfortable it gets. Worse yet, more people will be at risk if the lice and their eggs aren’t removed as soon as possible.

The AirAllé® treatment is equally effective against regular head lice and these pesticide-resistant Super Lice.

Call Fresh Heads to Get Rid of Head Lice Quickly and Safely

Are you wary of chemical treatments or have you tried them already? Chemical treatments, hair dyes, home remedies, and other untested techniques can range from simply ineffective to downright dangerous. Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Centers are here for you with a safe, effective alternative that is 100% chemical-free. Our AirAllé® treatment is 99.2% effective at killing head lice and their eggs in one treatment. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

Students Raising Hands in classroom

Preventing Head Lice at School – What You Need to Know

The CDC reports that 6 million to 12 million children in the U.S., from ages 3 to 11, get head lice every year. Worse yet, chemical-based methods of lice removal are becoming less effective, as Scientific American’s article on the Revenge of the Super Lice says that: “Overexposure to insecticides has bred resistance in the parasites, making it harder than ever to treat infestation.” So the best way to beat the little critters is to prevent head lice in the first place.

In the case of children, school is where they are most often exposed to head lice. Kids and parents alike should take precautionary measures to minimize the risk. Here are some simple steps you can take to prevent head lice:

Avoid Head-to-Head Contact to Prevent Head Lice

Direct head to head contact with a lice-infested person is the primary way lice is spread. So warn kids to avoid that kind of contact while they’re playing, especially if they know that a friend has head lice or it has been found at their school. No one can tell at first glance who has lice, though, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Routine Head Checks

Check on your kid once a week or so to see if there are any signs of infestations. It can take up to 6 weeks for the itching to start, so don’t wait for that. Look for nits, lice eggs attached to strands of hair. Particles that are easily removed are probably dandruff or lint. Nits are glued to the hair shaft at the base and are not easily moved or removed. Lice especially favor the back hairline and behind the ears.

Early detection is essential for early treatment. It can help prevent head lice from spreading to other kids at school.

Click here for a video tutorial on how to check for head lice.

It’s Very Hard to Get Lice by Sharing Clothes, Hats, Etc.

It is actually uncommon for lice to transfer to another person by sharing clothing, hats and other attire with someone who has lice. It is also extremely rare for lice to be spread via combs, brushes, towels, bedding, carpets, pillows or couches.

With that said, it’s still a safe practice to avoid sharing such items like this with someone who has lice. It’s not a major risk, but it can happen. Items that have been in contact with lice-infested individuals can be disinfected simply. Combs and brushes can be soaked in hot water for 5-10 minutes. Clothing can be machine washed with hot water and high heat drying cycle.

Get in Touch

Worried about a head lice outbreak? Broach the subject with your Parent-Teacher Association, talk about it with teachers or nurses. Prevention is made much easier when others are in on it, especially if they can educate the other kids on how to avoid head lice. The risk of infestation can drastically go down when everyone’s involved.

Know That EVERYONE Can get Head Lice Regardless of Wealth or Cleanliness

Parents who know their kids have lice might be ashamed to bring it up or ask for help from the school nurse or other parents. Affected kids themselves might feel ashamed about it and hide their symptoms as long as possible. So it’s important, especially for children, not to look down on those affected with head lice or treat them badly. Those with infestations shouldn’t think less of themselves either, since it’s a treatable condition that nearly everyone goes through in their life.

Being open about the subject will help prevention and make it easier for those affected to ask for the treatment they need.

Contact a Professional Lice Treatment Clinic if You Find Lice

If you don’t detect any lice, then you’ve done a good job at prevention. But if you detect any lice or nits, call Fresh Heads today to schedule an appointment. We remove lice and their eggs in about 90 minutes, guaranteed, with our FDA-cleared, 100% chemical-free AirAllé machine!

How To Prevent and Treat Head Lice

Our owner Mandy Ottesen was on News4Jax this morning in Jacksonville this morning to explain the best ways to prevent and treat head lice. With the new school year starting up, now is the time to be on the lookout for head lice!

A pond and Ferris wheel in Orlando

How to Get Rid of Head Lice in Orlando

Every day we have frantic parents asking us how to get rid of head lice in Orlando. They’ve been bombarded with misinformation and ineffective lice treatment tips. So, what’s a parent to do? There’s one clear answer for treating head lice in Orlando— Fresh Heads.

The Dangers of OTC Lice Treatment Products

Want to know how to get rid of head lice in Orlando? It’s traditionally been attempted with the use of harsh chemicals and OTC lice shampoos. But these products are never the answer to treating head lice. Their toxic ingredients cause serious health problems in both children and adults. Many, such as lindane, have been shown to cause cancer. Some of the other alarming side effects of OTC lice treatments include:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Wheezing/coughing
  • Damage to the nervous, reproductive and hormonal systems
  • Hives
  • Runny/stuffy nose
  • Scalp irritation or burning
  • Skin redness and burning
  • Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
  • Excitability and convulsions

What is Super Lice and Why Won’t Chemicals Kill It?

Certain strains of head lice have become drug-resistant. These have become known as “super lice” and they are seriously stubborn. These super lice that were once treatable by OTC remedies can now survive most chemical products on the market. That’s why getting rid of head lice in Orlando is best left to the experts at Fresh Heads.

AirAllé— The Best Way to Get Rid of Head Lice in Orlando.

AirAllé is the most effective, non-toxic answer to head lice removal. This FDA-cleared, science-based treatment kills lice and eggs in their tracks. It combines a precisely formulated combination of heat, air flow, time and technique to kill head lice and its eggs through dehydration.

Our Signature Treatment

The Signature AirAllé treatment at Fresh Heads begins with a 30-minute warm air session. One of our expert technicians goes gently over the entire head using the hand-held device as it blows dry, heated air. This process kills the head lice and its eggs. The technician then performs a thorough comb-out to ensure that the dehydrated eggs that are left behind are removed. A special conditioning rinse is the final step of this pleasant and effective lice treatment.

AirAllé is gentle on your family and it’s the most powerful tool against head lice. Check out this comparison chart and see for yourself. Fresh Heads’ signature AirAllé treatment is more than twice as effective at killing head lice than traditional OTC products!

Contact Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Center for Help

Figuring out how to get rid of head lice in Orlando isn’t as stressful as it once was. Leave it to the experts at Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Center! We provide seriously effective head lice treatment without all the hassle. You can sleep at night knowing that your child wasn’t exposed to hazardous chemicals. Call today to learn more about our treatments or to schedule an appointment!

boy holding head lice sign

How Long Do Head Lice Live?

When you’re in the throes of treating head lice, it might seem like the stubborn pests are immortal. But the life span of head lice is actually not long at all, especially once removed from a human host. So how long do head lice actually live?

What Is the Life Cycle of Head Lice

Head lice are a common problem, especially in school aged children. Understanding their life cycle can help when it comes to treating head lice. The head lice life cycle has three stages: nit (egg), nymph and louse (adult).

Nits are head lice eggs that resemble tiny whitish or yellowish specks. They can be difficult to find and are sometimes mistaken for dandruff or dry scalp. The female louse lays these eggs closest to the scalp at the base of the hair shaft. Nits can take about a week to hatch.

Nymphs hatch from the nits and are usually a dull yellow in color. A nymph resembles an adult louse but is much smaller in size. A nymph is considered an adult about seven days after hatching from its egg.

Louses, or adult head lice, are about the size of a sesame seed and are tan to grayish in color. The females are usually larger than the males and can lay up to eight nits a day. A louse can live for up to 45 days.

How Long Do Lice Live?

Head lice are parasitic insects that require a human host to live off of. Lice can live for up to 45 days on the human scalp with blood as their nourishment.

Once adult head lice are removed from the human host, they won’t survive for more than 24-48 hours. The nits can’t survive off of the human host either, as they require the warmth from the scalp during incubation. They also need blood as soon as they hatch for nourishment.

This means that after treating head lice in your family, lice can’t survive on items in your home for more than a day or two. You’ll only need to treat items that have come in contact with the person treated for head lice in the last 48 hours. And since head lice can only live off of human blood, there’s no need to worry about your beloved pets.

What Is the Best Method for Treating Head Lice?

Treating head lice as soon as possible will stop the vicious cycle and make your life easier. Unfortunately, there are plenty of treatments on the market that are simply not effective. You also face the risk of exposing your family to harsh, toxic chemicals with typical over-the-counter remedies.

Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Centers are proud to treat head lice with non-toxic, safe and effective methods. Our FDA-cleared AirAllé treatment happens to be one of the most effective treatments available today. The treatment system utilizes heated air to essentially kill lice and nits through dehydration, and it’s revolutionized the way lice is treated. Schedule an appointment with one of our trained technicians today.


housecleaning after head lice infestation

How to Get Rid of Lice in Your Home

The only thing more daunting than treating your family for a head lice infestation is the thought of sanitizing your entire home. Fortunately, the main way head lice is spread is from direct head-to-head contact and you aren’t very likely to catch it from household items. Still, you might want to clean some items in your home once your family has been successfully treated for lice.

The Life Span of Head Lice

Head lice can’t survive more than 24-48 hours when they aren’t on a human host. This is an important fact to keep in mind. It means you’ll only need to clean what an infested person has been in contact within the past couple days.

What to Clean During a Head Lice Infestation

Fortunately, you won’t need to clean every single item in your house. But there are some important items you’ll want to be sure to take care of. Here’s a list of what should be sanitized after a head lice infestation and the best way to do it.

1. Brushes, Combs and Hair Accessories. Round up any hair care items such as brushes, combs, barrettes, and headbands that have been used in the last 24-48 hours. Place them in a sealed plastic bag. Then place the bag in the freezer for 24 hours to kill any lice and eggs. Alternatively, you can place the items in hot water—at least 130 degrees—for about 10 minutes to eliminate lice.

2. You’ll want to clean any clothing that has been worn in the last 24-48 hours, including any clothes that were worn during treatment. Wash them in hot water and then put them in the dryer. The heat from the washer and dryer will effectively kill lice and nits. Throw any hats, scarves or accessories you’ve worn in the last 48 hours into the dryer for at least 30 minutes.

3. Stuffed Animals. Since your child’s favorite stuffed animals have likely come in contact with his or her head. The easiest way to do this is to place them in the hot dryer for at least 30 minutes. The dry air will dehydrate any lice that have been left behind.

4. It’s best to wash any bedding that has been slept on in the last 24-48 hours. Wash all pillowcases, sheets, and duvets in hot water. Finish them off by drying on the high heat setting until thoroughly dry.

5. Furniture, Carpets, and Household Items. For larger items and things that can’t be placed in the washer and dryer, vacuuming or bagging is best. Vacuum upholstered chairs and sofas that may have come in contact with head lice in the last two days. Vacuum floors and carpets thoroughly. Sealed for 48 hours, any large pillows and cushions can also be placed in garbage bags.

How to Treat a Head Lice Infestation

The first step to tackling a head lice infestation is finding an effective treatment for the family. For safe, nontoxic treatment that works, call the pros at Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Centers. Our technicians are expertly trained to remove head lice using our signature AirAllé treatment. Within locations at Jacksonville, Orlando, and Savannah. This revolutionary, FDA-cleared treatment uses heated air to dehydrate and kill head lice and their eggs. It’s quick, convenient and safe for the whole family. Schedule an appointment at one of our locations today.

frowning girl needs Lice Treatment

Five Reasons Head Lice Keep Coming Back

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that anywhere from 6-12 million people per year contract head lice. And while there are many forms of lice treatment available, not all are effective. Many people end up dealing with lice outbreaks that last weeks, months or even years. Here are five reasons why it might seem like head lice keep coming back.

1. Head Lice are Seriously Stubborn Pests

Head lice are difficult to get rid of because they’re extremely hardy critters. They hold a strong grip on the hair shaft with their claws, so they can’t easily be brushed off. Killing them is no easy feat, either. Hot water, chlorinated water, shampoo and even some lice treatments won’t do the trick.

2. Step Away from the OTC Lice Treatment

If you’re using hazardous over-the-counter lice remedies, you’ll probably find your lice doesn’t go away or makes a swift return. That’s because OTC products don’t work. Lice have adapted and become resistant to the chemicals—called pyrethroids—found in most of these pesticide-based products. A recent study found that pyrethroid-resistant head lice exist in at least 42 states. There are many other reasons to avoid these toxic products.

3. Nitpicking is Like Searching for a Needle in a Haystack

Nit combing is another common head lice treatment option that’s not very effective. That’s because it’s quite tedious and is subject to human error. Live lice must first be removed, then each and every nit must be picked out. Nits are tiny and are essentially glued to the hair shaft. Locating all of them can be extremely tedious. And if you miss a single nit, the lice life cycle will begin all over again.

4. Home Remedies Aren’t Great Either

Home remedies are ineffective, and some are downright dangerous. A search on the internet might bring you remedies that suggest “smothering” the lice by using items like mayonnaise, olive oil, chlorine and even kerosene. These are all extremely dangerous ideas and can lead to serious injuries or suffocation.

5. Oops. You Didn’t Get Every Household Member Checked

Since lice spread so rapidly, don’t assume that it will remain only on the child who came home with it. Be sure to get every family member thoroughly checked for head lice, even if only one child seems to have it. Lice spread primarily from close head-to-head contact, and it’s very common for other family members to contract lice—even parents! You could find your family in a vicious life cycle if only one person is checked and treated.

Lice Treatment that Works

Lice treatments that aren’t effective can leave you in a frustrating cycle where head lice just keep coming back. To get rid of head lice once and for all, it’s time to call the professionals at Fresh Heads Lice Treatment Centers.

Our signature AirAllé treatment is the most effective treatment available today—with an up to 99% efficacy rating. AirAllé is FDA-cleared and completely safe and comfortable for children. It’s so successful at getting rid of lice, we back it up with a 45-day retreatment policy. Schedule an appointment at one of our locations today.

young boy in airplane seat

Up in the Air: Head Lice on Airplanes

Dealing with head lice can be a major headache for the entire family. According to Savannah head lice removal company Fresh Heads, head lice are relatively harmless. But they can be a hassle to get rid of and may even put a kink in your plans.

One family found this out the hard way. Clay Travis, his wife and their three children were returning home from Paris on a Delta Air Lines flight. Instead of making it home to Nashville as planned, they were in for quite a rude awakening. The crew suspected that their six-year-old son had head lice, and they made a rather extreme decision.

The Delta staff decided to abruptly reroute the flight, landing in Minneapolis. They then had the entire Travis family quarantined on the plane by airline staff. The family was examined and it was confirmed that their son had lice. They were prohibited from boarding another Delta flight until he received head lice treatment.

The airline’s response to this situation has been widely criticized, and it does seem a bit extreme. It’s also troubling that Delta Air Lines doesn’t appear to have a clear policy on passengers with head lice to have guided their decision. They say they were looking out for the safety of their passengers and crew. (Here’s where it’s good to remember that head lice are pesky critters, but they are generally harmless.) While it is technically possible to contract head lice from an airline seat, the risk is overall quite low.

One thing the family may have learned is that they shouldn’t have depended on over-the-counter head lice treatments. Travis admitted that since his sister’s children had recently had lice, he treated his kids with “all of the over-the-counter remedies out there” before departing for their vacation. Unfortunately, that didn’t quite do the trick.

Natural Head Lice Removal

Natural, chemical-free head lice treatment is always the best option. Not only are over-the-counter head lice remedies less effective, they are also extremely toxic and hazardous to your family’s health. Savannah head lice removal center Fresh Heads prides itself on offering strictly non-toxic head lice treatments.

Fresh Heads is the exclusive provider of the revolutionary AirAllé Head Lice Machine. The AirAllé offers lice treatment in a single, comfortable session. It’s far safer and has the highest efficacy rating of any lice treatment on the market. The 3-step process includes:

  • 30 minutes treatment with FDA-cleared AirAllé® machine, a heated-air device used to immediately dehydrate and kill lice and their eggs (nits)
  • A full comb-out to remove all dead head lice and eggs
  • A soothing topical rinse application

Fresh Heads also offers traditional comb-outs and a complete range of all-natural products, including DIY treatment kits and preventative care. For safe and effective head lice removal in the Savannah, Jacksonville or Orlando areas, you can count on Fresh Heads to keep the hardship out of head lice. Call us today schedule an appointment or to learn more about our treatments and products.

Girls in halloween costumes

Preventing Head Lice this Halloween

Imagine creepy, blood-sucking critters invading your home this Halloween. No, it’s not some scary movie plot. It’s head lice, and lice treatment centers around the country report seeing a spike in cases this time of year. Here are some professional tips on preventing head lice in your household this Halloween.

How Are Lice Spread?

Lice are almost always spread among children through head-to-head contact like when sharing a bed or playing in close proximity.

Contrary to popular belief, lice are not typically spread by sharing items. Head lice must feed on human blood in order to survive. An adult head louse will die within 24 to 48 hours of being off a human head, and nymphs can only live for several hours without feeding. Nits must be kept warm by the scalp, and are therefore not viable when off of a human head.

For all of these reasons, it is not very likely that lice will spread by way of inanimate objects. However, it is not impossible, and therefore basic cleaning of costumes, wigs, bedding, carpets, upholstered furniture, hairbrushes, stuffed animals, hair ties, and clothing should be done whenever head lice are found in the home.

Keeping Costumes Critter-Free

During Halloween, lice can spread as kids try on different costumes at stores and at friends’ houses. When you bring home a new or borrowed costume, try these methods to reduce the chance of spreading head lice:

  • Put costumes in a sealed bag for 48 hours before you wear them. Lice can’t survive longer than this without blood from the human scalp.
  • Alternatively, place new or borrowed costumes in a hot dryer for at least 45 minutes before they are worn. High heat for an extended period of time can kill head lice. Be sure to check the labels first to avoid damaging your costume.

Fright-Free Wigs

Halloween costumes with wigs, hats, masks, and headbands are all popular among children. Here are some ways of preventing head lice from spreading with these items.

  • Encourage your kids not to share items that are worn directly on the head such as wigs, hats, and headbands.
  • When purchasing items for the head that are not in a sealed package, avoid trying them on right away. Place them in a sealed bag for 48 hours, as suggested above.

Always Check for Creepy Crawlers

Another step in preventing head lice is doing frequent head checks. Check your child thoroughly for head lice if they’ve shared a costume or have gone to a sleepover. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start checking your child’s scalp by parting the hair in multiple places. Look especially closely at the nape of the neck and behind the ears.
  • Check for any movement in the hair, especially when shining a light on it.
  • Look for lice and their nits. Lice are the size of sesame seeds and white to grayish in color. Nits are tiny and hard to spot. They are white or beige in color and feel like a grain of sand.
  • If you can’t tell if it’s lice or dandruff, the biggest difference is that dandruff will easily brush off. Nits are glued to the hair shaft and harder to remove.

Steer Clear of Terrifying Treatments

If you do detect head lice on your child, step away from dangerous over the counter remedies. These pesticide-style treatments are not only proven to be highly toxic, but they have an extremely low efficacy rating. The active ingredients in many of these products are lindane and permethrin—both scientifically shown to be carcinogenic.

Treatment That’s a Treat

Instead of treating your child with tricky pesticides, visit Fresh Heads. We’re proud to offer strictly chemical-free treatments. Our signature AirAllé treatment is FDA-cleared and has one of the highest efficiency ratings of any lice treatment out there. It brilliantly utilizes heated air to dehydrate and kill lice and their eggs. The treatment can be completed in about an hour, so your kids can get back to having Halloween fun ASAP.